Hello from Sydney Australia

Hey all
Just an average bloke who loves shooting and hunting deer on public land in the mountains.
I shoot everything from a PCP sluggy and 22lr to a 30-30 and a few accurate cal bolt guns for longer-range shooting and hunting.

I grew up around Sydney suburbs back in better times but sort of seen it going bad with crowds, traffic, and all the bad stuff that comes with it.
I ran for the hills "Blue Mountains" about an hour and a bit West with my wife and lived my life happily here for over 30 years.
I hope to shoot and hunt for my life out but the govt is trying to stop hunting and cut gun ownership, it's all starting now and the Woke party in power will appease the Greeny party.
Guns and law-abiding shooters are now bad and only cops and crims will have guns in the long term future.

Anyway, I hope to enjoy and pick up bits here or just participate in conversations that I feel I know enough about.
Will be too busy just reading and learning to navigate around for a while.

Cheers guys
Glad to see you here. I've been to the Blue Mountains and loved them... if I lived in Australia it would be there.

Your situation is similar to what we have here, I'm currently trying to convince my wife to move to a free state but we'll see.
Welcome from Tampa Bay, FL. As it so happens, I visited your country just shortly after the Sydney 2000 Olympic games. I remember eating at "Rockpol," the "in" restauruant at the time.
Thanks for the warm welcome guys.
Yeah, there are lots of great places here and I am just a half hour drive down to the suburbs to buy items from big shops but will never be built out like down there due to the steep terain.
With bush instead of houses, we risk bushfires and next will face wild fires like you have had in parts the USA

Better still is cold winter deer hunting country if I drive the other way (inland)
Great hunting down south near the coast or inland a bit in the hills but about 3hrs drive or more.
Thinking of an easy scouting hunt early Tuesday morning as it's meant to be cooler weather and we can shoot them as long as it's daylight, no seasons anymore as they declared deer as feral pests and now want them eradicated, not that the dim witts can ever stop them spreading now lol.