Hello from Western Washington


Full Member
Jan 5, 2014
Graham WA
Hello, been a member since January this year and still trying to get a feel on how things work on here. A little about what I recently have in the works. The great wife i have bought me a Savage model 10 FCP-SR for Christmas. Yep damn good xmas:D, so ive slowly been working on finishing it up. With constantly roaming Sniper's Hide for great valuable information i figured it was time to join so hear i am. As for the stick Ive added a PWS-PRC brake, Harris bipod, 20 MOA steel TPS base and rings, and now just looking to outfit a SWFA ss 12x glass on it. Well thats all i got. Great to meet you all in advance and thanks for the great advice!
Welcome to the Hide Ridein4life.!

Try these two forums on info on matches and to meet folks to shoot with on the East side of the state and the wet side of the mountains too.



There's also some pictures/videos on the weekend shoot in Ellensburg in the FSC post in the tactical shoot section

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Welcome to the Hide Ridein4life.!

Try these two forums on info on matches and to meet folks to shoot with on the East side of the state and the wet side of the mountains too.



There's also some pictures/videos on the weekend shoot in Ellensburg in the FSC post in the tactical shoot section


Thanks for the info, but being a new shooter and not even putting rounds down range yet until i get my glass for it I think i rather stay home then make a complete fool of myself around ya'll seasoned shooters in a competition that id be better off throwing rocks at. ha ha. Im great with my hunting gear to about 300+ but with this new set up im just learning how to use mils and figuring out how to do adjustment, ranging etc. Its been tough learning on my own and folks to help would be great especially when your racking your brain trying to figure new things out.
Welcome Ridin4life !

Come out to Nisqually this Saturday as there's a Field Precision shooting match and you can at least say Hello and check out the competition, gear and ask any questions you have, we're a pretty easy going group and their also having a new shooters familiarization run separately from the match.

Here's the thread with the info for you if your interested in checking it out.
Welcome Ridin4life !

Come out to Nisqually this Saturday as there's a Field Precision shooting match and you can at least say Hello and check out the competition, gear and ask any questions you have, we're a pretty easy going group and their also having a new shooters familiarization run separately from the match.

Here's the thread with the info for you if your interested in checking it out.

I appreciate the invite AtOne! Im not completely done with my build yet, like i said im still waiting on my glass, but ill definitely come and check it out and see how things go and would be great to meet a few people to shoot with. Hope to see ya there. What time would be a good time to pop in and do a bit of watching without intruding?
The shooting groups are very friendly and openly helpful to new guys, are very willing to help you with questions. Lots of us have been-there-done-that and have a lot of cons/pros that we will steer you toward and away frome. Don't worry about budget and top gear stuff, Your set up will get you running for some time - than you make your decisions about what gets to be upgraded next :)