As with all hobbies, you are in the beginning stages of the natural progression of getting by with what you have, but on the precipice of going all in on the "gucci setup". For what it's worth (almost nothing) here was mine for my coyotes in MT and hogs in TX.
1. Just use rifle scope as scanner
2. I need a scanner, I will get a cheap one
3. This cheap one sucks, I will get a better scanner and MAYBE a helmet setup so I can be hands free
4. Man, it would be nice to mount this better scanner on a helmet because my hands are freezing and my right shoulder feels oddly weird from holding a 12 oz scanner all night.
5. Holy cow this helmet is awesome, but it would be nice to put some NV on it for driving and navigating around in the dark when walking. (My scanner is a Nox35, so the magnification isn't conducive to walking) setup is a:
HHV bump helmet with a Team Wendy harness
Mod Armory Bridge
Norotos Lo Sto force to overcome mount
4d Tactical Helmet pads (they are awesome)
Nox 35
Nvision PVS white phosphor NV
TNVC counterweight pouch thingy with an assortment of lead fishing weights to counterbalance.
I can easily wear it for the entire night and am never uncomfortable.