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Help from NOX 18mm users and use as weapons mounted


Jan 9, 2022
Hi guys need some help with a Nox 18 purchase. I currently upgraded from Halo-LR to 2 Halo XRF units that we use for hog hunting in texas. They are excellent units although pricey just awesome on long range bolt guns or AR's.

We have some handheld spotters like some IRAY cabins and they are nice but im looking for a Helmet mountable unit at 1x that i can stalk up close to hogs at night and also in thicker brush and find downed animals. That is where the XRF's are almost impossible to use, the 3.5x base is clear but hard to use close quarters in texas brush.

I really like the Nvision units and Do see the Iray RH-25 which appears to be a awesome unit. I have a feeling Nvision will catch up and make the Nox's clip-on capable sooner than later.... I hope.

But until then.... QUESTION. I like the 3.5x mag on the XRF and use 2x at times which is actually 7x if im saying that right.

I'd like to be able to use the Nox 18 on the helmet and then SOMETIMES clip it off the helmet and on to a rifle and use. if I am wanted to atleast equate the XRF's base mag i'll be on 4x roughly and at the XRF's 2x setting i need the 8x setting on the Nox 18 to get close to that.

I don't see running the nox 18 on 8x being usable although i have not looked through one... But is it realistic to say i could run the Nox 18 on 2x and 4x on a weapon and have a useable image to down hogs at say 75-125yds????
one more point.... Im leaning hard on the Nox 18 because im so familiar with Nvision clarity. I could i guess easily run a IRAY Rh25 and use the clip on feature.... But Im having a hard time finding or/or believing that the RH25 has equal image sharpness to the Nox 18.

You guys here can probably help out in this area as well.
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I have only run Nvision stuff myself, and have similar feelings to wanting stick with a BAE core and their processing technology.

That’s not to say the Chinese stuff isn’t great, but I know what I’m getting (and the NOX is 50 cal rated).

As for shooting hogs at 75-125 yds, you absolutely will be able to do that. It will be more like shooting a red dot during the day but I think you’ll come to love the large FOV of the NOX.

The hardest part about shooting with thermal is PID, so if you are able to PID with your HALO then the engagements with the NOX should be no problem (even to 200 yds or more). I used to run the 1x / 2x / 4x / 8x zoom on my NOX but now just use the 1x / 2x when helmet mounted
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I’ve used a NOX-18 for wolves (my other thermals had taken a crap and Strictly Offensive Kit overnighted me a loaner NOX18 (can you say “over the top service”???)

Ranges were over 200 yards and the NOX18 wasn’t effective for PID at those ranges but at 4X and even 8X was just fine (for making good hits) at 200 yards. (Wolves are smaller than large hogs).
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Here's a (fairly long) series of posts about the N18

You'll see images and shooting results of 1x, 2x and 4x on there. I don't think I showed an 8x, but I don't think 8x is very usable. Definitely not for PID.

Be sure to zero at the highest magnification you will shoot at, that will enable you to "pick" the smallest resolution pixel for your zero.

The N18 is the FOV king and for your stated use case a good choice. I've hog hunted with 1x optics and never thought I was missing anything. You can even mount it in front of say an eotech or aimpoint. Turn the eotech or aimpoint off and use the n18 reticle with the n18 mounted in front. I call that "hybrid clipon mode" (term first used by the SNIPE).

N18 is very useable (almost normal) at 2x, usable at 4x and questionablely usable at 8x. For shooting anotherwise PID'd target that isn't moving much.

Now for more general use the N35 is pretty danged good. I borrowed evo9s n35 and was most impressed with the 4x. I'd say that's the best 4x digital I ever did see on a thermal. And that gives you a solid 10x for shooting or PID. BUTT, for your specified use case, the N18 seems like the better fit. And you have the Halos to cover the high end of the magnification range.

And yes, there are some units like the Theons that are in the ball park, but the BAE cores are still the kings of what we can buy today. BAE cores found in BAE units, Trijicon units and N-Vision units.
Ok Im going to go ahead and get the Nox 18. I'll keep my fingers crossed NVision make them Clip-on capable in the future and doesn't require buying a whole new unit, but we'll see.

Probably going with a wendy EXFIL LTP

What single mount is going to work best for this so that its easily adjustable if i let other guys use this helmet and need to keep it centered for different people using it.

Are you guys running a counterweight on back with this unit?
Ok Im going to go ahead and get the Nox 18. I'll keep my fingers crossed NVision make them Clip-on capable in the future and doesn't require buying a whole new unit, but we'll see.

Probably going with a wendy EXFIL LTP

What single mount is going to work best for this so that its easily adjustable if i let other guys use this helmet and need to keep it centered for different people using it.

Are you guys running a counterweight on back with this unit?
You will need a counterweight. Any brand will work, but like any other unit, overweight is better than underweight.

I don’t have specific inside info, but I do have hints of info and I don’t expect an update that allows clip on use. That’s fair enough and probably good. Clip ons are a different animal altogether (at least the good ones are).

Use it for the excellent unit it is.
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I use these

As to mounts and bridges,

I use norotos losto, lots of ppl use wilxox

As to bridges, I use Mod Armory IC bridges. Lots of ppl use wilcox or kac.

We usually have wilcox and modarmory in stock (and N18).
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Ok Im going to go ahead and get the Nox 18. I'll keep my fingers crossed NVision make them Clip-on capable in the future and doesn't require buying a whole new unit, but we'll see.

Probably going with a wendy EXFIL LTP

What single mount is going to work best for this so that its easily adjustable if i let other guys use this helmet and need to keep it centered for different people using it.

Are you guys running a counterweight on back with this unit?
I’m happy with the modarmory but as stated above lord use Ither (more expensive) stuff too. I’m running a rhino mount with a dovetail adapter which has worked fine for me.

I used to run my NOX with the weapon mount attached, but have since removed it and have kept it as a HMT. I think I have 4oz of counterweight and then a battery pack that I run it off of. Makes for a light package and well balanced on a bump helmet

ETA: anyone with specifics on the next round of products from Nvision please shoot me a PM!
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What mount do you guys recommend i use?

For just a single the Mod Armory thermal j-arm works great. Uses the same socket as the bridge so if you get the bridge the pvs14 mounts will be interchangeable.


The nox is a fine weapon sight for a brush gun but it's not going to compare well to the bigger lenses for pid. The wide fov is great and on 1x you can move around with your rifle shouldered within reason.

As mentioned above the 8x isn't that useful and I go back and fourth on the 4x. You can block magnifications and modes to simplify the controls. Right now I have it set for only 1x and 2x and no outline modes so it's stupid simple to use and the buttons just toggle between the 2 magnifications and 2 color modes.
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get a rhino II . install the dovetail adapter and then run whatever j arm or bridge. i have the mod armory d14 bridge and think its perfect. others milage may vary but im not a fan of wilcox mounts for avarious reasons.

as to the nox working on a rifle, i use mine weapon mounted all the time for closer more discreet work with rimfires and such. works fantastic.
Just to throw in my 2 cents for whatever that buys you..the Nox35 is a formidable unit. I can make 300yd hits on my prairie dog metal target on cool night. No, I can't ID it, but it's small and doable without too much effort. I had the Nox18, and 2 Halo 50s...now I have 2 Nox35s to show experience with the NVision products.
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Travis, i hear you bud. Man my question to you though on property you're not used to is it not damn hard to judge distance out at 300 at night looking through these things LOL. The XRF is absolutely ridiculous with the rangefinder though, no issues at double that yardage with engaging a hog size target with a custom bolt gun.

Anyways, im just worried about walking with a Helmet mounted Nox 35. Its impossible in brushy areas with the XRF.