help indentify and value anschutz


Dec 14, 2017
resized lefrt side.jpg
anyone familiar with this model purchased new in early 80s by seller
That is an early 1807 (technically an 1807L for Left handed) unless the serial number has an X suffix, then it would be what is known as a 1607 which was a transitional model produced for a few years around that ('78-'81 or so) time.
It was made for a class of competition known as Standard Rifle which limits the weight and adjustments that can be made to the rifle during a match.
In international/olympic competition, up to the mid/late 90's, women were required to use a standard rifle.
According to the Anschutz manual the X's were only made from '74-'79 and should fall into the serial number range 143655X - 182155X.

Do you know if the bolt has the cut so that the firing pin and spring are visible? Kinda a unique and neat feature, imo, even if it does require more attention to keep clean.