Yeah, and I really, really try to do this. Now, just to confirm...we are talking about bending at the second joint of the trigger finger and making movement from that joint.....right? This what I attempt to do on a consistent basis but I do fall short.
But even so, with my smallish hands/fingers, I have found that I still need to be careful of where on the finger pad I place the on the trigger shoe. I find if not in pretty much the middle of my last finger pad, then I do push/pull the gun just a tiny bit and I'm really working on eliminating that altogether.
Sadly, I'm self-taught this is the blind leading the blind. YouTube, articles, pictures on line, etc. I am scheduled for a Frank/Marc clinic in Sep in PA and am really looking forward to some direct observation of my fundamentals and corrective instruction. If I get nothing else out of the clinic, if they can straighten out my fundamentals I will consider the clinic a success.
Thanks for the reply.