Help selecting base and ring heights for 10/22


Nov 7, 2022
Hi all, new to the forum new to precision rimfire. I recently picked up a 10/22 LVT that I’m planning to use for an indoor rimfire league as well as I’d like to try NLR22 style or, PRO406 22 matches when the weather turns nicer. Optics planet was running a sale on athlon halos btr 4-20x50 as well as free $150 gift card so I snagged one of those and now need to decide on ring and base combos. My indoor league is 10m and 50’.

Given the Halos 32mil of total travel would I be better off with a EGW 20 or 30moa base to zero at 10m as well as stretch the legs as far as possible? Also I see reports of folks being fine with Burris xtr signature low rings with 20moa base and 50mm objective, or should I step up to mediums? I have a Bradley cheek riser I was planning to strap to the stock to get proper cheek weld.