My father-in-law gave me this a Luger that his old man brought back from WWII. He has every intention of selling it but I wanted to do a little research on it before he does. All the numbers match, has 2 matching mags, numbers matching take-down tool, and leather holster. Tons of Reich markings that I’d like to decipher and there’s a lot of conflicting info out there on the interwebs.
Anyone know anything about these old pistols??
By the way, I took it to the range and shot 30rds through it. Not the weapon I’d choose to take to war but it fired all 30rds without issue.
Anyone know anything about these old pistols??
By the way, I took it to the range and shot 30rds through it. Not the weapon I’d choose to take to war but it fired all 30rds without issue.