I know there was a topic a couple days ago about packs. I have a little different question about packs. First off I'm 6'4" or so tall and I weigh 165-170 depending on if I'm getting ready for elk camp or not. So my question is, which pack do you guys recommend for my size build? I have the bass pro spike camp pack. It fits well but it's way too big. I'm needing something in the 3500-4000 cubic inch range I think. I have a kelty frame pack but it's not comfortable. I don't know if it's not the correct size frame for me and that's why it's uncomfortable or what. I'd like to have a pack for a built in scabbard like the eberlestock or molle webbing to attach a rifle to. But I'm not sure if any of them will sit up high enough on my back to carry comfortably. I really hate to buy a $500 pack and it not fit right or not be comfortable. Any insight you guys could give would be much appreciated.
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Your body will require a pack that the pack body is one size, the frame another size and the waist belt a different size. This is not easy ordering from the interweb that is compounded by asking on the interweb for help. One pack does not fit everyone but asking for recommendations on the web, this is what you get. 90% of pack end users have a pack that does not fit them correctly. Most buy on the hang tag not how he pack fits but again, they do not know this only that this hang tag is used by, recommended by, etc so I have one and recommend it too.
90% of the places that sell packs have no idea on how to correctly fit a pack. But, at least the good shops and very these days should have different size frames and waist belts and trim so the pack can be configured to see how it fits. Yes, some companies will allow the user to order different size frame and belt but again, if you do not know exactly how a pack is suppose to fit, you can still order or use the wrong size. If the shop has to bend the frame, then an ill fitting pack is being manipulated to fit. Only minor adjustments should be made but I know, customers want this hang tag so make it fit when its not correct...its all about the tag.
If any one tells you that this pack will carry 90# like its 45# does not have a clue. Around 60# it gets heavy and uncomfortable no matter the hang tag but many will say different.
What Kelty do you have? The Bass Pro pack will work yes but you can do better.
Toting a firearm inside or on a pack to me is not a prerequisite for a good pack. I want my rifle at the ready at all times and only if scrambling, lash it to my pack but this desire to tote a firearm in a pack has grown to be needed, real or not its there. Rifle can be lashed to any pack, no need for PALS/MOLLE or a scabbard. This has been done for decades with great success.
McHale is the premier pack, no argument can be made otherwise.
First before looking for a pack, what type of use will it be subject to since no one asked.
Easy terrain, moderate terrain, off trail scramble, serious terrain?
Backpack hunt in the backcountry, bush, alpine or hike to a cabin?
How far do you plan to carry?
How many days?
How do you pack meat? Bone or boned, cut to 1/5s or more, hide, hair, horns?
Waist size really doesn't matter think about what your going to be wearing it over (ie Coat, Belts, things like that) no matter what it will close its just how much extra there is
I will politely disagree, there is a correct sized belt that fits the body for each pack with built in adjustment for clothing etc. A correct size waist belt will transfer weight with optimum performance.
Do you guys do any hiking or anything with your packs other than 1 hunt a year? I'm trying to decide if I can justify that nice of a pack for 1 hunt a year or every other year. I know something like that shouldn't be a place to skimp, just not sure 1 time a year is enough.
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I am old and out of shape now but up 2004 or so, I had 2-3 days a week per year with a pack on and 4-6 trips a year around 2 weeks. My favorite pack since mid 1980s has been the WildThings Andinista. Mine have been just about everywhere and done plenty. I have carried well over 100# but these packs are not for everyone but those who like extreme gear for extreme terrain in extreme climates. Carry 44 and now 454 on my chest, 12ga some times, rifle during the hunt but I want them in my hands or shoulder rigged.
Yes it is. If it would hold up the way they say they do and are really that comfortable it'd probably be worth it. The good part about it is I could buy the frame now and I could by the bag to go on it later. I have a year and a half before our next elk trip. They are going to alaska this year so no elk trip.
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Alaska....who is and when are they and where to for what hunt?
You have time but I suggest you get the pack early and start using it to find the hits and get use to carrying the pack. With some beta I can help steer but I cannot recommend a pack other than McHale because I am not fitting it to you while you are in the shop.
good luck