One of the recent threads got me thinking, from an instructor side, what hints of advise would you like to tell the novice/advanced student that is coming to your class?? Here are a few; Be honest /realistic about your current abilities (today's targets are the ones that matter...) and articulate what you want to get out of the class, to the instructors. Be prepared with solid gear....loose screws for example, will waste yours and others valuable time and money. Get a good nights rest prior to class and no gas station burritos the morning of. If you need or forgot some gear, speak up. Engage other students, conversations with other students at lunch, for example, can also yield valuable info, money saving information, tips ect...Dress for weather(not what you hope for, what it actually will be) being cold, sunburnt will detract from your concentration and overall experience. Ask questions, if you do not understand something, ask again..Try exercises/techniques with an open mind, if you think it has merit, keep it. Take notes, even in "short hand" and you will retain more info and much longer. Watch other students, for good and bad habits/techniques, learn to spot both. Do not schedule other activities within 5 minutes after class, you will not get as much out of the last 2 hrs of class. Keep a positive attitude, everyone has had gear issues for example, getting grumpy wont help, fix the issue and move on. After the class, after you have had time to fully digest the experience( give it a week or so...) is when you should drop the instructors a comment, these comments tend to be the most helpful and thoughtful. Now, I would encourage other instructors and students to add their own thoughts, to help students get the most out of their time and training dollars.