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Here is why Trump will win, and why all of you have been affected by propaganda


Full Member
  • Jan 25, 2010
    the Westside
    At least to some point.

    This isn't a political post nor am I arguing politics. I've been wanting to make a post about this for a while but wanted to wait until the 'hidden' variables had started to come to light. Things that finally prove what we have actually all seen happen in the real world right infront of us, yet are being told that we are wrong about; instead, the things we are being constantly told are true, are in fact absolute bullshit that you have been correct about the entire time; yet 'they' adamently tell you that you are stupid and wrong for believing anything else. Kind of like when we all kept being told about how 82% of people wanted Obamacare yet couldn't find 2 people that did, or like how Hillary had a 91% chance of winning and you shouldn't even bother to go vote.

    Sound familiar?

    Polls, and more recently, the news (basically all of them) are not there to tell you what has happened or what is going on. They are there to influence what you do in the future under the guise of a hopeless situation. It's really that simple. Even on SH, we've seen quite a few people pop up under new accounts that all of a sudden want to argue about how Trump will lose, how you're a racist or just a horrible person and how you're in the vast minority - pure propaganda that has actually been proven exists, via shareblue, where paid posters infiltrate sites/forums with opposite views in an attempt to make some of them with a lesser understanding and/or lesser resolve that the situation is as they are being told, and not what they can actually see for themselves. This is where we are - you are -------> here on the map.

    I wanted to bring this up with all of you here because a few recent things that I've had happen around me personally. First, my family in Europe, who I talk to every weekend, has over the last year or two been critical of Trump. Now I don't mind if you don't like this or that; no one is perfect. There are things that he has done that I'm not too excited about either, but whatever. But the problem came from what they were saying, and the fact that they were getting 100% of it from 1 of 2 of the larger news channels in Europe where it is complete, unadulterated propaganda that they aren't even attempting to make look like news that at least CNN and whoever somewhat still does. Trump could have cured cancer, and there would be a 8 o clock slot that evening about why this is bad, and why you need to think this is bad. Secondly, my mother (big Trump fan) as well as some heavily conservative friends I know, have lately started being hopeful albeit doubtful about the election. I asked them why; all said roughly the same thing - I think he'll win, but its just coming from every side, all day, every day, reasons as to why he won't or can't. This is where I think quite a few of you on here are at lately.

    I know that if you put someone in a room long enough, and you and everyone else over a period of time repeatidly tell them that the grass is actually blue while treating them like a complete moron, they will at some point start doubting themselves as to what colors blue and green are.

    Think about this, we now have an entire swath of THOTs on the internet who are 'influencers' to millions of people based on their qualifications of...they look good in a thong or they know how to fucking apply lipstick.

    Why do I think this is important? I'll make the best reference to it that I can personally make that ties into this, especially the 'end effect' of it.

    I've been asked before, how did you know during specifically planned operations, that you were going to 'win'? While some of you may think I'd know because I'm an arrogant self centered person that is enraged by the sheer fact that you are under the impression that you can shoot at me (true), or that we had superior weapons/training/tech/whatever or that we fought them on our terms or one of a thousand different reasonable answers, its none of those as these factors were to help ensure that we simply didn't lose. Instead, I knew we would be extremely successful when I saw that we broke them and more importantly, their will to fight. Remember the German WW2 philosophy of 'Triumph of the Will'; they were onto something with at least this. I've seen superior forces break up and run 4 different directions after 2 well placed rounds. Ive seen true believers take a non life threatening round to the arm and instantly wished they were 100,000 miles away and wanted nothing to do with with their religion ever again. I've seen forces split, and literally start fighting themselves after dissent and fear spread like the plague mid fight. I've literally watched the anger and fight completely evaporate <2 minutes of contact even though they would have, the day before, been part of whatever bullshit full tilt propaganda video that could have been in and dream about nothing but killing Americans. I've seen people show up to a fight only to have their first reaction be to lay on the ground, surrender and cry like a bitch.

    All of these weren't because we ambushed them and outnumbered them 20 to 1, or because it was after a 3 hour fight where we killed 90% of them and the remaining 10% now thought it was hopeless. These examples were generally at the beginning of it all; and more importantly, it took people out of the fight that was to come, without having to actually earn it and/or take casualties for in the process.

    If you can see how mentally breaking someones' spirit before even having to do whatever it would physically take to win (if you can), you can now see how the nonstop propaganda on your TV and the internet could take you out of the fight before it actually ever happens.

    With that said, I'll get into what everyones been asking the last few months. Why does Trump have 20k+ people show up for rallies, yet everyone keeps telling me that Biden is up by like 15 points?

    Simple. He's running against the democrat (err, more democrat?) version of Romney in 2012 that noone likes, yet those who are voting for Biden are only doing so to vote against Trump.

    Does this look like a rally in a large city in Ohio for someone who is ahead?

    So where are all of these Trump voters coming from? You know, the ones you keep seeing in 10s of thousands regardless of where the rally is held? It's the usual Trump voters from 2016, and a large swath of people who have never voted before as well as a good portion of registered democrats. I've known this for a while, as that is basically who stayed home when Romney ran, yet somehow we never seem to ever consider those people.

    From PA, where there have been something like 180k additional registered republican voters since 2016, but Biden is up by double digits, right?

    ✅ 14,257 sign-ups

    ✅ 26.8% were NOT Republicans

    ✅ 19.9% were Democrats

    ✅ 22.5% did not vote in 2016

    ✅ 15.3% did not vote in the last 4 elections

    From Wisconsin:

    ✅ 13,850 signups

    ✅ 47.5% not Republican

    ✅ 24.1% did not vote in 2016

    From Nevada:

    ✅ 15,038 signups for Carson City rally

    ✅ 18.4% not Republican

    ✅ 30.0% did not vote in 2016

    There are more at the link, but you get the idea.

    Not only do they want to impose their will on you, but they think you're beneath them and dumb enough to believe it all.

    Stop letting others influence and break you.

    Last edited:
    Goddam. I feel better now.
    So you are saying Trump will win.
    There is a major Commie propaganda machine attempting to demoralize us.
    That’s why I am voting Trump and have guns, ammo and some military training that may be useful.
    Granted, I have not been in lots of contact previously, but I am on my home turf on a military crest with interlocking fires and a half ass plan. Yep
    Goddam. I feel better now.
    So you are saying Trump will win.
    There is a major Commie propaganda machine attempting to demoralize us.
    That’s why I am voting Trump and have guns, ammo and some military training that may be useful.
    Granted, I have not been in lots of contact previously, but I am on my home turf on a military crest with interlocking fires and a half ass plan. Yep
    You're retired eod... we need some cool sapper shit. That's the other half of your "assed-plan"...
    • Like
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    Good post.

    But I think those that seek order out of chaos are OK with a Trump win. Have thought this for a while now. And as situations evolve, like the nomination of an almost decrepit challenger, I believe this to be accurate even more.

    If Trump wins we'll see immediate implosion brought on by those who don't believe in the rule of law. They are already mobilized.
    If Biden wins it will take a long time of tyrannical action before conservatives are pushed into to a reactionary phase like the left are already in.

    It depends on timing I suppose. Either way, the genie is not going back in the bottle.

    I completely see the terrorists overtly declaring that they are 'at war' with anything related to Trump when he wins as they will claim its illegitimate. I'd be willing to bet they already have plans for the second he is annouced as the winner.

    It'll get worse before it gets better. My only real hope is that with a president in a 2nd term (i.e. doesnt give a shit about polls/reelection/feels) the gloves come off to the point that its just not worth being associated with terrorists. A bit of a stretch, but my true hope is this spurs on a new era of McCarthyism.

    My spouse and i will be voting for the first time in our lives tomorrow. We will obviously be voting for Trump. Last election i was in Canada for two weeks
    and was disgusted by the two candidates on the ballot so i didnt even bother. Before that i was too busy chasing tail to follow politics.

    I sometimes watch a couple youtube videos from Liberal channels and Mainstream Media news. I tell myself i have to so i can listen to the 'other' side.
    I can attest to feeling so damn
    demoralized afterwards and having little to no faith in Trump winning.

    I then switch to a Trump rally and turn the volume up and the deafening crowds restore my faith.
    I come down in the middle here. Your comments on propaganda are true, but Trump will still lose. If he wasn't such a dickface, he probably would have won.
    Lol. The only reason Biden “wins” is because the Left successfully rigged the system, which if you are paying attention, they have. And you let it happen.
    At least to some point.

    This isn't a political post nor am I arguing politics. I've been wanting to make a post about this for a while but wanted to wait until the 'hidden' variables had started to come to light. Things that finally prove what we have actually all seen happen in the real world right infront of us, yet are being told that we are wrong about; instead, the things we are being constantly told are true, are in fact absolute bullshit that you have been correct about the entire time; yet 'they' adamently tell you that you are stupid and wrong for believing anything else. Kind of like when we all kept being told about how 82% of people wanted Obamacare yet couldn't find 2 people that did, or like how Hillary had a 91% chance of winning and you shouldn't even bother to go vote.

    Sound familiar?

    Polls, and more recently, the news (basically all of them) are not there to tell you what has happened or what is going on. They are there to influence what you do in the future under the guise of a hopeless situation. It's really that simple. Even on SH, we've seen quite a few people pop up under new accounts that all of a sudden want to argue about how Trump will lose, how you're a racist or just a horrible person and how you're in the vast minority - pure propaganda that has actually been proven exists, via shareblue, where paid posters infiltrate sites/forums with opposite views in an attempt to make some of them with a lesser understanding and/or lesser resolve that the situation is as they are being told, and not what they can actually see for themselves. This is where we are - you are -------> here on the map.

    I wanted to bring this up with all of you here because a few recent things that I've had happen around me personally. First, my family in Europe, who I talk to every weekend, has over the last year or two been critical of Trump. Now I don't mind if you don't like this or that; no one is perfect. There are things that he has done that I'm not too excited about either, but whatever. But the problem came from what they were saying, and the fact that they were getting 100% of it from 1 of 2 of the larger news channels in Europe where it is complete, unadulterated propaganda that they aren't even attempting to make look like news that at least CNN and whoever somewhat still does. Trump could have cured cancer, and there would be a 8 o clock slot that evening about why this is bad, and why you need to think this is bad. Secondly, my mother (big Trump fan) as well as some heavily conservative friends I know, have lately started being hopeful albeit doubtful about the election. I asked them why; all said roughly the same thing - I think he'll win, but its just coming from every side, all day, every day, reasons as to why he won't or can't. This is where I think quite a few of you on here are at lately.

    I know that if you put someone in a room long enough, and you and everyone else over a period of time repeatidly tell them that the grass is actually blue while treating them like a complete moron, they will at some point start doubting themselves as to what colors blue and green are.

    Think about this, we now have an entire swath of THOTs on the internet who are 'influencers' to millions of people based on their qualifications of...they look good in a thong or they know how to fucking apply lipstick.

    Why do I think this is important? I'll make the best reference to it that I can personally make that ties into this, especially the 'end effect' of it.

    I've been asked before, how did you know during specifically planned operations, that you were going to 'win'? While some of you may think I'd know because I'm an arrogant self centered person that is enraged by the sheer fact that you are under the impression that you can shoot at me (true), or that we had superior weapons/training/tech/whatever or that we fought them on our terms or one of a thousand different reasonable answers, its none of those as these factors were to help ensure that we simply didn't lose. Instead, I knew we would be extremely successful when I saw that we broke them and more importantly, their will to fight. Remember the German WW2 philosophy of 'Triumph of the Will'; they were onto something with at least this. I've seen superior forces break up and run 4 different directions after 2 well placed rounds. Ive seen true believers take a non life threatening round to the arm and instantly wished they were 100,000 miles away and wanted nothing to do with with their religion ever again. I've seen forces split, and literally start fighting themselves after dissent and fear spread like the plague mid fight. I've literally watched the anger and fight completely evaporate <2 minutes of contact even though they would have, the day before, been part of whatever bullshit full tilt propaganda video that could have been in and dream about nothing but killing Americans. I've seen people show up to a fight only to have their first reaction be to lay on the ground, surrender and cry like a bitch.

    All of these weren't because we ambushed them and outnumbered them 20 to 1, or because it was after a 3 hour fight where we killed 90% of them and the remaining 10% now thought it was hopeless. These examples were generally at the beginning of it all; and more importantly, it took people out of the fight that was to come, without having to actually earn it and/or take casualties for in the process.

    If you can see how mentally breaking someones' spirit before even having to do whatever it would physically take to win (if you can), you can now see how the nonstop propaganda on your TV and the internet could take you out of the fight before it actually ever happens.

    With that said, I'll get into what everyones been asking the last few months. Why does Trump have 20k+ people show up for rallies, yet everyone keeps telling me that Biden is up by like 15 points?

    Simple. He's running against the democrat (err, more democrat?) version of Romney in 2012 that noone likes, yet those who are voting for Biden are only doing so to vote against Trump.

    Does this look like a rally in a large city in Ohio for someone who is ahead?

    So where are all of these Trump voters coming from? You know, the ones you keep seeing in 10s of thousands regardless of where the rally is held? It's the usual Trump voters from 2016, and a large swath of people who have never voted before as well as a good portion of registered democrats. I've known this for a while, as that is basically who stayed home when Romney ran, yet somehow we never seem to ever consider those people.

    From PA, where there have been something like 180k additional registered republican voters since 2016, but Biden is up by double digits, right?

    ✅ 14,257 sign-ups

    ✅ 26.8% were NOT Republicans

    ✅ 19.9% were Democrats

    ✅ 22.5% did not vote in 2016

    ✅ 15.3% did not vote in the last 4 elections

    From Wisconsin:

    ✅ 13,850 signups

    ✅ 47.5% not Republican

    ✅ 24.1% did not vote in 2016

    From Arizona:

    ✅ 15,038 signups for Carson City rally

    ✅ 18.4% not Republican

    ✅ 30.0% did not vote in 2016

    There are more at the link, but you get the idea.

    Not only do they want to impose their will on you, but they think you're beneath them and dumb enough to believe it all.

    Stop letting others influence and break you.

    View attachment 7450859

    I’ve admittedly been frustrated lately and tired of the bullshit propaganda endlessly streaming from seemingly everywhere. Not demoralized at all but ready to see Trump win handily. This post helped. Thanks, @TheGerman
    Lol. The only reason Biden “wins” is because the Left successfully rigged the system, which if you are paying attention, they have. And you let it happen.
    Lol. No. I actually agree with the sentiment of the OP, but the converse of his true proposition viz. if the situation were so hopeless, why would they need their propaganda, is that if the propaganda was useless, why would it be used so often. In other words, yes, the enthusiasm for Trump is greater than for Biden, and yes, polls are being used to show the other, but it is because Trump has given them a wedge with his ghastly behavior that their propaganda has been successful. This time.
    • Haha
    Reactions: FishinGuns
    Lol. No. I actually agree with the sentiment of the OP, but the converse of his true proposition viz. if the situation were so hopeless, why would they need their propaganda, is that if the propaganda was useless, why would it be used so often. In other words, yes, the enthusiasm for Trump is greater than for Biden, and yes, polls are being used to show the other, but it is because Trump has given them a wedge with his ghastly behavior that their propaganda has been successful. This time.

    Ghastly. Trump is my kind of asshole. In fact he has been too much of a nice guy.
    Ghastly. Trump is my kind of asshole. In fact he has been too much of a nice guy.
    Unfortunately, yes. Ghastly. Were he able to put that shit behind him and act like a normal human, his policies and outcomes would have carried him to reelection, and the propaganda would not have been so successful. Things like that don't work when they don't have a semblance of truth. It's never successful when out of thin air.
    The assumption that only Democrats influence elections via propaganda is false. In recent times, Russia has been favorable to Rep rule, in the same manner that China ‘supports’ the Democrats. Ironically, their support has an inverse relationship with the health of the US- both world powers are attempting to decrease US power through installing, who they feel, is the weaker party.

    Something that I find highly interesting is the propensity for there to be opinion threads that, if you express a dissenting opinion on, you are instantly categorized as the enemy. Seems to be an attempt by trolls to further cement people’s political beliefs in increasingly radical ideals.

    This shit is rolling both ways, and it is the result of our 2 party system, rather than one party in general. While I have no doubt someone is going to chime in and label me a commie, I want you to really think, long and hard- do these rich old guys with hot wives, millions of dollars and unrestricted influence (not to mention insider trading scott-free) give a damn about any one of you?

    Let’s all just pray that the US can make it through this onslaught of foreign interference without turning towards more totalitarian rule.
    • Like
    Reactions: Graywolf.260
    The assumption that only Democrats influence elections via propaganda is false. In recent times, Russia has been favorable to Rep rule, in the same manner that China ‘supports’ the Democrats. Ironically, their support has an inverse relationship with the health of the US- both world powers are attempting to decrease US power through installing, who they feel, is the weaker party.

    Something that I find highly interesting is the propensity for there to be opinion threads that, if you express a dissenting opinion on, you are instantly categorized as the enemy. Seems to be an attempt by trolls to further cement people’s political beliefs in increasingly radical ideals.

    This shit is rolling both ways, and it is the result of our 2 party system, rather than one party in general. While I have no doubt someone is going to chime in and label me a commie, I want you to really think, long and hard- do these rich old guys with hot wives, millions of dollars and unrestricted influence (not to mention insider trading scott-free) give a damn about any one of you?

    Let’s all just pray that the US can make it through this onslaught of foreign interference without turning towards more totalitarian rule.
    The rich old corrupt pols don’t care unless you can pay them. That is a problem.
    Term limits would help.
    But it won’t happen.
    Our system is broken. No doubt. But Totalitarian Commies are not the answer.
    You are spot on. I constantly have to reign my wife in, bring her back down to earth with facts after she works with her Liberal friends. Yes, some shit that Trump says is fucking stupid. There are days that I wish his phone would break so he cannot tweet some dumb shit... but it’s who he is.

    I’m voting for Trump for his administration, not his antics. I just hope he puts a new AG into office that has balls.

    Here in Maryland, Biden signs are plentiful... but this is a Blue state. See a Biden sign, it’s usually with a BLM bullshit sign as well. When I do see a Trump/Pence, it’s always with an American flag.
    Ok. Lets make it easy

    You vote for Capitalism or Communism

    You vote for Constitutional rights or no

    I am not voting for Trump the person

    Nobody is
    OK, I agree with you here. The problem is the unsaid. There are plenty of low info voters pulling the lever for Joe Biden the person, or against Trump, the person. That is the problem.
    Ok. Lets make it easy

    You vote for Capitalism or Communism

    You vote for Constitutional rights or no

    I am not voting for Trump the person

    Nobody is

    Uh, im voting for Trump the person.
    I have allways preffered people that tell you what they think instead of what you want to hear.
    Fuck the typical polititian that smilles to your face and shakes your hand with one hand and pisses on your feet with the other.
    Excellent post and very well said. I’ve had little doubt that he won’t win, and win by a landslide. I hoe stay thin it will be worse than how he beat Clinton and wouldn’t be surprised if he even won the popular vote (can you imagine how fucking triggered they’ll be of he wins the popular vote too!)

    some friends of mine went to the Biden “rally” .....if you can even call it that, when he came to Michigan 2 weeks ago and there were maybe 30 people at most. The wife and I went to see Trump when he was here last week on the tarmac of a little as airport and this is what it looked like.

    I drive all over this state on a weekly basis and see nothing but Trump signs with the occasional 1-2 Biden signs here and there.
    Places like Detroit and Flint have a lot more Biden signs but that’s because most of the Trump supporters won’t put Trump signs out for fear of vandalism.
    I just hope the GOP can keep control of the senate cause if we lose that, no matter who wins POTUS.....it won’t be good.
    Excellent post and very well said. I’ve had little doubt that he won’t win, and win by a landslide. I hoe stay thin it will be worse than how he beat Clinton and wouldn’t be surprised if he even won the popular vote (can you imagine how fucking triggered they’ll be of he wins the popular vote too!)

    some friends of mine went to the Biden “rally” .....if you can even call it that, when he came to Michigan 2 weeks ago and there were maybe 30 people at most. The wife and I went to see Trump when he was here last week on the tarmac of a little as airport and this is what it looked like.
    View attachment 7450922

    I drive all over this state on a weekly basis and see nothing but Trump signs with the occasional 1-2 Biden signs here and there.
    Places like Detroit and Flint have a lot more Biden signs but that’s because most of the Trump supporters won’t put Trump signs out for fear of vandalism.
    I just hope the GOP can keep control of the senate cause if we lose that, no matter who wins POTUS.....it won’t be good.
    My buddy in Grand Rapids told me pretty much the same thing he covers the entire state.
    I feel confident, that he is going to win. Your post, just made me feel better, about what I have been feeling all a long, albeit, it's been tough at times, with the propaganda and all (Biden commercials are a constant bombardment, like 4 to 5 in a row). I've watched the Trump rallies and deep down, with the 1000"s of people in attendance, compared to you know who's, I just can't see Trump not winning.
    Lot's of "energy", at those rallies too. Thanks for posting, what appears to be, factual info. and stats. Mac(y)(y)
    • Like
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    If you're in Beverly Hills area --I'd invite you to come see the Rally this Saturday. I'm going again. IT'S WELL WORTH IT. When I first attended one of these in front of the Bev. Hills Park sign a few weeks ago was when I realized a lot of what the OP said. I was gob smacked there were so many people out for TRUMP for easy 6 hours. And they've only gotten bigger since I'm told.

    I'm hopeful that all the Liberal blathering slanted poll number LIES of Biden being ahead comes back to bite them in the ass in a spectacular way... in that the lazy ass Fucktarded Liberals think "Oh we got this --I'll just sit here and finish binge watching Netflix" --and don't go vote.

    After all it takes real effort to get off the couch in Mommy's basement.

    With any luck the Liberals will be so utterly devastated there'll be a mass suicide on Nov 4th.

    There has been no better President since Washington. He was and IS exactly what this country needs at the EXACT time it needed it. Anyone who believes different is a fucking retard of all retards.

    not that I have an opinion or anything...

    Last edited:
    At least to some point.

    This isn't a political post nor am I arguing politics. I've been wanting to make a post about this for a while but wanted to wait until the 'hidden' variables had started to come to light. Things that finally prove what we have actually all seen happen in the real world right infront of us, yet are being told that we are wrong about; instead, the things we are being constantly told are true, are in fact absolute bullshit that you have been correct about the entire time; yet 'they' adamently tell you that you are stupid and wrong for believing anything else. Kind of like when we all kept being told about how 82% of people wanted Obamacare yet couldn't find 2 people that did, or like how Hillary had a 91% chance of winning and you shouldn't even bother to go vote.

    Sound familiar?

    Polls, and more recently, the news (basically all of them) are not there to tell you what has happened or what is going on. They are there to influence what you do in the future under the guise of a hopeless situation. It's really that simple. Even on SH, we've seen quite a few people pop up under new accounts that all of a sudden want to argue about how Trump will lose, how you're a racist or just a horrible person and how you're in the vast minority - pure propaganda that has actually been proven exists, via shareblue, where paid posters infiltrate sites/forums with opposite views in an attempt to make some of them with a lesser understanding and/or lesser resolve that the situation is as they are being told, and not what they can actually see for themselves. This is where we are - you are -------> here on the map.

    I wanted to bring this up with all of you here because a few recent things that I've had happen around me personally. First, my family in Europe, who I talk to every weekend, has over the last year or two been critical of Trump. Now I don't mind if you don't like this or that; no one is perfect. There are things that he has done that I'm not too excited about either, but whatever. But the problem came from what they were saying, and the fact that they were getting 100% of it from 1 of 2 of the larger news channels in Europe where it is complete, unadulterated propaganda that they aren't even attempting to make look like news that at least CNN and whoever somewhat still does. Trump could have cured cancer, and there would be a 8 o clock slot that evening about why this is bad, and why you need to think this is bad. Secondly, my mother (big Trump fan) as well as some heavily conservative friends I know, have lately started being hopeful albeit doubtful about the election. I asked them why; all said roughly the same thing - I think he'll win, but its just coming from every side, all day, every day, reasons as to why he won't or can't. This is where I think quite a few of you on here are at lately.

    I know that if you put someone in a room long enough, and you and everyone else over a period of time repeatidly tell them that the grass is actually blue while treating them like a complete moron, they will at some point start doubting themselves as to what colors blue and green are.

    Think about this, we now have an entire swath of THOTs on the internet who are 'influencers' to millions of people based on their qualifications of...they look good in a thong or they know how to fucking apply lipstick.

    Why do I think this is important? I'll make the best reference to it that I can personally make that ties into this, especially the 'end effect' of it.

    I've been asked before, how did you know during specifically planned operations, that you were going to 'win'? While some of you may think I'd know because I'm an arrogant self centered person that is enraged by the sheer fact that you are under the impression that you can shoot at me (true), or that we had superior weapons/training/tech/whatever or that we fought them on our terms or one of a thousand different reasonable answers, its none of those as these factors were to help ensure that we simply didn't lose. Instead, I knew we would be extremely successful when I saw that we broke them and more importantly, their will to fight. Remember the German WW2 philosophy of 'Triumph of the Will'; they were onto something with at least this. I've seen superior forces break up and run 4 different directions after 2 well placed rounds. Ive seen true believers take a non life threatening round to the arm and instantly wished they were 100,000 miles away and wanted nothing to do with with their religion ever again. I've seen forces split, and literally start fighting themselves after dissent and fear spread like the plague mid fight. I've literally watched the anger and fight completely evaporate <2 minutes of contact even though they would have, the day before, been part of whatever bullshit full tilt propaganda video that could have been in and dream about nothing but killing Americans. I've seen people show up to a fight only to have their first reaction be to lay on the ground, surrender and cry like a bitch.

    All of these weren't because we ambushed them and outnumbered them 20 to 1, or because it was after a 3 hour fight where we killed 90% of them and the remaining 10% now thought it was hopeless. These examples were generally at the beginning of it all; and more importantly, it took people out of the fight that was to come, without having to actually earn it and/or take casualties for in the process.

    If you can see how mentally breaking someones' spirit before even having to do whatever it would physically take to win (if you can), you can now see how the nonstop propaganda on your TV and the internet could take you out of the fight before it actually ever happens.

    With that said, I'll get into what everyones been asking the last few months. Why does Trump have 20k+ people show up for rallies, yet everyone keeps telling me that Biden is up by like 15 points?

    Simple. He's running against the democrat (err, more democrat?) version of Romney in 2012 that noone likes, yet those who are voting for Biden are only doing so to vote against Trump.

    Does this look like a rally in a large city in Ohio for someone who is ahead?

    So where are all of these Trump voters coming from? You know, the ones you keep seeing in 10s of thousands regardless of where the rally is held? It's the usual Trump voters from 2016, and a large swath of people who have never voted before as well as a good portion of registered democrats. I've known this for a while, as that is basically who stayed home when Romney ran, yet somehow we never seem to ever consider those people.

    From PA, where there have been something like 180k additional registered republican voters since 2016, but Biden is up by double digits, right?

    ✅ 14,257 sign-ups

    ✅ 26.8% were NOT Republicans

    ✅ 19.9% were Democrats

    ✅ 22.5% did not vote in 2016

    ✅ 15.3% did not vote in the last 4 elections

    From Wisconsin:

    ✅ 13,850 signups

    ✅ 47.5% not Republican

    ✅ 24.1% did not vote in 2016

    From Nevada:

    ✅ 15,038 signups for Carson City rally

    ✅ 18.4% not Republican

    ✅ 30.0% did not vote in 2016

    There are more at the link, but you get the idea.

    Not only do they want to impose their will on you, but they think you're beneath them and dumb enough to believe it all.

    Stop letting others influence and break you.

    View attachment 7450859

    Yes sir!!! I’ve always said, want to defeat a man? It’s easy, break their spirit or their will! Want to defeat a country? Equally as easy, overwhelm the system! It’s that simple!
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    because Trump has given them a wedge with his ghastly behavior t

    Yes. Like raping children , selling US influence to the highest bidder , murdering leakers and other political enemies, weaponizing fbi irs etc against political enemies.

    But orange man bad friends with Russia. And says mean things on Twitter.
    This shit is rolling both ways, and it is the result of our 2 party system, rather than one party in general. While I have no doubt someone is going to chime in and label me a commie, I want you to really think, long and hard- do these rich old guys with hot wives, millions of dollars and unrestricted influence (not to mention insider trading scott-free) give a damn about any one of you

    Yes. The democrats and republicans both smashed the tea party through weapons like the irs.


    Let us not forget the republicans were trying to give us the third bush. Jeb “low energy” “please clap” Bush