At least to some point.
This isn't a political post nor am I arguing politics. I've been wanting to make a post about this for a while but wanted to wait until the 'hidden' variables had started to come to light. Things that finally prove what we have actually all seen happen in the real world right infront of us, yet are being told that we are wrong about; instead, the things we are being constantly told are true, are in fact absolute bullshit that you have been correct about the entire time; yet 'they' adamently tell you that you are stupid and wrong for believing anything else. Kind of like when we all kept being told about how 82% of people wanted Obamacare yet couldn't find 2 people that did, or like how Hillary had a 91% chance of winning and you shouldn't even bother to go vote.
Sound familiar?
Polls, and more recently, the news (basically all of them) are not there to tell you what has happened or what is going on. They are there to influence what you do in the future under the guise of a hopeless situation. It's really that simple. Even on SH, we've seen quite a few people pop up under new accounts that all of a sudden want to argue about how Trump will lose, how you're a racist or just a horrible person and how you're in the vast minority - pure propaganda that has actually been proven exists, via shareblue, where paid posters infiltrate sites/forums with opposite views in an attempt to make some of them with a lesser understanding and/or lesser resolve that the situation is as they are being told, and not what they can actually see for themselves. This is where we are - you are -------> here on the map.
I wanted to bring this up with all of you here because a few recent things that I've had happen around me personally. First, my family in Europe, who I talk to every weekend, has over the last year or two been critical of Trump. Now I don't mind if you don't like this or that; no one is perfect. There are things that he has done that I'm not too excited about either, but whatever. But the problem came from what they were saying, and the fact that they were getting 100% of it from 1 of 2 of the larger news channels in Europe where it is complete, unadulterated propaganda that they aren't even attempting to make look like news that at least CNN and whoever somewhat still does. Trump could have cured cancer, and there would be a 8 o clock slot that evening about why this is bad, and why you need to think this is bad. Secondly, my mother (big Trump fan) as well as some heavily conservative friends I know, have lately started being hopeful albeit doubtful about the election. I asked them why; all said roughly the same thing - I think he'll win, but its just coming from every side, all day, every day, reasons as to why he won't or can't. This is where I think quite a few of you on here are at lately.
I know that if you put someone in a room long enough, and you and everyone else over a period of time repeatidly tell them that the grass is actually blue while treating them like a complete moron, they will at some point start doubting themselves as to what colors blue and green are.
Think about this, we now have an entire swath of THOTs on the internet who are 'influencers' to millions of people based on their qualifications of...they look good in a thong or they know how to fucking apply lipstick.
Why do I think this is important? I'll make the best reference to it that I can personally make that ties into this, especially the 'end effect' of it.
I've been asked before, how did you know during specifically planned operations, that you were going to 'win'? While some of you may think I'd know because I'm an arrogant self centered person that is enraged by the sheer fact that you are under the impression that you can shoot at me (true), or that we had superior weapons/training/tech/whatever or that we fought them on our terms or one of a thousand different reasonable answers, its none of those as these factors were to help ensure that we simply didn't lose. Instead, I knew we would be extremely successful when I saw that we broke them and more importantly, their will to fight. Remember the German WW2 philosophy of 'Triumph of the Will'; they were onto something with at least this. I've seen superior forces break up and run 4 different directions after 2 well placed rounds. Ive seen true believers take a non life threatening round to the arm and instantly wished they were 100,000 miles away and wanted nothing to do with with their religion ever again. I've seen forces split, and literally start fighting themselves after dissent and fear spread like the plague mid fight. I've literally watched the anger and fight completely evaporate <2 minutes of contact even though they would have, the day before, been part of whatever bullshit full tilt propaganda video that could have been in and dream about nothing but killing Americans. I've seen people show up to a fight only to have their first reaction be to lay on the ground, surrender and cry like a bitch.
All of these weren't because we ambushed them and outnumbered them 20 to 1, or because it was after a 3 hour fight where we killed 90% of them and the remaining 10% now thought it was hopeless. These examples were generally at the beginning of it all; and more importantly, it took people out of the fight that was to come, without having to actually earn it and/or take casualties for in the process.
If you can see how mentally breaking someones' spirit before even having to do whatever it would physically take to win (if you can), you can now see how the nonstop propaganda on your TV and the internet could take you out of the fight before it actually ever happens.
With that said, I'll get into what everyones been asking the last few months. Why does Trump have 20k+ people show up for rallies, yet everyone keeps telling me that Biden is up by like 15 points?
Simple. He's running against the democrat (err, more democrat?) version of Romney in 2012 that noone likes, yet those who are voting for Biden are only doing so to vote against Trump.
Does this look like a rally in a large city in Ohio for someone who is ahead?
So where are all of these Trump voters coming from? You know, the ones you keep seeing in 10s of thousands regardless of where the rally is held? It's the usual Trump voters from 2016, and a large swath of people who have never voted before as well as a good portion of registered democrats. I've known this for a while, as that is basically who stayed home when Romney ran, yet somehow we never seem to ever consider those people.
From PA, where there have been something like 180k additional registered republican voters since 2016, but Biden is up by double digits, right?
14,257 sign-ups
26.8% were NOT Republicans
19.9% were Democrats
22.5% did not vote in 2016
15.3% did not vote in the last 4 elections
From Wisconsin:
13,850 signups
47.5% not Republican
24.1% did not vote in 2016
From Nevada:
15,038 signups for Carson City rally
18.4% not Republican
30.0% did not vote in 2016
There are more at the link, but you get the idea.
Not only do they want to impose their will on you, but they think you're beneath them and dumb enough to believe it all.
Stop letting others influence and break you.
This isn't a political post nor am I arguing politics. I've been wanting to make a post about this for a while but wanted to wait until the 'hidden' variables had started to come to light. Things that finally prove what we have actually all seen happen in the real world right infront of us, yet are being told that we are wrong about; instead, the things we are being constantly told are true, are in fact absolute bullshit that you have been correct about the entire time; yet 'they' adamently tell you that you are stupid and wrong for believing anything else. Kind of like when we all kept being told about how 82% of people wanted Obamacare yet couldn't find 2 people that did, or like how Hillary had a 91% chance of winning and you shouldn't even bother to go vote.
Sound familiar?
Polls, and more recently, the news (basically all of them) are not there to tell you what has happened or what is going on. They are there to influence what you do in the future under the guise of a hopeless situation. It's really that simple. Even on SH, we've seen quite a few people pop up under new accounts that all of a sudden want to argue about how Trump will lose, how you're a racist or just a horrible person and how you're in the vast minority - pure propaganda that has actually been proven exists, via shareblue, where paid posters infiltrate sites/forums with opposite views in an attempt to make some of them with a lesser understanding and/or lesser resolve that the situation is as they are being told, and not what they can actually see for themselves. This is where we are - you are -------> here on the map.
I wanted to bring this up with all of you here because a few recent things that I've had happen around me personally. First, my family in Europe, who I talk to every weekend, has over the last year or two been critical of Trump. Now I don't mind if you don't like this or that; no one is perfect. There are things that he has done that I'm not too excited about either, but whatever. But the problem came from what they were saying, and the fact that they were getting 100% of it from 1 of 2 of the larger news channels in Europe where it is complete, unadulterated propaganda that they aren't even attempting to make look like news that at least CNN and whoever somewhat still does. Trump could have cured cancer, and there would be a 8 o clock slot that evening about why this is bad, and why you need to think this is bad. Secondly, my mother (big Trump fan) as well as some heavily conservative friends I know, have lately started being hopeful albeit doubtful about the election. I asked them why; all said roughly the same thing - I think he'll win, but its just coming from every side, all day, every day, reasons as to why he won't or can't. This is where I think quite a few of you on here are at lately.
I know that if you put someone in a room long enough, and you and everyone else over a period of time repeatidly tell them that the grass is actually blue while treating them like a complete moron, they will at some point start doubting themselves as to what colors blue and green are.
Think about this, we now have an entire swath of THOTs on the internet who are 'influencers' to millions of people based on their qualifications of...they look good in a thong or they know how to fucking apply lipstick.
Why do I think this is important? I'll make the best reference to it that I can personally make that ties into this, especially the 'end effect' of it.
I've been asked before, how did you know during specifically planned operations, that you were going to 'win'? While some of you may think I'd know because I'm an arrogant self centered person that is enraged by the sheer fact that you are under the impression that you can shoot at me (true), or that we had superior weapons/training/tech/whatever or that we fought them on our terms or one of a thousand different reasonable answers, its none of those as these factors were to help ensure that we simply didn't lose. Instead, I knew we would be extremely successful when I saw that we broke them and more importantly, their will to fight. Remember the German WW2 philosophy of 'Triumph of the Will'; they were onto something with at least this. I've seen superior forces break up and run 4 different directions after 2 well placed rounds. Ive seen true believers take a non life threatening round to the arm and instantly wished they were 100,000 miles away and wanted nothing to do with with their religion ever again. I've seen forces split, and literally start fighting themselves after dissent and fear spread like the plague mid fight. I've literally watched the anger and fight completely evaporate <2 minutes of contact even though they would have, the day before, been part of whatever bullshit full tilt propaganda video that could have been in and dream about nothing but killing Americans. I've seen people show up to a fight only to have their first reaction be to lay on the ground, surrender and cry like a bitch.
All of these weren't because we ambushed them and outnumbered them 20 to 1, or because it was after a 3 hour fight where we killed 90% of them and the remaining 10% now thought it was hopeless. These examples were generally at the beginning of it all; and more importantly, it took people out of the fight that was to come, without having to actually earn it and/or take casualties for in the process.
If you can see how mentally breaking someones' spirit before even having to do whatever it would physically take to win (if you can), you can now see how the nonstop propaganda on your TV and the internet could take you out of the fight before it actually ever happens.
With that said, I'll get into what everyones been asking the last few months. Why does Trump have 20k+ people show up for rallies, yet everyone keeps telling me that Biden is up by like 15 points?
Simple. He's running against the democrat (err, more democrat?) version of Romney in 2012 that noone likes, yet those who are voting for Biden are only doing so to vote against Trump.
Does this look like a rally in a large city in Ohio for someone who is ahead?
So where are all of these Trump voters coming from? You know, the ones you keep seeing in 10s of thousands regardless of where the rally is held? It's the usual Trump voters from 2016, and a large swath of people who have never voted before as well as a good portion of registered democrats. I've known this for a while, as that is basically who stayed home when Romney ran, yet somehow we never seem to ever consider those people.

13 Trump rallies: Over 167,000, 25% new voters, 30% not even Republicans - Washington Examiner
In the 13 reelection events since returning to the campaign trail following his COVID-19 diagnosis, President Trump has attracted more than 167,000 rally goers, many of them first-time voters and even more who are not Republicans.According to GOP rally data posted by Republican Party Chairwoman...

From PA, where there have been something like 180k additional registered republican voters since 2016, but Biden is up by double digits, right?

From Wisconsin:

From Nevada:

There are more at the link, but you get the idea.
Not only do they want to impose their will on you, but they think you're beneath them and dumb enough to believe it all.
Stop letting others influence and break you.
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