You want to kidnap people and hold them hostage so people that hate us and hate our ideas, religion, beliefs, politics, gender, sexuality, skin color and everything else about us get to say if we are normal according to them?
And the supposed person denouncing us gets to stay anonymous and is protected from being sued & criminal charges filed on them for malicious reporting?
I suggest that you best think carefully about the nightmare you are setting up.
There is a reason the constitution requires that you have your day in court BEFORE you get your rights taken away on a whim having done nothing wrong and that you have a right to face your accuser and see the evidence against you and force those speaking against you to speak under oath with the threat of punishment if you can prove they lied.
"Mental Health" has been used by all the evil regimes as their favorite weapon to excuse grabbing their opponents.
Most of those "Mental Health" types are dyed in the wool communists and haters of freedom.