Remember when Obummer was so happy all medical records were going to be digitized? Well, with Red Flag that opens a whole new set of potential issues. What about a “need” to open those to “protect” people?
How many people are on antidepressants? Not denigrating anyone here by the way. So, with a long reach couldn’t some judge or lawmaker drag depression into the mental illness bucket?
So in that vein, anyone on any antidepressants falls into the Red Flag confiscation category.
Another reach I know but a lot of vets are on antidepressants so under this crap law you could potentially disarm them. (Yeah I know there would be consequences)
But the potential is there.
You can throw this basket over a bunch of other circumstances that, while perfectly explainable, still could result in confiscations and the consequences resulting from that.
This is a terrible law that is a Pandora’s box of possible scenarios.
I fear a lot of good people are about to be made felons, even if temporary. There will probably be quite a few innocents killed “legally” by this also as @Bender started this post with.
If someone is banging on your door at 3 AM, how are going to answer it? Some wired out SWAT guy makes a mistake and game over, at least for you.
Another thought. What’s the penalty for a fake call? I can be accused of something completely untrue, accosted, and then I have no recompense? B.s. There’s no accountability for the accuser.
I afraid you’d have to actually go through this to have standing and thereby the ability to legally fight this and then we’ve already lost if it’s actually a law.
Sorry but giving the government more power and giving up due process and more frosts me.
I would guess there’s potentially a 1st Amendment fight here also in that anything you say could lead to a Red Flag report?
How many people are on antidepressants? Not denigrating anyone here by the way. So, with a long reach couldn’t some judge or lawmaker drag depression into the mental illness bucket?
So in that vein, anyone on any antidepressants falls into the Red Flag confiscation category.
Another reach I know but a lot of vets are on antidepressants so under this crap law you could potentially disarm them. (Yeah I know there would be consequences)
But the potential is there.
You can throw this basket over a bunch of other circumstances that, while perfectly explainable, still could result in confiscations and the consequences resulting from that.
This is a terrible law that is a Pandora’s box of possible scenarios.
I fear a lot of good people are about to be made felons, even if temporary. There will probably be quite a few innocents killed “legally” by this also as @Bender started this post with.
If someone is banging on your door at 3 AM, how are going to answer it? Some wired out SWAT guy makes a mistake and game over, at least for you.
Another thought. What’s the penalty for a fake call? I can be accused of something completely untrue, accosted, and then I have no recompense? B.s. There’s no accountability for the accuser.
I afraid you’d have to actually go through this to have standing and thereby the ability to legally fight this and then we’ve already lost if it’s actually a law.
Sorry but giving the government more power and giving up due process and more frosts me.
I would guess there’s potentially a 1st Amendment fight here also in that anything you say could lead to a Red Flag report?