Well, my friends, I have a serious topic to bring to you this evening. Like most of us, I spend a lot of time in the sun, wind, and heat. As I have reached my "mature years", anyone over 65, I have made appointments with my dermatologist for, at least, annual examinations. So, November 10th rolls around and I make my pilgrimage to visit with my dermatologist. It all goes pretty fast, but as she scanned my back and I hear, "this is new". I'll be brief, after biopsy it was determined that the mole the doctor removed was Melanoma. My sweet wife was crushed, her partner before me was discovered to have melanoma which had become matasatic, reached his lymph nodes, and had 6 months to live. However.....in my case....she had removed 95% with the initial surgery. So today, I drove back to Los Alamos for surgery to remove all doubt. Hey friends, most of us are pretty tough guys, right, but I cannot imagine how I would have navigated the last six months. Who would take care of my 74 year old wife, I have made provisions for her, but still! I am one lucky Texican. Think about it folks, take care of yourself, and protect your family.
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