High power rifle clinic camp Pendleton January 18 & 19


Full Member
Mar 14, 2013
Los Angeles
Rescheduled January 18 & 19, 2014

Go to the website, smgunclub.org for complete details.

This class will be taught by two former national champions. This is a rare opportunity to learn the nuances of high power rifle from two of the best shooters in the nation.

NRA High Power “Service Rifle” Clinic
Specializing in Teaching XTC “Across the Course”
Techniques to AR and M1A Rifle Shooters

The Santa Margarita Gun Club (SMGC) on Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California is proud to sponsor this Event. This is one of the few opportunities where you will get one on one instruction from unique professionals to improve your marksmanship abilities with a Service Rifle.

1. DATES: (2 Days) Saturday January 18, Sunday January 19. 2014

2. SPONSORING ORGANIZATION: Santa Margarita Gun Club, Inc.

3. Featured Instructors are (2) National Service Rifle Champions:

Eric T. Swearingen & Harry D. Harrison
2010 National Service Rifle Champion 2000 National Service Rifle Champion

Both are accomplished shooters and Instructors, besides being Former National Champions.
You can review the rest of their other credentials at the end of this clinic program.

4. RIFLE RANGE LOCATION: Range 103, Wilcox Range Complex, MCB Camp Pendleton, CA. Refer to SMGC web-site (Santa Margarita Gun Club) for Camp Pendleton vehicle entry requirements and detailed driving directions to the range.

Range 103 is a 140-point firing range. It is highly recommended that you bring bottled drinks (non-alcoholic) and/or non-perishable food items. There are no food or drink facilities. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted on or in the general vicinity of the firing lines, while live fire is being conducted. Sanitary facilities are of the “Port-a-Potty” variety.

6. EQUIPMENT RULES: Current National Rifle Association (NRA) High Power Rifle Rules will apply.

7. OPEN TO: All citizens and legal residents of the United States of America. Citizens of foreign nations may enter this Clinic upon proof of legal entry into the USA (validated passport and/or visa). Membership in the National Rifle Association, Civilian Marksmanship Program or California Rifle & Pistol Association is not required; however, Membership in the Santa Margarita Gun Club is required. This Clinic will be geared towards NRA Marksman and above level shooters.

Those persons who cannot legally participate in the shooting sports or who cannot enter a federal military reservation are not eligible to participate in this event.

Participation DOES NOT and WILL NOT automatically authorize entrance onto MCB Camp Pendleton, CA.
To ensure authorized entry onto the base, eligible participants must ensure you do the following:
1. Possess a Department of Defense Vehicle Sticker authorizing you to enter the military instillation OR
2. Pre-enter the clinic desired utilizing the Electronic Entry forms on the club’s web site AND
3. Have in your possession the following items:
a. Valid Driver’s License and or other picture Identification
b. Current Vehicle Registration
c. Current Proof of Vehicle Insurance
4. Complete the Electronically Advance Entry into the scheduled Clinic.

All participants are required to be SMGC Members due to USMC range usage agreements and Insurance Restrictions. If you are not an annual SMGC member, an assessment of $5.00 is included for Daily SMGC Membership in the entry fee.

Annual SMGC membership must be confirmed through possession of a valid membership card, or confirmation of participant inclusion in the official membership roster at the morning of registration.

SMGC Membership is open to all Active Duty Members, Reserve Members and Retirees of the United States Armed Forces. Annual SMGC Civilian Memberships are dependent upon the number of Current Military members of the Club, according to the club’s BYLAWS.

ENTRIES - Electronic: ALL ENTRIES ARE REQUIRED IN ADVANCE. Entries can be made by registering for this event on the SMGC Website: (Santa Margarita Gun Club). Registration clinic forms must also be completed in their entirety. NO WALK UP ENTRIES WILL BE ALLOWED on the days of this event.

Dead Line for Entries: Monday - January 14, 2014

MCB Camp Pendleton Security Regulations require the clinic sponsor (SMGC) notify the appropriate Base agency of Non Department of Defense (DoD) persons participation in the Clinic on the Wednesday preceding the Clinics. This notification is generated by the received clinic entry forms and intention to enter messages. Therefore entry onto MCB Camp Pendleton may be denied to those persons who do not indicate their intent to participate or observe using the electronic Clinic Pre-Registration form. Additionally, persons who have expired driver’s licenses will not be granted entry onto Camp Pendleton.

9. CLINIC ENTRY FEES: Annual SMGC Members: $25.00 (Saturday Only) or
Entire Clinic - Both Days) $ 40.00

Daily SMGC Members: $30.00 1 (Saturday Only) or
(Entire Clinic - Both Days) $ 50.00
$5.00 FEE - SMGC Daily Membership assessment required of Non SMGC Annual Members participants due to USMC range usage agreement

Make Checks Payable to: “Santa Margarita Gun Club”

Entry Forms can be Mailed to: SMGC
P.O. Box 20286
Fountain Valley, CA 92728-0286

10. ENTRY LIMIT: 70 Individual Entries.

11. RIFLE CLINIC START TIMES: 8:00 AM on Saturday and 8:00 AM on Sunday.

All participants must check in at the Clinic processing by 7:30 AM on both mornings of the event.

Participants are required to complete administrative processing, ensure payment of event fees, and receive their squadding assignments before they can participate.

Prior to any live rounds being fired, all participants must attend the mandated range safety and environmental briefing. Participants not attending the mandated briefing will not be allowed to participate in the live fire exercises.

14. TARGET PULLERS: Participants will be required to pull targets.

15. TARGETS: Official NRA Targets will be used in the rifle clinic.

16. PARTICIPANT PARKING AREAS: (Range 103) - Participant parking is permitted in the designated dirt parking lot. ALL Participants are required to park their vehicles in this dirt parking lot, adjacent to the east side of the range.

17. SAFETY EQUIPMENT: Hearing Protection, Eye Protection, and Empty Chamber Indicators (ECI) are mandatory. ECI’s may be purchased at the range for a cost of $ 2.00.

18. OTHER EQUIPMENT: Cloth, canvas or leather shooting jackets may be used. Standard military-issue web or leather slings or slings of this same type are permitted. Shooting gloves or mitts, ground cloths or shooting mats may be used. Shooting kits may be placed on the firing line provided they are not forward of the Participant or the firing line and do not interfere with other participants. Refer to the EQUIPMENT LIST RECOMMENDED Page for further details of all gear needed.

19. RIFLE TYPES ALLOWED: NRA Service Rifles ONLY (Rule 3.1(f) and 3.7 applies). This Clinic is designated to teach techniques specifically targeted towards NRA/CMP Service Rifle Competitions.

Rifles are limited to AR Type Rifles and M1A Rifles. (M1’s are also a service rifle; however, for this clinic they are not the most suitable rifles for working on the reloading drills we will cover.)

20. AMMUNITION: Participants must supply their own ammunition. 200 rounds of ammunition is required. Any safe center-fire ammunition, up to and including 7.62mm (.308 caliber), may be used. Tracer, incendiary or armor piercing ammunition is prohibited (Rule 3.17(b) applies).

21. TOPICS: During Clinic (Not necessarily in order)

Fundamentals of Rifle Marksmanship -
(Request all attendees to view the “Fundamentals of Rifle Marksmanship 1999 U.S. Marine Corps” Video on You Tube 16:49 minutes) It’s an old, and a bit outdated for NRA Competition, but covers some important details all shooters should know.

Zeroing Process for the Service Rifle
NRA Courses of Fire
800 Regional Match Course
500 NMC – National Match Course
CMP Course of Fire:
EIC – Excellence in Competition
NTI – National Trophy Individual Match
President’s 100
ITT- Infantry Trophy Team Competition (Overview)
Mental Aspects of Shooting:
“How we won the National Rifle Championship”
Firing Positions:
Rapid Fire Prone
Slow Fire Prone
Practical Application - Practice Firing in Positions
Slow Fire Drills
Rapid Fire Drills
Distinguished Rifleman Program – What is required to become a “Distinguished Rifleman”

For Further Information E-Mail Your Questions to me via PM

22. Recommended Equipment:

Shooting Clothing
Glasses, prescription (If needed)
Hat / Visor / Boonie Cover
Hearing Protection: Plugs, Over-the-ears (Both Recommended)

Rifle, Service
EIC (empty chamber indicator)
Rifle Sling
Magazines (4), (3 Minimum with 1 which has a single round follower for Slow Fire)
Sight Protectors
Data Book
Tools: Allen Wrenches, Miscellaneous (sight black, etc.)

200 Yard SF: 50 rounds
200 Yard RF: 50 rounds
300 Yard: 100 rounds

Shooting Jacket
Shooting Mat
Spotting Scope
Scope Stand
Scope Extensions

Shooting Cart/Stool:
Collapsible Chair (Highly recommended)
Sun Screen
Food/Snack Items:

Notebook with Paper, Pen, Pencil, etc. for Note Taking