HK SLB 2000

Re: HK SLB 2000

You will pay a premium for Deutchbag engineering from a company that despises us lowly civilians and will not get any better accuracy than a good .308 AR platform.

Just sayin'
Re: HK SLB 2000

Honestly, man I'm very into the all things HK rifles, and that is the first I have ever seen of that model. I'm somewhat skeptical of its existence to be honest.

And frankly, it looks like the worst of all worlds. It looks too heavy and cumbersome to be used for hunting, and i'm sure that while the components are fairly good, it certainly won't live up to the standards of a true precision rifle.

The 30.06 SLB 2000 is available here in the states. As others have stated, better options already exist here in the states (Browning if you like that concept).
Re: HK SLB 2000

Meet Betsy:






The "Target" model is quite different from the "Light" and "Plus" hunting variants. The brake is of some Vais variant and I still wonder whether to try to get a different one. Have only 50 rounds at 100m through it including a recent local competition where I happily placed 4th, 3 points behind the winner. As it is my first big rifle (been into pistols and shotguns only for years), I won´t try to give any overview here as I admittedly know sh#t about things. Anyway, ask whatever you´re interested in and I´ll try to answer as best as I can. Regards, Lukas
Re: HK SLB 2000

Thanks for the pictures Lukas! Looks super! How heavy is it? How hard is it to clean/take apart? If you used it to compete, it must be pretty accurate, right?

Thank you!
Re: HK SLB 2000

The setup as in the pictures is exactly 6.36kg (14 lbs), so I´d say the rifle alone is approximately 5kg (11 lbs).

As far as accuracy goes... I have no comparison, so it´s hard to tell. That little competition consisted of 12 timed shots at 100m at pistol pasters (similar as Lowlight´s tactical practical target), so the dot was 13mm each. Got 6 out of 12. Only second time using this one, third time ever shooting a big bore rifle. It´ll be a long time till I can say the rifle´s not good enough for me.

First shot ever:

The cleaning is a chore only if you need your guns sparkling inside out. Not realy difficult, but the detailed disassembly and reassembly takes time. This is halfway (sorry, don´t have a picture of a totaly "exploded view" yet):


You then continue with unscrewing the forearm carrier, after which you can disassemble the gas system and only after that the bolt finaly comes out. A hint - the manual says not to clean the gas system at all as it shouldn´t be necessary. Only if you notice a different behaviour of the gun, eg there is a probability of some baked-on gunk. The barrel cannot be removed from the upper receiver and due to its´ one piece design, it is nearly impossible to clean traditionaly from the breach to the muzzle - only after mentioned detailed disassembly when the bolt and all else is out. I settled on an Otis kit for a normal "after-range" cleaning and called it a day.