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Hunting & Fishing hog hunting in S. Georgia

Re: hog hunting in S. Georgia

I hunt near Cuthbert GA/ Eufuala Alabama border. Hogs are pleantyfull on the boss's property. we like to shoot the small piggys as they seem to taste a bit better. Also like to shoot them with small calibers, 223,22 hornet when we can get a group together as they tend to come back sooner with less Boom. otherwise I also liked my BAR in 308 for fast follow up shots when we stalk and run into a bunch at once. They scatter and you see them going in all directions. Nice to have quick follow up shots. It's alot of fun. Summer months we wear snake boots. Alot of moccosins can be around the streams..
Good luck.
George of the jungle
Re: hog hunting in S. Georgia

That sounds like fun. I plan on hunting them down there around Columbus, GA not far from where you hunt. You think I need a side arm? I'm in pretty good shape and can run and climb really fast it I need to. Also, do you hunt with dogs? I keep hearing of people using dogs to hunt hogs. You think it's necessary?
Re: hog hunting in S. Georgia

I went last year for my first time south of Fayetteville. Was a great time. Was dry and windy, little cold in the morning. The first morning out, I fell in through ice crossing the creek to get into the swamp. was a very cold start. If you are hunting the swamp, like bond swamp, put some dry cloths in some kind of dry gear incase you get wet. Makes for a more comfortable day if you get wet. We hunted from sun up to sun down. We packed in lunch and drinks. Also take a good GPS, something with a hi power reciever, that way you dont loose track of where ya are.

Good luck and have fun.
Re: hog hunting in S. Georgia

AS far as handguns, none of our crew brought them. Action was fast and when we jumped them the hogs scattered at break neck speed. Would not had much time to transition between rifle and handgun. I dinn't see a need for a handgun unless you wanted to hunt with the handgun.
Enjoy, It is addicting..
George of the jungle