Hunting & Fishing hog hunting near houston, TX?


Petty Officer
Full Member
Aug 11, 2012
Houston Tx
Hey guys I am wondering if anybody knows of any FREE or cheap hog hunting around or not to far from Houston. I live in the katy area. I have heard of San Jacinto river valley up in Conroe but I havnt had time to check it out. Any good info would be appreciated Also If anybody dosnt mind an extra hunting buddy let me know, I have been over seas the last 5 years so im kind of out the loop on decent spots around here.
Contact TXPW office and see what they say, If not happy check out The Big Woods on the Trinity, it's about 600-700 but they feed you and put you up and assist in the processing. If you bow hunt check out Solana Ranch in the Salado area. I will get some other info for you,check out the places from TXPW on google earth and you will see some pretty good places. The TXPW also has some draw hunts, start with them and go from there.
Last note on this subject, after the deer season is over Jan or Feb check there are usually several ranches in south Texas that offer very affordable hog hunts 75.00 dollar a day range, and they seriously want to get rid of the pigs.Hope this helps.
Hunting is big business here.

Even though hogs are a problem for a lot of landowners they can charge to come hunt them if hey want to.

There are more guys that want to hunt than there are places to hunt.

Texas is mainly private land.

I pay 5 grand a year to have a good place to hunt and there are people that pay more than that for a weekend deer hunt at some "trophy" places

Know a guy that spent 30k on two deer in one weekend. And he is a member on our lease as well.
Hunting is big business here.

Even though hogs are a problem for a lot of landowners they can charge to come hunt them if hey want to.

There are more guys that want to hunt than there are places to hunt.

Texas is mainly private land.

I pay 5 grand a year to have a good place to hunt and there are people that pay more than that for a weekend deer hunt at some "trophy" places

Know a guy that spent 30k on two deer in one weekend. And he is a member on our lease as well.

WOW looks like i need to start saving