Re: Hoping for a 1600yd P-Dog
Dan Kinneman shot a dog at over 2,500 yards in Green River, WY a few years ago. IIRC, he used a 300RUM. He had it stuffed and displayed humorously in his store -- the critter is flipping the bird with one paw. Dan spent several days scouting dogs and finding a good spot to shoot, and drove some rebar into the ground to anchor his shooting table. At that range he wasn't shooting at one particular dog, rather he was shooting at a group of dogs that was sunning themselves around the same mound. Wind is a huge factor at that range, so he was there at sunrise each morning, when there was little wind, to try for a dog.
Good luck with the shoot, it's not an easy thing. When I was in WY for a dog shoot on private land, we were in a hilly area and a shot beyond about 800-900 yards was impossible because of the terrain. My longest hit was 710 yards with a GAP 223 (80SMKs at 2850fps) and S&B 3-12x50 PMII. I think I needed 3 or 4 shots to get the dog.