All brand new. Never loaded a round. Bought a lot of reloading stuff from a friend who never used it and selling the stuff I’ll never use.
Hornady 6mm arc match grade die set with micrometer seater-$70
Hornady 6mm arc seater die #044244 - $40
Hornady 6mm arc match grade full size die #046264 -$40
Hornady cartridge gauge and modified case for 6mm arc-$20
Buy all of it for $150 shipped to your door. Prefer PP F&F.
Hornady 6mm arc match grade die set with micrometer seater-$70
Hornady 6mm arc seater die #044244 - $40
Hornady 6mm arc match grade full size die #046264 -$40
Hornady cartridge gauge and modified case for 6mm arc-$20
Buy all of it for $150 shipped to your door. Prefer PP F&F.
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