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HORROR IN DULUTH MN: Devil worshipping father angry over Trump victory slaughters entire family in murder-suicide.

Blue Sky Country

Urban Cowboy
Full Member

    An extreme leftist Wiccan man with a history of mental illness and father of two sons boiled over with rage after President Donald Trump's historic second term victory in the early hours of November 7th, 2024, posting a tirade of alarming content on his social media before going on a rampage and shooting to death his wife and two sons, along with his ex-wife in another part of the city, finally turning the gun on himself. The perpetrator is identified as 46 year old Anthony Nephew of Duluth, who was found with a self inflicted gunshot wound alongside the bodies of his wife, 45 year old Kathryn Nephew, and his 7 year old son Oliver Nephew. At a residence in another part of the city, horrified investigators found the lifeless bodies of Anthony Nephew's estranged partner Erin Abramson, 47, and his other son, 15 year old Jacob Nephew. Both were also killed via gunshot by the deceased perpetrator.

    “My mental health and the world can no longer peacefully coexist, and a lot of the reason is religion,” Anthony Nephew wrote in July.

    “I am terrified of religious zealots inflicting their misguided beliefs on me and my family. I have intrusive thoughts of being burned at the stake as a witch, or crucified on a burning cross.

    “Having people actually believe that I or my child are Satan or, the anti-Christ or whatever their favorite color of boogie man they are afraid are this week.” (Some ramblings extracted from Anthony Nephew's social media accounts)
    In another post, he accused Republicans of “making it harder for women to leave” abusive relationships.

    “Gilead here we come,” he wrote, referencing “The Handmaid's Tale,” a dystopian novel turned Hulu series in which women, who have been stripped of their rights, are forced to reproduce for the ruling class.
    Anthony Nephew shared other political posts, including an image of former president Barack Obama, Trump, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. The word “hate” sits under Trump’s face, while the words “hope,” “heal” and “grow” correspond with the Democratic politicians.

    As patriotic Americans in Duluth, Minnesota enjoyed consecutive days of joy and wholesome festivities in the wake of the triumphant return of MAGA after the Election of 2024, neighbors and Duluth Police awakened on November 7th in horror as a mentally deranged leftist slaughtered his entire family over the loss of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.


    Anthony Nephew suffers from mental issues and is known to frequently post extreme leftist sentiments on social media.


    Nephew's sons were 7 and 15 years old.



    "Fire" in a theater .........not free speech

    "Nazi / Hitler ect". ......".freedom of the press ", says the "press"

    I offer no solution, only stating observations

    Responsibility still falls on the killer

    Sad for the children..... May they RIP
    Socialism is HATE. It's a religion of hate, spite, envy, greed and lust. Trump doesn't know this trash was alive and no one gives a shit about his stupid beliefs. What drove him to do this was his fear of happiness, affordable housing and good education for his kids.

    Once you realize their entire worldview is based on hatred of you and envy of your happiness, family, career and possessions then you understand them. They live in complete fear of life being wonderful.

    Democrats desperately want crime, misery, poverty, strife, drugs, foreign scum flooding the country. It proves their twisted ideal world exists.
    Socialism is HATE. It's a religion of hate, spite, envy, greed and lust. Trump doesn't know this trash was alive and no one gives a shit about his stupid beliefs. What drove him to do this was his fear of happiness, affordable housing and good education for his kids.

    Once you realize their entire worldview is based on hatred of you and envy of your happiness, family, career and possessions then you understand them. They live in complete fear of life being wonderful.

    Democrats desperately want crime, misery, poverty, strife, drugs, foreign scum flooding the country. It proves their twisted ideal world exists.

    Look at the photo he took with his wife. Seems like misogyny is alive and well, just not in the Patriot community though. Our side has zero tolerance for that shit. Control and power is the motivating life force of most of the left. Anthony Nephew's wife probably did not even know her husband owned a gun and he would not have wanted her to learn how to shoot or carry one herself. Control freaks want victims helpless and at their will. We see that in leftist family dynamics, and on the national stage as well.
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    Look at the photo he took with his wife. Seems like misogyny is alive and well, just not in the Patriot community. Control and power is the motivating life force of most of the left. Anthony Nephew's wife probably did not even know her husband owned a gun and he would not have wanted her to learn how to shoot or carry one herself. Control freaks want victims helpless and at their will. We see that in leftist family dynamics, and on the national stage as well.
    Can you explain the "not just in the patriot community", and "on the national stage as well".

    I feel like you see misogyny in places I don't. Maybe we need to discuss what that term means, as it may be the crux of my confusion..
    Do you not see the difference? Then you’re no better than they are.
    Yes I see a difference ...... I've pondered on this.

    The first will more than likely cause panic and a stampede resulting in injury or death ,which was the intent
    The second ........well it is / and in this case has triggered mentally unstable people to commit death . Unintended ? by the "press" ....they'd say so

    All I can say, I'm glad I won't have that hanging on me come Judgement Day.
    Yes I see a difference ...... I've pondered on this.

    The first will more than likely cause panic and a stampede resulting in injury or death ,which was the intent
    The second ........well it is / and in this case has triggered mentally unstable people to commit death.

    We should not limit speech based on a chance of triggering a mentally ill person into violence.
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    Can you explain the "not just in the patriot community", and "on the national stage as well".

    I feel like you see misogyny in places I don't. Maybe we need to discuss what that term means, as it may be the crux of my confusion..

    The former means that I am only seeing misogyny in the leftist camp. The foreign causes that they support, like Hamas are also known for violence against women. As for the latter quote, it is that leftists when they are in power displays the full extent of their need for control and subjugation of the populations they govern.
    There were plenty of people around him that knew he was mentally ill and it seems that nothing was done. I feel badly for the kids but not him or his wife.

    Don’t they have red flag laws in Minnesota?? Seems they are never used to keep the wack jobs from having a firearm. Of course that would me a liberal around him would have to rat him out, they would never do that, they only rat out conservatives because they can’t stand them. Rest in peace kids, the rest should have known better.
    I would say something like: I hope he burns in he'll.

    But there is no need.

    At least he'll be with his friends, and the people he saw on the news.
    So lying to a couple hundred people to cause harm, bad.

    Lying to a 100 million+ people to cause harm, okay.
    That's the conundrum

    Both should have consequences, but seems only one does.
    I'm not advocating limiting free speech in any way........but consequences for both examples .....I'll bow out for the details, of how to accomplish such.....I have not idea
    You'll be happy to know Facebook censored "I was at the point where I would kill the next person who gave me a protein shake" in a private support health forum but this nutjob runs free

    Nothing to see here move along....

    I know we're all red pilled, but the problem is some people actually beleive the BS the Dems are saying. I drove past a full billboard every day urging people to "Save Democracy" by voting for dems.

    TDS is a real thing and I don't even like the guy (Voted for him 3 times, so save it), but this cats have gone BYE BYE. I remember the first Trump victory and people where absolutly losing their minds then. Now you got 4 years of experience with Trump and the world survived. Good friends from Grad school (beatings in grad school tend to bond people) dropped me because I told them to "calm down". I mean I survived the elections of Clinton (Twice), Obama(Twice), and Biden (more as a child but I wasn't voting). I see a fucking team of therapists. Elections have never (EVER) come up....

    Full Disclosure: I suffer from DDS. Democrat Derangement Syndrome. But do I really?