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Rifle Scopes Horus Reticle


Full Member
Jun 15, 2010
Ashton, Idaho
My squirrel rig

Rock River Arms 5.56 18" Varmint
Magpul PRS
Daniel Defence 9.0 Quad Rail
Leupold VX III 4.5-14 LR fine duplex

So at the time this was the best glass I could afford, but now I am really considering the new 1-8x short dot from S&B or possibly the leupold when it comes out. I have never had any experience with horus reticles, and I would like some input from guys using them. Can I get one added to a scope I already own? Is it worth the extra coin versus a Mil dot? Turret adjustment isnt bad for shooting steel, but when I go shoot ground squirrels, I think the horus might be faster with some practice...
Re: Horus Reticle

No you can't. No it isn't. And no, it probably won't be for your intended use. Great reticle for its purpose, though. Too bad about the company that makes it.
Re: Horus Reticle

You most certainly can beat it for fast holdovers. The Horus is a busy reticle with .2 Mil hash marks. That can make it slower to use than a Mil dot reticle. Almost anything is quicker for flash-milling. For me, my Gen II is faster all-around. The value of the Horus is for an accurate follow-up shot, which makes it an excellent reticle for getting more precise second round hits at longer ranges in an unpredictable wind. That's one of the reasons why, although developed for long range hunters, it is of no real benefit for squirrel hunting.
Re: Horus Reticle

I love the reticles but the company's reputation as having the worst customer service in the industry is well earned. I so wish somebody like SWFA, Night Force, Premier Reticle, etc. would buy these guys out.

But I've owned a dozen or so of these scopes and am hooked on the grid pattern hold overs. For me, it's a very fast and reliable system to use.





Re: Horus Reticle

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: ranger1183</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I love the reticles but the company's reputation as having the worst customer service in the industry is well earned. <span style="font-weight: bold">I so wish somebody like SWFA, Night Force, Premier Reticle, etc. would buy these guys out.</span>

+1 You're a mind reader...
Re: Horus Reticle

I'm hooked on the reticle same as you! Pisses me off cause I either buy a Horus scope with a 1 year warranty for $850 or put $2800 on the CC for a USO.I can't keep putting the High$$$ scopes on all my rifles.I wish there was an alternative

Re: Horus Reticle

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: HuntinAZ</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Too busy for me. I can do just as fast and accurate hold overs with my Nightforce with NP-R2 reticle, or a MLR. </div></div>

+1 (more likely faster).

Mike @ CST
Re: Horus Reticle

After speaking with USO about wait times for the Horus reticles for there scopes it was explained that few of the reticles that are sent will meet the standards for USO.

I would also mention that this is in regards to having a lit reticle, because the Titanium Dioxide will send sparkles all over the view if not done correctlly.

I have also talked with Art Kiesel @ Horus about the hang ups and it was mentioned that they are working on it.

I asked Art if there would be a licensing arrangment possible so that a scope maker could use there own etching system/people and he said thay are working on it.

It seems that there is some logistics and standards that have not been worked out with some manufacturers.

This not ment to be critical of any one in the buisness, it just is what it is.

I am a proponant of the reticle design and knew about the wait ,so I made my bed.

When you order a scope from any manufacturer and it includeds a Horus reticle be ready to wait.

It would be a benefit to watch the for sale ads, as they come up fairlly often with Horus reticles.

As for using the reticle for specificlly ground squirrels, it would seem unnecessary for the distance normally used for rodents
Re: Horus Reticle

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: wirehand</div><div class="ubbcode-body">After speaking with USO about wait times for the Horus reticles for there scopes it was explained that few of the reticles that are sent will meet the standards for USO.

I would also mention that this is in regards to having a lit reticle, because the Titanium Dioxide will send sparkles all over the view if not done correctlly.

I have also talked with Art Kiesel @ Horus about the hang ups and it was mentioned that they are working on it.

I asked Art if there would be a licensing arrangment possible so that a scope maker could use there own etching system/people and he said thay are working on it.

It seems that there is some logistics and standards that have not been worked out with some manufacturers.

This not ment to be critical of any one in the buisness, it just is what it is.

I am a proponant of the reticle design and knew about the wait ,so I made my bed.

When you order a scope from any manufacturer and it includeds a Horus reticle be ready to wait.

It would be a benefit to watch the for sale ads, as they come up fairlly often with Horus reticles.

As for using the reticle for specificlly ground squirrels, it would seem unnecessary for the distance normally used for rodents </div></div>

My bet the only things that need to be "worked out" is how much $$$$ changes hands between Horus(Art) and the prospective Licensee....... In it's day the Horus reticle had the opportunity to be a major player the niche market but due to mishandling, it's been semi-obsoleted by other reticles (probably developed because they couldn't get a Horus!) that offer many of the same features and they are AVAILABLE.
Re: Horus Reticle

I bought the Hawk about a year and a half ago. I decided that I wanted the Horus reticule, but since I couldn't afford a USO, I went with the cheapest Horus scope they had. So far it's been good to go; although I admit that a 1 year warranty doesn't inspire much confidence. Also, I haven't had to deal with their CS except for the purchase, so I have nothing to add there.

I will say that the glass is decent, and from what little dialing I do with the knobs, it tracks just fine. It is a Mil/Mil, but once you set a zero you don't have to play around with them anymore. The reticle is most useful for follow up shots, and it does that well. Glass clarity - I have been able to resolve .270 shot holes on 12x at 350 yards, which is as far as I have shot using this scope to date.

Here are some through the scope pics; keeping in mind that it looks more clear than what my crappy camera can actually show.

100 yards/ one inch dots:

350 yards/ 18" x 24" target:

Again, the camera is the cause of the blurryness. In the first pic, the target on the left is at 256 yards, with four 3" dots, and the back target is at 285 yards, with two 5" BC shoot-n-c targets.
Re: Horus Reticle

Something I missed, the reticle is FFP, so when you back the power down to 3 or 4x, the grid can barely be seen. You can bracket a target quickly between the two thick horizontal stadia though, just know that the crosshairs on the lower powers are really really small.
Re: Horus Reticle

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: CSTactical</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: HuntinAZ</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Too busy for me. I can do just as fast and accurate hold overs with my Nightforce with NP-R2 reticle, or a MLR. </div></div>

+1 (more likely faster).

Mike @ CST</div></div>

I have a NXS and my dad has a Horus. Any idea how I can test and see what reticle is faster? Kind of a hard subject too test for. Would be interesting though.
Re: Horus Reticle

Oh, pshaw! I used one for three years - and I know you're smarter than I am.

But I realized after doing so that I didn't need a Horus reticle.

I can use any mil reticle with 5 mils of marks below the main crosshairs to hold over with a .308 out to 600 yards from a 100 yard zero.

And it's within that distance that I most have the need to shoot quickly without touching the scope.

Beyond that distance, I dial - or use a longer zero.

And one thing I can say after experiencing HorusVision customer service and hearing about the experiences of others: I'd rather set myself on fire than give them any more of my money.
Re: Horus Reticle

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: HuntinAZ</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
I have a NXS and my dad has a Horus. Any idea how I can test and see what reticle is faster? Kind of a hard subject too test for. Would be interesting though.

Lay out at least 5 steel target different distances ranging from 100 to 600yds. Have a spotter to count hit and to work a stopwatch or shot timer. This should give you a good idea.

Mike @ CST