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How Accurate should my Kimber .22 be?


Banned !
Nov 16, 2011
Hello, I am new to the Hide. I have recently started practicing extending my range out past 100 with my new .308. I have found a great way to calm down/settle nerves between groups is to pull out my trusty kimber .22, which I have had since I was 16. My question is what kind of groups should I be able to achieve with it? I am typically able to keep it well under an inch at 50 yards, but I am thinking that is more me than the gun. I am shooting federal match .22 LR ammo. Also is there any info on these about feed issues when using the mag? I seem to have trouble with the bullet trying to enter above the bore and often have to help guide it in by hand. Thanks
Re: How Accurate should my Kimber .22 be?

If you are shooting under 3/4" at 100 yards you're probably shooting very near to the capabilities of the rifle.

The best .22lr rifle I ever shot could do maybe 5/8MOA on a calm day regularly.

To get beyond that kind of accuracy, the ammo would really be the determining factor- .22lr has a lot of velocity spread and the trajectory isn't very flat, so the accuracy will begin to be determined by velocity extreme spread.
Re: How Accurate should my Kimber .22 be?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: mnshortdraw</div><div class="ubbcode-body">What model Kimber is it? Optics, iron sights, or peeps? Sorry but I can't help you with the feeding issues. </div></div>

Model on the action simply says Kimber 22. It has a Burris Fulfield 4.5-14 scope.
Re: How Accurate should my Kimber .22 be?

AKAYl: Your going to need to supply more meaningful information if you want meaningful answers. Is the gun a sporter or heavy barrel? Has the action been bedded? Does the scope have parallax ajustment to 50 yards? What type of ammo have you tried. Etc etc.
Re: How Accurate should my Kimber .22 be?

As the saying goes... a picture is worth a thousand words. If you can get one up I'm sure someone can tell you what model you have and from there the questions you asked can be answered.
Re: How Accurate should my Kimber .22 be?

I can do that when I get home. I would call it a sporter contour, and it is fluted. I just searched for kimber 22 on google and couldn't come up with anything that looks like it. And I believe the scope has parallax down to 50 and up to 200
Re: How Accurate should my Kimber .22 be?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: DFOOSKING</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Where was the Kimber made? It will say Oregon, maybe New York...

Theres been more than one Kimber firearms company...

And not to be a dick but your topic is tough to answer. Noone knows what ammo your particular rifle/setup likes...noone knows how well you can shoot a rimfire (just cuz a former sniper above can hit 5/8" @100yds doesn't mean you can). And just because one guys Kimber shoots well doesn't mean yours will.

Get out and shoot it...that's what really matters.

Fortunately Kimbers have a good rep...especially the expensive ones from a long while ago.

Check out TOP PREDATOR's "stickys" at the top of the rimfire forum...lots of good info on how to improve your rimfire shooting. </div></div>

I didn't see a place of manufacture on it but I will definitely give it a good look when I get home. It would be very cool if it was made in Oregon! Also it ia about 5-6 years old and I am pretty sure it is made by the currently existing Kimber.
Re: How Accurate should my Kimber .22 be?

Well I think I just found my answer. I remembered there being a 3 shot group card that came with the rifle. I found it although it is actually a 5 shot group card. It as the serial number of my rifle and is laminated with a measured center to center group size of .135 at 50 yards shot by ALianis with Remington Match Xtra Plus. I will still post pics of the gun tonight for those who wish to see it.
Re: How Accurate should my Kimber .22 be?

in 1983 I bought a Kimber Cascade from the OR factory and had a Leupold Vari X III 3 X 12 on it. I shot against a bragging man at one of our silhouette shoots that had a Remington 40X and said that his rifle was the best yada yada yada so for grins we set 22 targets up at 20 yards marked with an X in the center and a number 10 under it in 1/8 inch letters and proceeded 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2 and 1 going out from the center we each took 10 shots and with his 40 X he had a nice little group in the center and when he looked at mine through his scope he said I had missed the target, I told the range boy to bring it up, the boy that brought it back was just smiling.... I shot each number in each ring right out of the target .... the early ones would shoot Needless to say he never bragged about his rifle around me anymore. mine was S/N 104
Re: How Accurate should my Kimber .22 be?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: rjdriver</div><div class="ubbcode-body">in 1983 I bought a Kimber Cascade from the OR factory and had a Leupold Vari X III 3 X 12 on it. I shot against a bragging man at one of our silhouette shoots that had a Remington 40X and said that his rifle was the best yada yada yada so for grins we set 22 targets up at 20 yards marked with an X in the center and a number 10 under it in 1/8 inch letters and proceeded 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2 and 1 going out from the center we each took 10 shots and with his 40 X he had a nice little group in the center and when he looked at mine through his scope he said I had missed the target, I told the range boy to bring it up, the boy that brought it back was just smiling.... I shot each number in each ring right out of the target .... the early ones would shoot Needless to say he never bragged about his rifle around me anymore. mine was S/N 104 </div></div>

Very cool story!!!! I may have to enter a competition with mine, unfortunately around here there isn't a hell of alot of long range shooting, and I really like th kimbr it is definitely my favorite gun that I own.
Re: How Accurate should my Kimber .22 be?

My suggestion is to buy 4-8 types of ammo/ brands & try em. then you'lI have a better idea of what is possible...I have been shooting
a fair amount of .22 in 4-5 rifles & pistols, and they all have a preference. The expensive stuff is the best, (sorry)... for the $, CCI std velocity & wolf match shoot consistent well for me. Kimbers have a good reputation- I have a 22 mag. Kimber of Oregon & it shoots really well. Sounds like the lam card packed with rifle has some clues.
Re: How Accurate should my Kimber .22 be?

Usually I do put CCI's through it I just got the federal match at a good price at wal mart and decided to give em a try
Re: How Accurate should my Kimber .22 be?

The feeding problem is most likely the feed lips on the mag being at fault. If you
don't know how to bend them down maybe buy a new mag first and set the lips
to the same shape as the new working mag.
Re: How Accurate should my Kimber .22 be?

The Kimbers made in Oregon shoot better with lug bedded and barrel floated. Never got much accuracy from the Federal GMM. Try the Wolf MT, shoots very well for the price. Mine also runs well with CCI Mini Mag HP's and Win. Power Points.
Re: How Accurate should my Kimber .22 be?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: AKayl</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: DFOOSKING</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Where was the Kimber made? It will say Oregon, maybe New York...

Theres been more than one Kimber firearms company...

And not to be a dick but your topic is tough to answer. Noone knows what ammo your particular rifle/setup likes...noone knows how well you can shoot a rimfire (just cuz a former sniper above can hit 5/8" @100yds doesn't mean you can). And just because one guys Kimber shoots well doesn't mean yours will.

Get out and shoot it...that's what really matters.

Fortunately Kimbers have a good rep...especially the expensive ones from a long while ago.

Check out TOP PREDATOR's "stickys" at the top of the rimfire forum...lots of good info on how to improve your rimfire shooting. </div></div>

I didn't see a place of manufacture on it but I will definitely give it a good look when I get home. It would be very cool if it was made in Oregon! Also it ia about 5-6 years old and I am pretty sure it is made by the currently existing Kimber. </div></div>
<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">AKayl</span></span> -

Your rifle was manufactured in Yonkers, New York by <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">"Kimber America"</span></span> (the same Kimber that makes 1911s'). <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">"Kimber .22"</span></span> is the name given to all of the New York Kimber .22 rifles. Post a photo and I'll probably be able to tell you the specific model of your <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">"Kimber .22"</span></span>.

Re: How Accurate should my Kimber .22 be?

Yep, that looks like one of the newer Kimbers. I remember when they came out. I almost bought one. I cheeped out and bought a series of several lesser rifles that I was never satisfied with until I eventually bought an Anschutz. Those Kimbers shoot well but your not the only one who has had feed issues. I remember reading about that being a problem. Wish I had a solution for you but by the time I heard about the feeding problems I had already purchased another rifle and didn't look into it.
Re: How Accurate should my Kimber .22 be?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: AKayl</div><div class="ubbcode-body">OK finally got some pics


<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">AKayl</span></span> -

That is the <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">"Hunter Silhouette"</span></span>, or <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">"HS"</span></span> model of <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">"Kimber .22"</span></span> produced in Yonkers, New York. All of the Yonkers (<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">"Kimber .22"</span></span> rifles have the Side Bolt Release and wing-type safety. The early <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">"Kimber .22"</span></span>'s had a two-position safety (<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">"Fire"</span></span> and <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">"Safe"</span></span>), but the later guns had three-position safeties (<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">"Fire"</span></span>, <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">"Safe"</span></span>, and <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">"Lock"</span></span>).

If you want a 20 MOA Picatinny Base for your (Yonkers, New York "Kimber .22"), USO makes a very nice Type III Hard Anodized one-piece unit. The USO base only fits Yonkers, New York "Kimber .22" rifles, as hole spacing - as well as the actions, are completely different between the New York guns and the Oregon-based guns. See photos USO base below. <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic"><span style="color: #FF0000">The Front of the base is on the right in these photos:</span></span></span>

<span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">USO 20 MOA Picatinny Rail for Kimber America "Kimber .22" (FITS ONLY YONKERS, NEW YORK RIFLES):</span></span>


USO also makes an extended 20 MOA Picatinny Rail for the <span style="font-weight: bold">(Oregon-based) Kimber of Oregon "Model 82 Government" single shot training rifle</span>. I've seen and held one at USO but I didn't take any photos of it. IT DOES NOT FIT ANY OF THE KIMBER OF OREGON REPEATERS.

Re: How Accurate should my Kimber .22 be?

If memory serves correctly it has a two position safety. But I really don't use safeties it is loaded when I am shooting and not when I am not, a safety is one of a two things IMO

1. A mechanical device that can and will fail.

2. A false sense of security.
Re: How Accurate should my Kimber .22 be?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: AKayl</div><div class="ubbcode-body">If memory serves correctly it has a two position safety. But I really don't use safeties it is loaded when I am shooting and not when I am not, a safety is one of a two things IMO

1. A mechanical device that can and will fail.

2. A false sense of security.

Too true, but I didn't mention the differences between the two-position and three-position safties for discussion about weapon safety. I mentioned the two-position versus three-position safeties simply to help you determine a rough manufacturing timestamp for your rifle.

Also, in furtherance of <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">Griffin Armaments</span></span>'s answer to your question <span style="font-style: italic">"...what kind of groups should I be able to achieve with it? "</span>, all .22LR <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="font-style: italic">"Kimber .22"</span></span> rifles were guaranteed to shoot .400" CTC or better (5-shot group at 50 yards). A laminated test target was included in the box with each rifle. A Leupold BR36X scope and Dynamit Nobel R-50 Match were used to shoot the groups.

The guarantee and practice of including the test target began with the Kimber of Oregon and continued through the later Kimber companies, including the Yonkers, New York-based Kimber America. On "calm" days and when I'm on my game, my (old-school) Kimber of Oregon Model 82s' will shoot under 3/4" <span style="text-decoration: underline">OAL group size</span> (<span style="font-style: italic">better than CTC</span>) at 100 yards.

Re: How Accurate should my Kimber .22 be?

You have a very nice rifle. How well will it shoot? It depends on a lot of factors, mostly the quality of the ammo and how well your gun likes that particular ammo, and the wind if you are shooting out to 100 yards. I will not say anyone around here is over estimating how well their guns shoot, because these guys may all have world record setting guns, hell someone had to set the records. I believe the world record 100 yard .22 bench rest group was set by a gun that averaged .6 for 10, ten shot groups. These guns told about here that average .75 all day long are world class rifles. I shoot .22 matches each month and have seen .75 groups, but I have never seen them repeated with regularity. .22s are fun but they are inconsistent as hell. If you can find ammo that will consistently shoot 1.5 at 100 you will be doing very well.
I have a Kimber 82 in .22 long rifle. I bought this rifle brand new in 1983. I was made in Oregon and shoots GREAT. I shot this rifle with a bunch of different kinds of ammo and compared its performance against my Anschutz model 54.18MSED and a could of other pretty "well known for accuracy" rifles. My Kimber shot better than any of them with just about all different kinds of ammo. I have since sold the Anschutz and the others, but still have the model 82. I shoot if in our local .22 matches and it has NEVEN failed me and Never failed to be VERY accurate. I have heard/read that the Clackamas Kimbers, particularly the center fire models, tended to be either very good or fairly bad and I lucked out and got one that shoots very well. I won't be selling or trading it any time soon, for sure...and would consider buying another 22 of the same era, make and model IF I COULD SHOOT IT FIRST to see how well or how poorly it shoots!1
Yep, that looks like one of the newer Kimbers. I remember when they came out. I almost bought one. I cheeped out and bought a series of several lesser rifles that I was never satisfied with until I eventually bought an Anschutz. Those Kimbers shoot well but your not the only one who has had feed issues. I remember reading about that being a problem. Wish I had a solution for you but by the time I heard about the feeding problems I had already purchased another rifle and didn't look into it.

Wow, zombie thread about Kimbers from 2011 that I commented on when I was shooting an Anschutz. Ironically, I now shoot a Kimber 82g that outshoots that Anschutz 1710. For your accuracy, the Kimber 82's I have had seem to average between .3" and .6" groups at 50 yards with there respective favorite ammo. Yes, that is a lot of variation with all the guns being good but with the best being quite exceptional. Kimber had an excellent rifle design but their QC was all over the place. I bought a bunch, kept the best shooters, and sold the others. This was the best of all and so I did a little work on it. Actually, I did more than a little work. You can't tell from the picture but it is a repeater.

How accurate can my Kimber be?

Wow, zombie thread about Kimbers from 2011 that I commented on when I was shooting an Anschutz. Ironically, I now shoot a Kimber 82g that outshoots that Anschutz 1710. For your accuracy, the Kimber 82's I have had seem to average between .3" and .6" groups at 50 yards with there respective favorite ammo. Yes, that is a lot of variation with all the guns being good but with the best being quite exceptional. Kimber had an excellent rifle design but their QC was all over the place. I bought a bunch, kept the best shooters, and sold the others. This was the best of all and so I did a little work on it. Actually, I did more than a little work. You can't tell from the picture but it is a repeater.

Jim, love the mod 82G. I nearly bought one in Louisville this past Dec. but ending up finding my Remington mod 540XR instead. I remember your 82G's tgt in the 50yd six bull 30rd challenge. It is a excellent shooter.

When I thought of the OP's question, it made me think of all the variables that determine the accuracy of any 22 rifle and how my most recent rifle performed with different sights, ammo, and in different conditions, etc. For example:

When I first got it, it was equiped with Redfield Peep sights but the rear center apperture was missing. I was still desperate to shoot it and without the apperature, it could only shoot about 2" groups at 50yds. I installed a new apperature in the peeps and now properly set up, it could hold about 1" at 50yds, but my old eyes could only barely make out the tgt bull with the peeps (getting old sux).

I had planned all along to install a scope. After putting a 36x BR Sightron optic on the rifle, it settled down to a real shooter. At that point, I began testing ammo and had a set up that was accurate enough to tell the difference. I also have a Win mod 52 that has a 6-24x variable on it and it has a better trigger than the Rem but cannot quite shoot with it. Where the Win can sometimes shoot 0.400-0.300" 5sh groups at 50yds, the Remington consistently is about 1/10" better when shooting in the same conditions. I now think the Winny could shoot better if I installed a scope with the magnification and fine tgt rectible similar to the other rifle. So, to the OP, the scope or other sight system chosen it a BIG factor in your final accuracy at 50/100/200yds. The recticle choice alone is a factor. What works best in the field is usually not what will work best on white targets at the range. That is just a trade off to consider.

A good tactical rifle is one that can work reasonably well in both environments, but should work best in the field. My Remington is NOT a good tactical rifle. But it is a decent tgt rifle. My Winchester is a decent tactical rifle (as much as any 22lr can be). 5rd repeater with a good optic, sling and is light enough to carry all day. Outstanding but safe trigger, very good, acceptable accuracy. 100% reliable.

Ultimate accuracy will also depend on wind conditions at the range. Wind alone can alter my Remington's accuracy by 2-3 tenths of an inch at times. Dead calm is obviously best. learning how to shoot in the wind is a more practical solutions since dead calm conditions are rare. Where I live and tgt shoot the wind is rarely steady. Instead it is gusting and switching directions. Good for a challenge in real world shooting, but terrible for precision accuracy.

Finally, ammo. Likely the largest variable. I can tell you right now, any Federal Match ammo from Walmart is not going to be your best choice 99.9% of the time, lol. But sometimes you can find a lot of cheap ammo that does shoot well in your gun. If you do, buy it all. My Winchester likes the cheap Federal wally world ammo too. But it will shoot groups half again smaller with Eley Black. The Remington cannot hold groups under 1" at 50yds with Winchester T22 Match ammo, but consistently shoots in the 3's with Eley Black or some of Lapua's better ammo options and has averaged about 1/4" in the six tgt challenge with Eley ammo (the last tgt I posted recently) with best group of 0.128". And in warmer weather it shoots Lapua better (if it ever does get warmer here...). I think all these challenges are part of what make shooting 22's so much fun. Enjoy it.

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