How do the 175smk and 180 berger compare in real life? 7mm


Gunny Sergeant
Commercial Supporter
Full Member
Jan 27, 2009
Toledo, OH
I have 500 or so 175smks for my 7RSAUM long action 28"bbl. Want to see if its worth getting any Berger 180s for it. I know everybody and their brother shoots them, but there doesnt seem to be as big of a difference in performance between its and the SMK as there is price difference.

At 500ft elevation in Ohio, 59F, 10mph full, using Shooter with litz G7
175smk @ 3000fps is 19.5 mils at 1760 and 3.6 wind
180hyb @ 2950fps is 19.2 mils at 1760 and 3.4 wind

Obviously there seems to be an advantage, but I want to see if anyone has shot both of these and noticed a huge difference. Both are subsonic at my elevation once they get to a mile, so maybe one transitions better?

I have all room in the world for seating depth, so Im only limited by how far out it can be seated in the case. Can adjust my FB if need be, its 188 right now.

Finally, sounds like the 180 hybrid is one of the biggest benefiting meplat trim and point bullets out there, I have a giraud, so all Id need is the pointing die if this were to make a game changing difference.

Thanks for the input
First the Berger has less bearing surface, so I see no reason you can't get 3000fps from it. I've had 3 saums and all could achieve it.
So crunch your numbers there. Also on Litz's website you can find how to step the bc down with velocity changes.
I have no history with the SMK, I started shooting Berger 175xld's, love em, but was one of the first to jump on the hybrid craze, I switch to hybrids when my throat is eroded.

As for pointing bullets, I don't have the time, and I'd have to shoot alongside someone with a comparable setup, and get beat pretty badly before I'd rethink it.
Just to rub it in a little, I ran my first saum at 3160, with the 180.
Try VV N570, you won't look back.
Ive ran one box of 180 smk and 1400 berger 180's thru my 7mm saum so far.

I shot 1760 on Friday and needed 15.5 mils and 3 to 4 tenths for wind @ 2900 ft with my 180 bergers.
Mine are running around 3050 out of a 30" barrel.

I really wanted the smk to work out because of the cost, but they just didnt stack up compared to the bergers. The smk grouped just as well but they needed over a mil more at 1760 and some added wind.
I've shot a bunch of both and really they are about the same, especially up close. If you're shooting at a mile then you could probably see a difference. The bergers have a better BC, but also a higher price so you can pick your priority.