I see people commenting pretty regularly how many firings they get out of their brass. What mechanism do you use to keep track? Do you just keep it separate? Or mark the brass in some way?
Keeping it separate would seem to be a little unwieldy... If you don't have much brass (like me), then you can't load and mix different batches on the same range trip, which limits how many rounds you can take out without mixing them up. If you have a lot of brass, then you what, keep a different container for each level of firing? Fire all of your once fired, then move on the twice fired?
Just curious, what method does everyone use? I was going to just put a hash mark on the base of my brass with a sharpie, but figured I'd ask first.
Keeping it separate would seem to be a little unwieldy... If you don't have much brass (like me), then you can't load and mix different batches on the same range trip, which limits how many rounds you can take out without mixing them up. If you have a lot of brass, then you what, keep a different container for each level of firing? Fire all of your once fired, then move on the twice fired?
Just curious, what method does everyone use? I was going to just put a hash mark on the base of my brass with a sharpie, but figured I'd ask first.