Hunting & Fishing how effective is Camo??? When hunting?

Re: how effective is Camo??? When hunting?

Camo works great for collecting hunters, I've never seen the benifit in collecting critters.

Me? I like floresent orange. You can see it a long ways away, and I've never had it prevent me from getting my critters.
Re: how effective is Camo??? When hunting?

It's mostly a joke. It's ironic that gun guys and hunters are just as fashion conscious as our wives with coyote tan and camo. Great business model: make hunters feel out of fashion and incapable if they don't have camo and you'll get truckloads of money.

I think it might have some value with archery or predator hunting when you can't get enough concealment, like in a ground blind.

For still or spot and stalk hunting? Get real, they can see you move if you're not concealed.
Re: how effective is Camo??? When hunting?

Waste of money. I've shot too many animals at close range while dressed in blaze orange to think that camoflage makes any difference. Animals see movement weather you are dressed in blue jeans or "mossy pine ultraflage".

The only camo that I think does any good is wearing white in the snow.
Re: how effective is Camo??? When hunting?

Hunters are a funny bunch. Dress up in full, expensive camo then cover in blaze orange per most state laws.

While I think blaze orange is important to keep you from getting shot, I also feel blaze orange makes you an unnecessary target for game wardens even if you are doing nothing wrong.

Blazer orange = huter, hunter = possible violator = revenue.

I don't like to advertise what I'm doing even if it's always legal.

Yes, I have been pulled over and let go with a handshake just for wearing blaze orange.
Re: how effective is Camo??? When hunting?

I recall reading a report years back and the long and short of it is that most ,not all, animals don't see in colors but in tones so that blaze orange vest doesn't stick out to them like it does to us. Smell ,sound and movement tend to be big ones with all animals. So the value of camo for hunting is debatable at best IMO.
Re: how effective is Camo??? When hunting?

camo up... I've killed way to many critters wearing camo, than blue jeans... it can go either way... but for me, my balls would be hangin out the crotch of my ripped out jeans if I tried wearing wranglers in the field... the limited movement blue jean material has for a dude with a 34" waist and 28" thighs just don't work... then again I don't only sit and wait for animals to come to me, I would say I pursue them 1/2 the time...IMHO the more distorted and effective camo while in stalk mode... the better.
Re: how effective is Camo??? When hunting?

Somethin like a ghille is the way to go. I agree the animals, except for turkeys and ducks don't see the color as much as the.shape, outline and movement. Turkey and ducks however require.camo or they will spot you. I still like the three-d stuff for them too. Just my .02
Re: how effective is Camo??? When hunting?

Camo for turkeys and any bow hunting.
Stinkin' turkeys have spotted me (full camo, including face mask), because I blinked! Their eyesight is incredible and they are not a trusting animal.
Re: how effective is Camo??? When hunting?

Breaking up the outline is key. More and more, the good camo has large blocks of light and dark, which do a lot to break up the outline on the human form. I also agree that ghille suits or leafy wear help do this also.

It also keeps other <span style="font-style: italic">hunters</span> from seeing you in some of your secret hunting spots which produce big bucks or bulls. I have had hunters walk within 10' of me and never see me sitting on a good path where I have seen big deer pass in unlikely spots. Also had hunters glass right over me when I am on a ridge or top of a canyon and never know I am hunting an area that I know big deer are in, but they are too lazy to get off a road.
Re: how effective is Camo??? When hunting?

I've killed more in my blue jeans and an orange cap then full camo it's all about outlineing your self and becoming a part of your surrounding is the key.
Re: how effective is Camo??? When hunting?

I wear Carthart brown for calling coyotes when there isn't any snow and whites when there is snow on the ground. I always cover my face and hands.

I suppose you could call the whites camo, but I don't own anything with a pattern on it.

I'm not against camo, I just don't feel the need for it.
Re: how effective is Camo??? When hunting?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: kraigWY</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Camo is good for blinding in when you're hiding from the wife at Walmart. </div></div>

I hope you've got the car keys in your pocket when you try that one, Kraig.

I know some people that would just leave me there.
Re: how effective is Camo??? When hunting?

Who says you need camo for turkeys????

Re: how effective is Camo??? When hunting?

I definitely think it helps when turkey hunting. If I wear camo inside my blind, i stand out like a boner and the birds seem to notice me easier. If I wear all black inside the blind, they come much much closer. Same goes when I sit under a tree. If i wear a black top and camo pants = no turkey. If im in full camo, sometimes they walk to close that I could grab them.
Re: how effective is Camo??? When hunting?

Seems pointless to wear camo rifle hunting. In my opinion you have to have camo to be consistently effective bow hunting.

In my experience steady noise, (like walking constantly), will get you noticed. Elk may let you get away with being heard. Sometimes you can get away with being seen. I have never had an elk smell me and not leave.
Re: how effective is Camo??? When hunting?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: kraigWY</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Who says you need camo for turkeys????


How long was the shot on the turkey? We have to hunt turkey's with a shotgun. Bow hunting and turkey hunting I wear camo. Everything else it's what ever I feel like putting on for the day.
Re: how effective is Camo??? When hunting?

Camo is only as effective as the nimrod wearing it.

Put a guy who just doesnt "have it" in state of the art camo, and its not likely to help him much if he lacks field craft, is a fidgety fucker, etc etc.

Put a guy who "has it", in blue jeans and a t-shirt, and he'll out kill the other guy every time.

"Match the hatch" I say. If its brown out, wear brown, if its white out, wear white, just common sense. Ive killed to many coyotes in my tan carharts to ever think you need "camo". Ive killed to many coyotes in my plain white cover suit to ever think you need "camo" (in fact, I think "snow camo" is just plain silly).

In fact, most commercial camo, is FAR to dark for most applications in my opinion. A good set of slightly used and faded carharts blends into the browns of fall about as good as anything out there.
Re: how effective is Camo??? When hunting?

A friend of mine and I did a little un scientific test using Mossy Oak, Realtree, and Natgear. We set in a fence row as if we were coyote hunting and took black and white photos at 25yrd, 50 yrd and 100yrds with each pattern. The natgear was the only one that didn't look like a black blob. The Natgear could be made out but not near as obvious as the others. I want to do the same thing with some carhart tan pants and coat. I call most of the HD camo patterns with sticks and such coffee shop camo. Like said before, be mindful of what is behind you. Breaking up the outline is essential.
Re: how effective is Camo??? When hunting?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Go bowhunt turkeys in your blue jeans and a t-shirt and you'll find out pretty quickly how effective camo can be.</div></div>

It wouldn't matter what I wore, I couldn't hit the ground with a bow.
Re: how effective is Camo??? When hunting?

I don't fall for the big camo hype. But, I believe that it is important that the camo or clothes you wear break up your outline, not necessarily exactly match the foliage around you. The same general colors as the environment should be OK. Hunt the wind and watch your movement.
Re: how effective is Camo??? When hunting?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: bbear</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
Go bowhunt turkeys in your blue jeans and a t-shirt and you'll find out pretty quickly how effective camo can be.

Bowhunting turkeys is crazy talk!!
Even in a ground blind, they are a frustrating animal to kill.
Turkeys are like golf. You work your whole life and never master the game.
Re: how effective is Camo??? When hunting?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: pickpick</div><div class="ubbcode-body">A friend of mine and I did a little un scientific test using Mossy Oak, Realtree, and Natgear. We set in a fence row as if we were coyote hunting and took black and white photos at 25yrd, 50 yrd and 100yrds with each pattern. </div></div>

So you used which pattern? You listed brands, not patterns.
A LOT of camo looks like a big black blob if you're hunting open grass land that is ultra light tan in the fall or winter.
Use it where it's meant to be used and it's more than adequate.

Also, allow a shadow to be cast on your side facing game, and it won't matter what color you're look black.
Re: how effective is Camo??? When hunting?

It's all about breaking up your silhouette with whitetail, and wearing colors to blend in for turkey. Sure you can shoot an animal without camo, but it sure doesn't hurt.
Re: how effective is Camo??? When hunting?

I'm well into my 50s and just bought my first camo. The only reason I got it was I have been searching for a QUIET warm outer jacket and pants with more wind protection than my Filson wool garments.

I tend to just wear colors hunting that "match the hatch" and do as well as my companions that are all camo'd up.

Works for me and I'd never try to convince others they are doing something wrong. Just works for me.

However, I will be warmer in the deer stand next year with my new camo gear and I can get there a lot quieter.
Re: how effective is Camo??? When hunting?

OK, I was just posting that you need to break up your outline, and camo helps to do that...

Yesterday, I got out to a remote work site for work about an hour before everyone else was scheduled to show up.

I brought my e caller along with my AR-15. Just at sun-up, I set up the caller on the side of a rocky hill, wearing blue jeans, a brown jacket and tan baseball hat, I started my calling sequence. Expecting to see coyotes coming in from the flats below, I was not concerned with close shots so I sat down in some rocks about 30' from the call....stupid me.

After about 15 minutes, and not seeing anything moving down below, some movement CLOSE caught my attention just to my left, about 10' from my caller.

As I slowly turned my head, there was a bobcat staring at me. He did not seem too concerned, as I froze, and he was still interested in my caller. I was trying to slowly bring my rifle up, when my phone rang.....that bobcat jumped straight up about 6' in the air and was gone in 1/2 second. I never even got a shot, but he sure never really knew what I was until the damn phone rang.

I was out in the open from the direction he must have snuck in from, and he never noticed me.

If my jackass workers would not have called me saying they were running late, I would have had a bobcat too.

I took a shotgun with me this morning also, but nothing came in today...wonder why?

So I can definitely see where sitting still and having muted colors does a good job of fooling game animals eyes, but I still prefer camo when hunting for other reasons as I stated above.
Re: how effective is Camo??? When hunting?

I wear camo on hiking trips in California, it keeps the smelly hippies away.

Camo is like kryptonite to hippies!
Re: how effective is Camo??? When hunting?

All depends on what you’re hunting and how you hunt. In Montana rifle hunting for deer I wear clothes for the weather, camo or not and most times I can be found in OD jeans and my old woodland M65 field jacket with a orange vest over it. If anything my jeans blend the best with the environment out there. Back in Michigan in a blind where I am not moving most of the day its layers of whatever as the deer will only see my head anyway. Coyote hunting camo up, crow hunting don’t camo as they are some wise birds and you can get closer just wearing street clothes.

After listening to a few turkey hunters about camo and how much you have to cover up I proceeded to follow their advice and never got one within range till the day I was short on time and went out for a couple hours in blue jeans and a black shirt and laid the smack down on a sizable bird. So I guess he was not as bright as he should have been. After cleaning him I learned why they are considered fowl and have not hunted them since.
of course it didnt help not knowing what I was doing and just followed what I could remember as a child watchin' dad clean chickens.
Re: how effective is Camo??? When hunting?

I'm lucky enough to hunt on our ranch for the most part and the best camo we use it driving a John Deere 4020 up to the fields till we see deer. They're so used to seeing the equipment that it doesn't phase them. and yes that works for turkeys too!

As for coyotes I do camo/ghillie up and call but I also don't move so it goes back to breaking up your outline.
Re: how effective is Camo??? When hunting?

This is one of the first years I've gotten to watch a hunting buddy in full camo on a ridge at about 300 yards moving through saplings and hardwoods. Motion is the main determinant in how well game sees us. Happy hunting.