How much did Xiden get paid off to get out of the race?


Old Mountain Man-Tired occasionally Grumpy SOB
Full Member
  • Aug 21, 2008
    WARSHington State
    Has to be in the 10s of millions doesn't it.... even though he probably doesn't know what day it is.

    Ice cream.... you you you know... the thing. 🙄

    Maybe the kickbacks from Ukraine have been enough....
    I don't believe he has any concept of the value of money anymore, he is out of it mentally. it definitely is going to be Jill's decision on the amount. For 50 years he has spent whatever he wanted with no regard because he knows more kickbacks are coming in.
    Brandon doesn't even know he dropped out , for all we know Boeing's team of Plumbers is already in WH, made and signed his letter.

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    FJB dropping (aka being forced) out is but a tactical move by the dems to stave off trumps glory, & fund raising after 7/13. They knew before that day they could not beat him, so they are taking the other road to Perdition. Staying frosty, is SOP from here on out as the next shoe to drop, will be painful.