How much does lot # matter?


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Mar 31, 2018
I am looking at purchasing multiple cases of factory ammo (Hornady 6mm creedmoor 108gr ELD-M). Do I need to make sure the cases are the same lot # or does it make much of a difference?
It's one less variable removed if you get the same lot.
From Vietnam (Hathcock) to today, the working crew wants same lot.
When I competed, I got as big a lot as I could afford. Most long term competitors who dont reload, generally by same case lots.

Others have seen mixed lots make no difference with some newer factory ammo.

My old habits die hard, I will keep buying in quantity same lot, makes a difference in long range, jmho.
It's one less variable removed if you get the same lot.
From Vietnam (Hathcock) to today, the working crew wants same lot.
When I competed, I got as big a lot as I could afford. Most long term competitors who dont reload, generally by same case lots.

Others have seen mixed lots make no difference with some newer factory ammo.

My old habits die hard, I will keep buying in quantity same lot, makes a difference in long range, jmho.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on that! I can get it cheaper with mixed lots, but it might be worth it to purchase from a retailer that will ensure its all from the same lot. Haven’t made a decision yet, but appreciate the input.
If you get mixed lots, chrono each lot, then test point of impact differences, zero with one lot, see if zero moves btw lots, if not, good...
If all poi is within a minute of say 100 yard zero, test again at 500.
If there are significant differences, this will make extra prep for match data btw lot changes.
You may be able to adjust the ballistic program, but still need a three range distance test per lot to "know" all is on.
Would be a very good learning experience to share later as well on the board.
Have run hunting club 40 years. Seen great variance in different years lots, horribly.
25 years of LE rifle training, see less variance in 308 match ammo during same year lots, with differences cropping up about every 3 years btw lots. At one point, Federal was the most consistent. Todays Hornady serms to be best now.
In the department I train now, we do see lot variances that some rifles dont like, a couple of lots did not shoot well in the new AccInt AI-T rifles, where others do shoot exceptionally well.
40 year competitor, about the same experience as the 25 year LE time. When we were shooting military match ammo, lot choice was critical.
Again, would be very interested in your results if you go mix lot. I have students who could benefit from your passed on knowledge.
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Match ammo has gotten much better over the last twenty or thirty years but I would recommend getting it from the same lot number. J-Huskey is entirely correct in stating one variable eliminated. Even if that variable is small eliminating it is a confidence boost behind the trigger. The longer the distance the more critical to eliminate variances.