How to accurately measure target distance


Oct 7, 2019
My shooting range is limited to 1000 yards, so i'm planning to head out in open country and set up my own targets. At the moment i only have a 1000 yard range finder. If i wanted to set a target at say 1500 yards, or a mile, can i use my garmin gps to accurately do so? What methods do you use?
Out to 1200ish you can pretty accurately range targets with your reticle if you know target size.
I did that for almost a decade before I got a range finder.

A gps or app will get you close enough at a mile.
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with a good range finder I like to range from the target back to the shooting point. granted, my shooting point actually has the broad side of a barn, but it makes it so you don't have to nail a 10" target at 800yds with a laser. maybe leave a vehicle parking at your shooting point and laser it, or something like that.