Advanced Marksmanship How to control/manage muzzle jump


If your position requires conscious muscle effort; you can't relax.

If you can't relax; it's fatiguing and your performance simply cannot sustain the required consistency.

When you're doing it right, you get a 'right' feeling; and that feeling establishes the level of self confidence that is essential to consistent performance.

After some time that methodical approach becomes a learned process; and it no longer intrudes into the conscious portion of the shot sequence.

I've been doing this stuff since the early 1990's (even before The Lowlight Directive precursor site to SH) and its always a work in progress for me. Even now I can still improve.

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One way to hang in there for that 3 second or longer wait is to try this:

Set up the rifle with a sling and a bipod. Adjust the sling so that when it sits on the bipod and the rear bag, the sling can be pushed down until it's still about 1/2" to 1" off the ground.

Address the rifle, and slip the rear bag holding hand in between the rifle and sling. Sink into prone with the hand grasping the rear bag and the sling supporting the elbow and upper body weight.

Pull the rifle butt into the shoulder pocket; relax and release the shot. It takes a little practice before it feels good, but not a lot.

As the bullet travels, the body's weight has prevented any muzzle climb; and the trace should be visible from about halfway out to all the way onto the target. You should be able to pick up the trace as a boiling distortion that extends in an arch like a worm; and if the Sun is behind the shooter, the glint off the bullet should also show up.

Helluva sight...

Oh, and yeah; maybe I should have mentioned this part first...

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