How to get the most out of Hornady's 4DOF app.


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
Jun 5, 2020
Hi all,

I posted Hornady's podcast #50 on the reloading forum but this one definitely belongs here.

They just released Podcast #51 today and as promised they do a deep dive into the 4DOF app, I've been using 4DOF for almost a year and I learned a lot from the podcast, not just about how the app works, but more about the finer points and all the tips and tricks available that will help to make better prediction. More were tailored for PRS, but also for hunting.

For example: Stupid me, I had never used the range card feature. Invaluable! You can create multiple range cards one for each Match station the night before and be ready to go. All you need to enter before shooting is the wind.

OR, you can range a bunch of different points with a rangefinder from a particular hunting vantage point and create different named cards, like "Rock left" or Big Tree Right" cards with all the shot data for each of those aim points.

And also prediction "checks", meaning, and this goes back to reloading and absolute great zeros, when you are missing shots at long range, and think "something is wrong with the damn app", you actually have ways to quickly test the app to see if it's working inside the parameters of the information you put in it! Even down to whether you're entered the wrong wind correction...

Here's the link - again I advise caffeine to keep the attention span up and the ZZZs to a minimum, and also it's a show to watch, not listen too. Graphics intensive.

Gonna watch that, the #50 was interesting for sure. Watching #31 now.

Just wait, on the shooting courses the KILLER is spotting all of the targets with the RF to my Kestrel and then just picking them up with the values given on the target card. The range card on the kestrel gives just generic values per 25-50-100m distances.

Too bad I do not have the Leica as it would also input the DOF for each target to help estimating wind effects. I usually have the wind values already bracketed for that day already or I measure them at the FP but as it changes constantly, live measuring is teachable but not very productive for actually hitting.

As naming with the kestrel is tough and I want to use the generic 1-10 or A to J, I name my landmarks with numbers or letters, like 1- big rocks so I can connect them to my Kestrel target card.
Just playing with 4DOF a bit, haven't got a chance to run it in the field yet.
Who's got experience with this at ELR distances? how does it do out passed trans?

I know most guys running AB but just thought I'd ask.
Can't speak to true ELR, but once I took the time to dial in/convert my gun profile over to zero angle the calculated drop was dead on for me out to 1100 yds. Haven't compared to AB with CDM, but compared to a standard G7 solver where I had to add a tenth from the calculated value starting around 700 yds and .2 at 1100, it was better.