How to Save QuickLOAD Work?

That would work, but I'm trying to save, reload later and continue working.

To optimize the results you need to adjust case capacity and Ba based on velocity as you collect more data.

It's a real pain to start over each time and re-enter all the old data.
On the toolbar, 2nd icon from the left, is a Save button.


Click it, and a Save As window comes up. You can then Name the file and navigate to whatever folder you want to save it in.
FxDrider got it. Next time you want to work on that file just open it within Quickload and tweak to your hearts content. Might want to save a copy though, Incase you want to revert back.

Like others mentioned, your measured case capacity in H2O (water) will also make the calculations that much more accurate. In my experience I’ve found that what QL predicts for muzzle velocity compared to shooting over a Labradar, is about 15 FPS from the calculated velocity. That’s close enough for me, I’m not going to mess with the burn rate of the powder.
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