Howard Stern Admits Coronavirus Paranoia Sparked a Fight with His Wife
Radio host and shock-jock Howard Stern admitted that coronavirus paranoia recently sparked a fight with his wife.

Radio host and shock-jock Howard Stern admitted that coronavirus paranoia recently sparked a fight with his wife, who seemingly does not share his alarm.
During a Wednesday episode for his SiriusXM radio show, Howard Stern said that while he has been more active in recent days, the new coronavirus strain has made him paranoid and “neurotic.” The topic came up when a radio caller asked if Stern found it risky to conduct his radio show from the studio in the wake of a new coronavirus strain.
“I’m going crazy with this. My wife yelled at me last night. We got into a fight,” he said. “You know how paranoid I am about getting COVID. I haven’t gotten it, and I’m pretty safe, and I really don’t want to get it.”
Stern feared that he would be one of the coronavirus cases who end up in the hospital or worse.
“Everyone goes, ‘Don’t worry, it’s just a cold for me.’ It’ll probably be way worse. You know what I mean? I mean, I’m the lucky one who will completely fall apart,” he said.
Stern discussed how the age difference between him and his wife (he’s 69; she’s 51) causes a strain when coronavirus pops up.
“You know, my wife’s considerably younger than me, as you might have heard. And you know, she’s not as concerned about getting COVID as I am, because, you know, I’m an older dude,” he said.
“Beth has a bunch of plans. She has like a wedding shower to go to and lunch to go to with a friend and a dinner and a blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So, you know, we’re really making an effort. We go out to restaurants. We went to the Ed Sheeran concert. We’ve really been out there. I haven’t gotten COVID. And I’m like, you know what? If I get it, I get it,” he added. “Then all of a sudden they announce there’s a new strain of COVID and it’s on the rise. And, you know, people are being hospitalized. ‘It’s time to go back down into lockdown.’ And I’m like, you mean I’m just emerging, and now I’m going back into lockdown!”
Stern said that the argument erupted when he shared his coronavirus concerns with his wife.
“She goes, ‘That’s what you do. Every time I say I’m going to do something, you bring up COVID,'” Stern said of his wife’s words, prompting him to reply, “I’m just telling you, I’m scared. Am I wrong?”
“I’m just expressing my fear to you, and I’m scared,” he added.
Stern admitted that he has “neurotic” issues, which his co-host Robin Quivers described as a “person with no real problems, but who makes them up.”
“Yeah. I make a ton of problems,” Stern admitted.
What a loud mouthed pussy!!