Hunting & Fishing hunting rifle weight


Full Member
Dec 18, 2007
Pa, York co. Dover
Okay quick backround I"m haveing apa build me a rifle for hunting and I don't want it to be too heavy. I weighted my browning blr lever gun and with lupy 3x9 and but stock with extra bullets she goes just over 9 lbs. What do you guys feel is perfect hunting gun weight?
Re: hunting rifle weight

AS light as possible!! If you can keep in under ten pounds I think your doing pretty good. I carried a 15 pound set up elk hunting this year, and it wasn't very much fun at all!
Re: hunting rifle weight

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Bubb</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Okay quick backround I"m haveing apa build me a rifle for hunting and I don't want it to be too heavy. I weighted my browning blr lever gun and with lupy 3x9 and but stock with extra bullets she goes just over 9 lbs. What do you guys feel is perfect hunting gun weight? </div></div>

Depends alot on how you hunt.

I like them 8-9 lbs all up as a general rule.

I have them lighter and heavier.

The barrel is usually the heaviest single component. A #3 contour by any mfg would be the largest I would recommend for a GP hunting rifle.

What cartridge are you planning to chamber in your new rifle?
What are the specs you have in mind already?

We can give you a fairly close estimation of finished weight with these specs.
Re: hunting rifle weight

I also think this depends on how you hunt and the way you intend to shoot your game. If you are going to shoot offhand you may find a ultra light rifle with a pencil thin 18"-20"barrel wobbles a whole lot more for you than a standard 2 contour barrel of 22"-24" in length. On the other hand if you drive a 4 wheeler to your stand and hunt off a rest, or pack your gun in an eberlestock knowing you are going to shoot a long ways off, then in those circumstances a heavy barrel gun is doable, and not a hindrence, but a planned burden.

I am not saying you can't shoot a short light barrel accurately, but the difference is easily seen by putting some cans/etc up at 100 yards and seeing how quick you can shoot them accurately offhand with each rifle. Some people can adjust better than others to this. I owned a #3 contoured/fluted Weatherby Accumark(30-06) with a 24" bbl.- 8 3/4lbs(using weights of bare rifles) This rifle was very accurate, and not to much for me to carry in my late 20's/early 30's(though I noticed its wieght for the first few days of full day hunts), but I could not hold it up to shoot for more than a couple of seconds. I found this to be an undesirable hindrence in a hunting rifle when offhand shots are required on game in timber or other cover. (bucks will play hidey peekey from behind trees, etc.) If you plan on shooting prone or off of sticks and stalk to your locations, this will not be a hindrence. I don't think I would want that rifle in about 10 years when I won't have the same legs/endurence I had at that age.

A bdl long action wieghs in at 7 3/8 lbs, a m70 standard at 7 1/4lbs. They carry a barrel wieght that is very pointable and can be held up for quite a while. A factor I attribute to rifles with barrels of the standard 2 contour. I have settled on a winchester m70 extreme stainless for my hunting rifle. Mine is a 6 1/2lb rifle(308 win) with a fluted #2 contour bbl 22" in length. It has a b&c stock. (I love the synthetic aluminum bedded stocks these days) I found it to be quite tolerable in comparison to my wood stocked rifles when climbing 1000 ft in elevation during a day of hunting(spot and stock whitetails & black bear). I find that rifles in this category (think Rem. model 7, 700 mountain lss, kimber 84m, etc) are ideal to me and recommend those looking for an all purpose rifle look in these categories.

<span style="font-weight: bold">NOTE</span>: IF you are looking at magnum calibers, you may find your new uber light 7/300 mag kills at both ends to the point it effects your ability to employ the rifle accurately. To me it means a 7+ lb rifle becomes minimum. If you hike miles to shoot something you need to be able to hit it.
Re: hunting rifle weight

I've hunted in mountains with 13 and 18 pound rifles, I'll be the first to tell you its not fun, but they worked perfect every time. I think as light as possible would be okay, but I like my guns to have a little meat on them, I would say 10-12lbs would be just right, pending caliber.
Re: hunting rifle weight

This is a mostly whitetail rig rem sa, in a case based off .308. The ai mag is for 308 and the bolt head is 308. So I gotta stay round there. Rifle not built yet so got alittle deciding to do on caliber. Jared at APA likes .308 and has a barrels in his own contour. I just don't what this to be too heavy and not what to take it hunting. I sometimes tree stand hunt and sometimes walk all day? As for caliver I was thinking between .260, 7mm08 or 308... barrel lenth around 20-22".
Re: hunting rifle weight

For retained energy at distance I would stay with the 7-08 or 308. If you go for bigger game I made the choice for 308 to have heavies available for such affairs.
Re: hunting rifle weight

As light as possible. Here's an example:


Without scope, 5.5 pounds, in .308. DO get a brake, some don't like it for the noise, but from a blind or stand, you have time to don ear pro. Stalking, not so much.

I do like the 308, lots of boolet choices, from varmint stuff to the heavy stuff. Have been shooting a lot of Barnes Vortex lately, seems to match my 175 SMK comeups out to 400 yards, that is a practical long shot for most hunting app's.

Not that you can't have a light rifle in heavy caliber either. Observe this 5.5 pound 300 WM:


My 12 yr old nephew used it a couple weeks ago to pop an auodad. HE never complained about the recoil, due to a good brake. Another usually overlooked factor ( prolly not by APA tho!!!) is the shape of the stock. A straight in line recoil is lots easier to manage. Has anyone ever shot an old Weatherby that didn't buck??? look at the comb and stock shape. The recoil on this gun is more than a 243, but not as much as a 270, hell, I put a brake like this on the Weatherby 270 Accumark to tame it some. It scope bit a customer 4 shots in a row one year. Gotta give the guy credit though, he kept pulling the trigger!!!!
Re: hunting rifle weight

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Bubb</div><div class="ubbcode-body">This is a mostly whitetail rig rem sa, in a case based off .308. The ai mag is for 308 and the bolt head is 308. So I gotta stay round there. Rifle not built yet so got alittle deciding to do on caliber. Jared at APA likes .308 and has a barrels in his own contour. I just don't what this to be too heavy and not what to take it hunting. I sometimes tree stand hunt and sometimes walk all day? As for caliver I was thinking between .260, 7mm08 or 308... barrel lenth around 20-22". </div></div>

Any of those calibers will be fine. With a McM edge stock, a #3 Barlein barrel and reasonable glass, you should be able to keep it under 8 lbs which is about all I like in a rifle that I am going walk with all day.
Re: hunting rifle weight

If you are planning on doing a lot of hiking, as light as possible... some even get into graphite barrels for that reason. If you are not intending on carrying a long ways then a couple extra pounds will not make a big difference. I would try and stay at or under 8 lbs. I also carry a high quality pack that does not put all of the weight on my shoulders and back. Get a good sling or a pack with a scabbard that you can put the rifle in if you are going to be going up and down mountains, especailly if there are bluffs.
Re: hunting rifle weight

Depends on what distance I expect to shoot for me more than the amount of packing. I don't mind the weight if it's the tool I need. If I am going to get long shots at ground hogs or whatever I carry my heavier rifle.....if shots are going to be possible 300yds or so, I am carrying a 3 contour .243 in a very light set up. In a gunslinger II pack with a rifle scabbard I don't mind the extra pounds of my heavy rifle. If I was building one rifle I would want 7-8# with no glass.
Re: hunting rifle weight

I think that 90% of making a good decision on rifle weight is based on taking time to decide how you plan to carry it.

A good sling is a huge benefit. Jungle-type slings and other fast access compromises are fine for when the quarry shoots back, but when hunting basic game, their employments are probably based on faulty logic. I'd even consider a Biathlon-Type sling design if harsh terrain and exertion were to be a big part of the experience.

Folks like to supersize the chamberings when dealing with multiple scenarios; so rifle mass can definitely have practical lower limits, particularly when and if a followup shot is required.

No matter what you're carrying; if you're hunting around dangerous game, and you're out there alone, I think you're suicidal. You drop a tasty critter in a large predator's territory, you may have to seriously consider what happens when the predator gets the scent of your bloodied trophy. Even a human can smell fresh blood.

Re: hunting rifle weight

My 300wm is about 13 scoped, little heavier than I want to lug for miles at a time so I had a 6.5x47 built. 7 pounds scoped.. mucho elbetter'o. (I'm pretty sure thats mexican!


Re: hunting rifle weight

I've got a Remington 7mm with scope that weighs about 9 lbs with four rounds. I went still hunting for a day (about 8 hours) this past season and had sore arms for 2 days. I'd say less weight is better if your still hunting. For hunting in a stand weight is obviously not that much a concern.
Re: hunting rifle weight

A lightweight rifle is a pleasure to carry and, in my opinion and experience, you carry a hunting rifle alot more than shoot it. Focus on your skills as a hunter and you can usually get close enough to the game to get a clean kill on an animal without having to use a 15lb rifle. My rifle weighs about 7.5 lbs, loaded and it's a joy to carry.
Re: hunting rifle weight

My brush gun is a 7lb 20" barrel 375 H&H and it is just super rifle for walking or spot and stalk. My stand gun is a 16.4lb 308 and pure hell to walk with. Hopefully my new sling helps with that.
Re: hunting rifle weight

My treehouse rifle is a 13lb 243ai. My walking/stalking rifle is a 6.5 lb 7mm-08. I haven't taken a long action out of the safe for hunting in several years. I have been spoiled on these easy to shoot, accuate, and deadly rounds. Though I am thinking about a 6.5x47 for a "do it all" rifle.
Re: hunting rifle weight

I use, and have for some time, a pre-64 winchester 70 standard in .30-06 with a 4x Leupold on it. Loaded, I'd say it goes around 8 or 9lbs. I have never weighed it, because I don't care. I carry it all day, stalking deer through oak thickets and ravines here in SW MO. Most of my shots are from standing offhand or kneeling, and the gun just comes to the shoulder and is already pointing where I am looking. No waving around or trying to get on target, just squeeze the trigger and the game drops. I killed several deer this fall, all were DRT, and all but one were shot from standing offhand. The other one gave me time to shoot off the knee. I'll pack another pound or two for that kind of reliability in the field. Main thing is, don't buy a rifle that tells you how to hunt. Buy one that hunts like you do.
Re: hunting rifle weight

My rifle is 6.25 lbs without glass. A Remington 700 LSS (Light Stainless Steel) in 7mm-08. Pencil thin, 22" barrel. I chucked the stock and put it in a B&C Alaskan II.

Great weight for my upcoming hunting trip lugging it around in the rolling prairies of WY.

As an ultralight hiker, I can emphatically say that if you have to hump it, every ounce you don't have to carry is paid back tenfold in happiness.
Re: hunting rifle weight

No matter what you're carrying; if you're hunting around dangerous game, and you're out there alone, I think you're suicidal. You drop a tasty critter in a large predator's territory, you may have to seriously consider what happens when the predator gets the scent of your bloodied trophy. Even a human can smell fresh blood.

Greg [/quote]

A buddy of mine back in AK used to carry a 375H&H for hunting the little black tail deer on Kodiak because a rifle shot is like a dinner bell to the big browns.
Re: hunting rifle weight

Bubb, I will concede I didn't take time to read to above replies to your opening post but I read your question. Being assertively opinionated and egotistical like the rest, and having some experience I thought I might help.

I grew up in the country carrying a 30" 12 ga Rem Mod 1100 shooting snipe in the fields and rabbits in the briar woods, wearing the blueing off it doing so and a lot of hiking timber cut-overs for miles for the darn beagles we'd lost from chasing the swamp rabbit we'd missed even with the full choke 12 gauge.

How much gun to tote depends how much you are able tote because you want to carry as much as you can in scope, barrel....

Since you asked, I'd get the lightest stock Mac makes, bed the action, (screw bottom medals), the best action you care to spend money on, the lightest Lilja, PanNor, Kreiger, etc they make, fluted if they will, brake it, use recoil reducer(s), use aluminum tactical rings, aluminum one-piece base unless the action has a base such a some Surgeons and others, a 8x or 10x fixed scope (lighter than variables) that's rugged like a USO, Schmidt, Zeiss, Steiner, NF, (might oughta have covered knobs case you fall on it which is also why I would use tactical rings).

Test good slings 'til you find one you like and works. Really. Tote up and down the stairs. Then, don't strap any stupid shells on the butt unless you've proven they'll be there when you need them. My experience was they weren't!

This is the most important advice to myself: Shoot alot (Just not too fast successively during the hot days of Summer with a hot caliber and cook your barrel thoat). From every position you can imagine. Pretend you're trying to wear out that puny-ass barrel. When you do you'll be a crack shot, an accomplished hand loader, and you'll know what kind of barrel you prefer and you'll get to spout off at some other guy on here about what kind of hunting barrel to get.

P.S. There is a member here named "Weda" who is a NW hunter / gatherer (kidding) guide type guy who would be happy to advise unless he's gotten really busy, but I'm sure someone will find you. Good luck, and again, don't substitute shooting.
Re: hunting rifle weight

7lbs with optics. Once you have a light rifle you won't want to carry anything else. Two examples that are right around 7lbs scoped:

300 WSM @ 7lbs 3oz scoped (Rem 700 in McMillan EDGE)


30-06 @ 7lbs scoped (Sako A7 in McMillan EDGE - 6lbs 1oz as seen in pic)

Re: hunting rifle weight

I almost think ergonomics is just as much a deciding factor. I like accurate 7.62x51mm AR style autoloaders. They just seem so comfortable to carry. Held right infront of the magazine well it seems perfectly balanced. Maybe I'm biased after carrying ARs for the last 19 years, but thats my opinion.
Carrying around my M24 or my .300 just seems awkward and cumbersome.
Whatever gun you choose do as Casey Simpson said and shoot the piss out of it. In the conditions you are going to hunt in. Your ability to hit what you aim at in all conditions should be the deciding factor. Good luck.