I call coyote about 85% at night. Never use a decoy any longer. The times we did use a montanna coyote decoy and they came flying in and saw it they split as fast.
I have not used the mojo at night & may pal keeps his FoxPro one off thats attached to his shockwave.
During the day I just use the wing on a stick....works the best IMO.
No decoy. Put the caller at your feet or just a few feet in front of you. Stand up while using a tall bipod or tripod.
No need to hide the caller or even hide yourself. Keep the light in their eyes and they cant see you. Nights with No Moon are best.
We do it with 3 guys, but it works solo as well. It's just nice to have 1 guy running the caller and spot light in between 2 shooters.
( at Night ) . I have set-out a foxpro jackinbox with it letting it run on squeak sound . out in open fields a few times just to see what happens and try something different .
It did work, the coyotes did hear it & ran in to check it out and I popped a coyotes with it . They would never get more than about 50 yard to it and do a couple half-cycles and start to trot off.
They for sure did see the decoy spin and shake when they got close enough . but in reality ( st night ) it's probably no different than just putting out a remote call working in the same role .