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Hypothetical : Texas Secession


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Apr 13, 2008
Smithville, MO
Keep in mind...this is hypothetical, maybe even a fantasy, or wishful thinking. I'm genuinely curious on angles I haven't considered because there are a whole lot of smart mofo's on here. I would really like to hear your thoughts on whether this is a stupid thought I have, or a reasonable plausibility with some unconsidered details, so here goes.

What if the country were to continue down a path and start looking like it has a authoritarian dicktaster like Castro Jr. in Canadia. What if Texas passed through it's state legislatures a bill that would have Texas secede from the United states.

I think Texas would be the ideal state to start because they wouldn't be isolating themselves from the rest of the world. They have deepwater ports, oil, food production, refineries, manufacturing, they're on their own electric grid for a majority of the state. Texas residents seem to me to have more loyalty to their state than they do the country, and I won't even bother to bring up the topic of firearm ownership because...we all know.

I think it would be the first domino if they did that. I believe that many bordering states would quickly join in, and it they would continue to fall to the north, and the southeast states, essentially splitting the nation into thirds.

I wonder what would the federal response be? It's a very different world from the 1860's America. People now don't have survival skills, they like stuff too much, there's a whole lot more people, and there's a lot more technology that would make it a very, very different event.

I'm sure it's a dumb thought, where am I wrong though. What haven't I considered.


The Political Segregation of America Is Happening Via Migration​

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(AP Photo/David Zalubowski, File)
Late last year, New York Post columnist Karol Markowicz announced that she and her family were moving to Florida. I’ve known Karol for years. She loves New York and constantly sang its praises. But it wasn’t so much a voluntary departure. In a sense, the state compelled her family to move.

It was the pandemic that did it.
“It wasn’t that we suddenly realized Florida was sunny or had no state income tax. It isn’t because, as the Onion joked years ago, that as New Yorkers we woke up one day and realized it’s a horrible place to live. Not because of New York’s increasingly leftist politics, though obviously, that didn’t help,” she wrote. “It was because they took away school during the pandemic and not enough of my fellow New Yorkers cared. I kept looking around at a civilization that does not value education. Or worse, values it for their own kids, in the form of private pods or putting them into open private schools, but won’t fight for their less fortunate neighbors to have the same.”
She noted that when schools finally reopened, things didn’t get better. “There was no discussion about the broken system that had kept them closed. The very same people stuck kids in masks indefinitely, even outdoors.” The worst part, she said, was that her fellow New Yorkers accepted this. Being conservative in New York was always difficult, but that wasn’t enough for her to uproot her family and leave the city she loved.
It’s happening everywhere. And the mainstream media has taken notice. Last week, NPR published a piece acknowledging that Americans are fleeing to places where the political views match their own. They’re calling it “The Big Sort.”
“America is growing more geographically polarized,” NPR observed. “Red ZIP codes are getting redder and blue ZIP codes are becoming bluer. People appear to be sorting.”
One family profiled left California after the state’s COVID restrictions forced the wife to close down her photography studio. Another family left Puerto Rico for Texas after the government there was going to force her teenage daughter, who has Type 1 diabetes, to get vaccinated against COVID.
“She’s not had to wear a mask,” the girl’s mom says. “She doesn’t have to get vaccinated. She’s thriving on the tennis team, making straight A’s. I love the freedom of [vaccine] choice in Texas.”
But it’s not just conservatives looking for freedom who are migrating. NPR also profiled a family that left the conservative state Indiana for the liberal Austin, Texas. “We felt very out of place and very uncomfortable at times,” the liberal stay-at-home mom told NPR. “We were looking at blue cities because we wanted to be with our own people.” She also lamented being surrounded by Trump supporters. “We as Democrats felt very out of place. If people in public were talking about politics it was always a Trump view. We heard ‘Those damn liberals’ a lot.”
One curiosity I found in the NPR piece was that while the conservative migrators did so because they wanted more freedom than the liberal bastions they came from were giving them, the liberal migrators seemed to be more motivated by their desire for political homogeny. While the liberal woman who left Indiana for Austin did find more masking in the liberal city, she also gushed over the left-wing indoctrination her daughter is now getting in her new school. She bragged that her daughter is taking a social justice class and recently was given an assignment to pick an issue to protest, like ocean pollution, women’s rights, or LGBTQ rights.
This starkly contrasts Karol’s decision to leave the city she loved for Florida. She wasn’t fleeing for conservative politics: that clearly didn’t matter enough before. It was largely to give her kids the opportunity for education unencumbered by useless COVID restrictions—which, as we know, have contributed to educational and developmental delays.
“We can’t stay somewhere that treats children as an afterthought. We can’t stay somewhere that doesn’t fight for their own kids and the kids of their neighbors. We can’t wait for kids to get their childhood back and just hope for the best.”
It seems that in the end, conservatives are fleeing for opportunity and freedom, while liberals are fleeing because they just want to be around like-minded people. While this political migration is, unfortunately, causing more polarization, at least conservatives are motivated by more noble reasons.
Ukraine:Donbass, Ukraine:Crimea, Serbia:Kosovo, Bosnia and Hercegovina etc...

What the fuck you think will*/would happen? Have you been living under a rock for last 50 years? Federales would come in fast and hard and that is assuming there is actually a public support for secession and then you would have those "secessionist terrorists who are in fact Mexico agents" hunted and probably (knowing how you tend to deal with people all over the planet - and history) killed on sight.

*either saner parts of US will secede or globalists will win and there will be no more states per se but just "federal" aka tyrannical supreme government.
Texas came about 4 votes shy of 'Senator Beto' last election cycle. It isn't going anywhere these days. 30 years from now it'll be like Washington State today.

I grew up in WA. It was a fantastic state in the 90s. Then King County went full retard and had the votes to swing the entire state. Look at Dallas, Houston, Austin, and San Antonio and tell me that isn't on the verge of happening to TX now.
Texas came about 4 votes shy of 'Senator Beto' last election cycle. It isn't going anywhere these days. 30 years from now it'll be like Washington State today.

I grew up in WA. It was a fantastic state in the 90s. Then King County went full retard and had the votes to swing the entire state. Look at Dallas, Houston, Austin, and San Antonio and tell me that isn't on the verge of happening to TX now.
Basically this.

A buddy who live ins San Antonio tells me that every day INS drops off busloads of wetbacks in a park. Just cuts them floose to go. Considering all the liberals already there, do you really think they'd stop voting for 'Free Shit" if you vote dimocrap?
Unless we get our shit together. Texas and Louisiana will turn blue. Lets face it nobody did shit about a rigged Presidential election, the steal is in and it will continue unless something very drastic happens!
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Ukraine:Donbass, Ukraine:Crimea, Serbia:Kosovo, Bosnia and Hercegovina etc...

What the fuck you think will*/would happen? Have you been living under a rock for last 50 years? Federales would come in fast and hard and that is assuming there is actually a public support for secession and then you would have those "secessionist terrorists who are in fact Mexico agents" hunted and probably (knowing how you tend to deal with people all over the planet - and history) killed on sight.

*either saner parts of US will secede or globalists will win and there will be no more states per se but just "federal" aka tyrannical supreme government.
It's also, possible for something like Czechoslovakia were they split into two different countries peacefully. Okay, I jest. That would never happen here in the USA. The powers that be in Washington D.C. would never stand for it. It would be an all out war.
Texas came about 4 votes shy of 'Senator Beto' last election cycle. It isn't going anywhere these days. 30 years from now it'll be like Washington State today.

I grew up in WA. It was a fantastic state in the 90s. Then King County went full retard and had the votes to swing the entire state. Look at Dallas, Houston, Austin, and San Antonio and tell me that isn't on the verge of happening to TX now.

It wasn't that close, 215,000. We shall see in NOV if the new voting laws help that issue out. It should prevent some of the DEMs fraudulent votes.
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No need to secede, just ignore Federal over-reach and stupidity. Texas will become a "sanctuary" state. The only conrol the Federal government has is tax dollars, and Texas is a net contributor to the Federal government. In other words Texas pays more in Federal taxes than it receives from the Government...Texans are "givers" to the federal Government. As far as infrastructure goes, Texas is on it's own power grid and not dependant upon the Goverment for power. Texas also has it's own Port system with 367 miles (CRS) of coastline.

So, while secession brings a myriad of problems, Texas's ability to say "No, we're not doing that" is definitely doable and will be backed by the populace.
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You mean the same state that had a massive power grid failure because they privatized it??? And then they asked for Federal help???
Sure it sounds good to liberate ourselves from lefty or ideas we just don't like or believe in, But It simply isn't gonna work. Hurricane? no federal help, power grid no help and the list goes on.

AINT gonna happen.
The idea of Texas seceding is a conservative desire. Unfortunately, Texas will turn blue if (1) conservatives don't start truly courting Latino voters (including the ones here illegally that eventually get citizenship in whatever way), (2) black conservatives aren't elevated into high office and given voices beyond talking heads on podcasts and conservative news outfits, and (3) if Texas' current political entities do not pass law overtly protecting 1A and 2A (and the rest) and rule of law with swift consequence for attempting to go the other way. All of the above is not happening because the liberal population in Texas (the growing liberal population) is standing in the way with enough power to slow roll the conservative ideology to a stop. Texas conservatives need to begin opening their minds to what prevents undecideds and moderates from voting for them fast.

Texas's viability to secede from the union was 20 years ago. It's major cities are all liberal voting blocks, in particular Austin, which is effectively a California-style environment with cowboy boots. In the last few years, it has attracted a significant population of blue voters from tech companies.

If Texas seceded today, it would eventually suffer the same fate of becoming a liberal state and it would do so more quickly because there would be epic fights for power on both sides and the liberal ideology is more easily sold in the media (conservatives take away, liberals give away). If the media in Texas - in particular - was somehow "actual journalism" (unbiased), I would think maybe it could be done, but it's what people are fed, not what is actually the case that drives a society one direction or another. And, as you have seen, in the past few years, people have been fed hardy helpings of extremism. And now they are taking sides. And one side tends to be louder and more impactful than the other: the liberal side.
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The reality the Socialist in the US may hate Texas and everything we stand for, but they know that their BS programs would be in very bad shape without the economic and resourses that come from here.

As an example electricity. The big push for Texas to enter the the other power grids is a purely economic one on tbeir part. Approximately 40% of all power is generated via natural gas and 75% of that comes from Texas.

That would really hurt all of those electric cars in Kalifornia.
You mean the same state that had a massive power grid failure because they privatized it??? And then they asked for Federal help???
Sure it sounds good to liberate ourselves from lefty or ideas we just don't like or believe in, But It simply isn't gonna work. Hurricane? no federal help, power grid no help and the list goes on.

AINT gonna happen.
You mean Texas ignoring Federal mandates...it's already happened...especially at the local level.

Just one example. You can argue this is symbolic, an empty gesture, etc., but it is the law.
On June 15, 2021 Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) signed HB 957 into law, which disallows the enforcement of federal firearms law as applied to silencers or suppressors manufactured in Texas without the use of any parts imported from other states, and that remain within the borders of Texas.


...prohibits state agencies from enforcing or assisting in the enforcement of new federal gun laws. Aug 27, 2021
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You mean the same state that had a massive power grid failure because they privatized it??? And then they asked for Federal help???
Sure it sounds good to liberate ourselves from lefty or ideas we just don't like or believe in, But It simply isn't gonna work. Hurricane? no federal help, power grid no help and the list goes on.

AINT gonna happen.

I see you fell for the Socialist propaganda over the grid. The Socialist want Texas to join their grid to get cheaper power and to not have to send money to Texas.

The western power grid fails every summer because of the drain Kalifornia puts on it. That is why they want Texas in it. The northeastern power grid has rolling blackouts all of the time because of NYC and the other metropolitan areas up there.

Does the "news" report all of that stuff every time it happens?
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I see you fell for the Socialist propaganda over the grid. The Socialist want Texas to join their grid to get cheaper power and to not have to send money to Texas.

The western power grid fails every summer because of the drain Kalifornia puts on it. That is why they want Texas in it. The northeastern power grid has rolling blackouts all of the time because of NYC and the other metropolitan areas up there.
I wasn't arguing the validity of the grid or what they should do. I was pointing out that if failed and lots of people died and they begged for federal money when that happened.
Your wanting to argue a point that doesn't matter. I am saying if they leave the union sure you don't pay federal taxes, but you don't get aid either. And you would also probably lose all trading and dealing with the other 49 states.
It will never happen that 1 state leaves it just can't work.
I wasn't arguing the validity of the grid or what they should do. I was pointing out that if failed and lots of people died and they begged for federal money when that happened.
Your wanting to argue a point that doesn't matter. I am saying if they leave the union sure you don't pay federal taxes, but you don't get aid either. And you would also probably lose all trading and dealing with the other 49 states.
It will never happen that 1 state leaves it just can't work.

Not arguing the point either. And the people wanting money are the ones that always want money. I agree with that. My point is that with the money going out vs the request during a disaster would balance out on the Texas side. Output is greater then input even with a disaster ever once in a while.

I understand that it will never happen because of the economic impact to the rest of the country. It would be crippling.
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She bragged that her daughter is taking a social justice class and recently was given an assignment to pick an issue to protest, like ocean pollution, women’s rights, or LGBTQ rights.
I have a suggestion as to what issue to protest

Protest having to get assignments asking to pick an issue to protest.
Why don't we all just pool our money together and buy Greenland or Iceland. Bring more animals if they don't have what we need, Yukon moose or such.

Right to own firearms, absolute, no tax, fee, restrictions, if one is ever proposed the person is immediately beheaded.

All able-bodied males and females over 16 must know how to operate and carry a firearm and be able to prove proficiency if asked.
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Why don't we all just pool our money together and buy Greenland or Iceland. Bring more animals if they don't have what we need, Yukon moose or such.

Right to own firearms, absolute, no tax, fee, restrictions, if one is ever proposed the person is immediately beheaded.

All able-bodied males and females over 16 must know how to operate and carry a firearm and be able to prove proficiency if asked.

Because the locals there have effective immigration control and effective laws to prevent foreigners from buying up everything...
You can't buy up a country anymore, there is no more "empty land" that some greedy government hasn't already claimed
I was pointing out that if failed and lots of people died and they begged for federal money when that happened.

See that is also listening to too much propaganda.
"Lots of people died" is incorrect.

We had a once in a quarter century winter storm and a handful of people happened to die, about on par with the deaths you get when Houston and Austin are part underwater every couple years from rain storms and folks drive into depressions and drown.

You might as well try to get federal money anytime you can as a state and a "disaster" is a good excuse.

What they don't tell you is that the Federal government's regulations and heavy handed EPA are what caused the problem.
You mean Texas ignoring Federal mandates...it's already happened...especially at the local level.

Just one example. You can argue this is symbolic, an empty gesture, etc., but it is the law.
On June 15, 2021 Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) signed HB 957 into law, which disallows the enforcement of federal firearms law as applied to silencers or suppressors manufactured in Texas without the use of any parts imported from other states, and that remain within the borders of Texas.


...prohibits state agencies from enforcing or assisting in the enforcement of new federal gun laws. Aug 27, 2021
That is NOT symbolic. We fucking mean it. Feds will be arrested and prosecuted.
Texas came about 4 votes shy of 'Senator Beto' last election cycle. It isn't going anywhere these days. 30 years from now it'll be like Washington State today.

I grew up in WA. It was a fantastic state in the 90s. Then King County went full retard and had the votes to swing the entire state. Look at Dallas, Houston, Austin, and San Antonio and tell me that isn't on the verge of happening to TX now.
states need to move to electoral approach, been saying this for a long time
It is not hypothetical.

but it won’t solve our problems even if we did this.
Oh it’s totally hypothetical. It hasn’t happened yet in all these years, no one really gives a shit to do it and the voting transplants will see to it that it doesn’t happen.

Other than that, you would then have the fed.gov pull out all military assets that they could, OR leave them and engage in “getting Texas right again” from within while blockading the Gulf while using Mexico and every state along the gulf and land borders as a base of operations to quell the “insurgency”. It would take very little time to unfuck such a movement - it wouldn’t be like Afghanistan, Iraq or Vietnam as all of the power of the US military would be brought to bear against it and those behind it. The US needs the GDP of Texas to function and that alone would cause swift and decisive action.

Nothing about this is real or doable, despite what Sam Houston thought.
No hypotheticals, let’s do it. Let’s bring all of the middle of the country in too. That’s more than enough land, resources, & brain power to be the most productive country in the world
Oh it’s totally hypothetical. It hasn’t happened yet in all these years, no one really gives a shit to do it and the voting transplants will see to it that it doesn’t happen.

Other than that, you would then have the fed.gov pull out all military assets that they could, OR leave them and engage in “getting Texas right again” from within while blockading the Gulf while using Mexico and every state along the gulf and land borders as a base of operations to quell the “insurgency”. It would take very little time to unfuck such a movement - it wouldn’t be like Afghanistan, Iraq or Vietnam as all of the power of the US military would be brought to bear against it and those behind it. The US needs the GDP of Texas to function and that alone would cause swift and decisive action.

Nothing about this is real or doable, despite what Sam Houston thought.
I'd take the bet on Texas her vs the 'Fed' Gov't. Texas isn't NJ, MA, or any other pussified state
But it’s not just conservatives looking for freedom who are migrating. NPR also profiled a family that left the conservative state Indiana for the liberal Austin, Texas. “We felt very out of place and very uncomfortable at times,” the liberal stay-at-home mom told NPR. “We were looking at blue cities because we wanted to be with our own people.” She also lamented being surrounded by Trump supporters. “We as Democrats felt very out of place. If people in public were talking about politics it was always a Trump view. We heard ‘Those damn liberals’ a lot.”
So she wants to be where "her people" are but apparently hangs out where they aren't. Then seems to go one to say that there's a lot of Trump supporters and the Democrats feel out of place? Outnumbered? But how, when their current pick got more votes than anyone ever. Maybe she should move to the parts of the city where those Democrats live.
I'm with buffalowinter on this idea. It isn't necessary for Texas to secede, and there's no compelling reason for it. At least, not now.

Here are two points of fact to throw in to the discussion:

1. Texas, if considered as a separate economy, is now ranked 9th in the world. That puts it well ahead of Russia at #11. Now consider the capabilities Russia has. All of them. Not insinuating anything, just making the point that the wealth Texas generates and the technology and resources at it's disposal potentially gives Texas some pretty remarkable nation-state capabilities.

2. Texas is not turning blue any time soon; instead it's likely to turn more red. The Latino population in our state (as in other states like Florida) voted for Trump in both 2016 and 2020 in higher numbers than anyone predicted. In the Rio Grande Valley, which is Latino majority and has voted solidly and reliably Democrat since the dawn of time, the turn to the Republican Party in the past few election cycles has been remarkable, and it's been a change that started there at the grassroots level. That reflects the conservative trend of thought Latinos in Texas have shown in polling about a wide range of issues in recent years on subjects as diverse as religion, economics and national security. It's really not so much that Latinos have changed a great deal, but more that they've recognized that the Democratic Party doesn't represent their values and concerns any more. I think it's safe to say this trend will continue.

Just my 2¢.
It will all depend on what succession really means.

If the United States military removes all forces etc, Texas will fold in 2 minutes.

Look at the percentage of state budget received from the federal government it’s worse than many liberal states.

By pure percentage NY and several liberal states received less percentage of state budget than Texas.

If I remember 25% if not more (actually spending and pensions or jobs created by military.., car sales etc) of the Texas economy is from military spending. If that leaves with the walk out…not good
All this may fix it's self very soon anyway.
Some people vaxed.
Some people didn't.
Where is/are the higher numbers of vaxed people?
If it is true that the vaxed are going to die from blood clots repeat covid infections then the population of blue areas should decrease.
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