Hunting & Fishing I ADMIT, I drank the Kool Aid

B Man

Little Sergeant
Full Member
Dec 23, 2010
South side of Big River
And it was GOOD! I have became a believer

After two seasons of hunting and crop damage permits solely with my 308 win. and 178 Amax I hand roll I have come to a decision. I have come to love this little round and I am 100% now considered a FAN BOY!

I don't know if it's the ease of reloading, easily achieved precision accuarcey, very mild recoil, and just down right devistation on game.

I had the Whizzem magnumz bug for many years.

How many other like me held off shooting one and finally put one in the woods to the test?!
Re: I ADMIT, I drank the Kool Aid

Right there with you, B. All my deer this year are victims of the 178 AMAX from my .308. A grand total of zero steps taken after the shots. Easy to shoot, accurate as sh!t, and knocks em dead where they stand. My 7RM has not left the box this year.
Re: I ADMIT, I drank the Kool Aid

i mainly shoot 270wsm, but also some 270, 3006 and 7x64 ... after some time now, i'm starting to consider the 6.5x284
Re: I ADMIT, I drank the Kool Aid

Congrats on the successful hunts. As much as I shot all kinds of stuff in matches, I still stubbornly hunted with my Marlin 30-30 until 2011 rifle season. 2011 & 2012 I used the 6.5CM though I've started flinging sticks at them now too. I get more rush and excitement from taking any deer with a bow compared to the biggest I've ever shot with a rifle.

The 30-30 never let a deer walk, don't believe everything you hear about calibers "not sufficient to kill ________"

Congrats again on the successful seasons.
Re: I ADMIT, I drank the Kool Aid

Bohem, I agree about the stick and string. Went 2 years bow only testing my skills several years ago. I swacked alot of game that year and learned more in those two seasons than I already knew. Fun Fun with the stick!

Nah guys I just always looked down at the 308's performance based on the ballistics it had. I chose to shoot my 270 win & 7mm rem because of it's flatter trajectory and higher KE. But after 2 seasons with it I can see why so many hunt with them. On paper it's nothing eye popping, but on game it's just unreal. It flat out, out performs what it shows on paper. Even my daddy has became very fond over the guns performance. I shall look to the 308 gods for forgivness of having no faith in them for these past years! LOL

Another I would like to try now is the 6.5 creed
Re: I ADMIT, I drank the Kool Aid

between myself and all my hunting buddys we killed 17 deer this year. they took a grand total of 0 steps after being shot. all of us are shooting the same load. 178amax over varget and 210m. i would rather carry my little 308 than ay of my other rifles. welcome to the club
Re: I ADMIT, I drank the Kool Aid


The 6.5CM is a great hunting round and since it's my standard match caliber for the rest of the year I'm very comfortable with it from ground or tree stand. It's effective on deer and with the modern powders we have today I'm getting similar performance from the 22.5" barrel with a 140 Amax that the 6.5x55's were legendary for creating in Europe for the past 115 years. Plenty of power for anything hooved on this continent.

A good buddy of mine got 2 elk in MT with his last year, one was a shade under 600yd and went down in her tracks.

Re: I ADMIT, I drank the Kool Aid

Love my .308 warhorse and always will. It just plain gets her done....but since I drank the 6.5 creed koolaid I've been drunk as hell sunbathing and scorching the earth. It absolutely rules the short action world hands down in my it with the 140amax. Incredible!