I am looking for a bipod


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
  • Nov 8, 2023
    Poughkeepsie n. y.
    I have a Savage bench rest that is more than thirty years old. In the past I have always used a machine rest but now i want to put a bipod on it. Problem is no one in the gun sales business including Savage can tell me which one. On the bottom of the forearm in has a slot, the length of the forearm where it would go. I have been told a need an adapter to go from this slot to a pick rail. If anyone knows how to put a bibod on this reifle I would be grateful for any help you can provide.
    Thank you
    If your rail slot is like that of a Remington 40X, then one solution would be to buy the T-nuts to fit the slot and use these to bolt on either a Picatinny rail or an arca rail. The link below shows a Track Plate that can be installed for BR use, but if you call Whidden Gunworks, they will sell you just the T-nuts for a few dollars. I have now converted all my Picatinny rails to arca rails which can be purchased on eBay for a fraction of the cost for "gun market" specific products. Many currently available bipods will attach with either Picatinny or arca rails. The arca rail would likely be easier to mount and provide a sturdier attachment.
    PS - I also make my own bipods at a fraction of the cost of "gun market" specific bipods.
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    If your rail slot is like that of a Remington 40X, then one solution would be to buy the T-nuts to fit the slot and use these to bolt on either a Picatinny rail or an arca rail. The link below shows a Track Plate that can be installed for BR use, but if you call Whidden Gunworks, they will sell you just the T-nuts for a few dollars. I have now converted all my Picatinny rails to arca rails which can be purchased on eBay for a fraction of the cost for "gun market" specific products. Many currently available bipods will attach with either Picatinny or arca rails. The arca rail would likely be easier to mount and provide a sturdier attachment.
    PS - I also make my own bipods at a fraction of the cost of "gun market" specific bipods.
    I will look at that since I have a 40 x also. Thank you for the information
    I have asked OP for pics of his other rifle in another thread and he won’t post them so….

    People want help, but they don't want to help themselves.

    Are you referring to an Anshutz style rail?
    If so this was Google's first suggestion.

    Not sure what you need because frankly I’m not going to read all of this and no pics.
    But….this works for me on a Vanguard. Fits very tight and secure. Also I like their bipods.
    I'm guessing he has an older Savage tactical when they sold them in the Choate Ultimate Sniper or Ultimate Varmint stock.
    They have two style of adapters, one with a thumbscrew to lock it in place, the other locks in place when you tighten the bipod down.
    This is the same guy that has a thread about his short action M24 that he has promised photographs for a while now.
    Why are you giving the OP a hassle over his failure to post a pix to your schedule? If you have a problem with this and aren't going to help him without an image, just move on. What is your problem? - Have you no life? FYI - 1) Many people do not like to post online images of their firearms, and 2) Many people are not tech adept and posting an image presents a challenge. And 3) What he said. Sheesh!
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    Why are you giving the OP a hassle over his failure to post a pix to your schedule? If you have a problem with this and aren't going to help him without an image, just move on. What is your problem? - Have you no life? FYI - 1) Many people do not like to post online images of their firearms, and 2) Many people are not tech adept and posting an image presents a challenge. And 3) What he said. Sheesh!
    Lol at all this. Its a pic of rail on forend, that's not gonna give away his retirement location, sheeeeeesh! More than likely its an anchutz rail and depending on which bipod, a rail or sling swivel adapter is needed. Savage made a precision action bench rest and f class rifle starting maybe 15yrs back. If op's rifle is 30 yrs old as claimed, it could be a "homebuild" and who knows what slot is on it. There are a couple different sizes and styles, hence pictures and measurements would greatly help.

    Rider47, no offense, but you'd have lasted 10sec on the old SH days. If you think these replies are gruff or abrasive, good lord, if you saw replies to "which rings or height do I need" from the 09ish days, you'd wet yourself.
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    Reactions: TheBigCountry
    Lol at all this. Its a pic of rail on forend, that's not gonna give away his retirement location, sheeeeeesh! More than likely its an anchutz rail and depending on which bipod, a rail or sling swivel adapter is needed. Savage made a precision action bench rest and f class rifle starting maybe 15yrs back. If op's rifle is 30 yrs old as claimed, it could be a "homebuild" and who knows what slot is on it. There are a couple different sizes and styles, hence pictures and measurements would greatly help.

    Rider47, no offense, but you'd have lasted 10sec on the old SH days. If you think these replies are gruff or abrasive, good lord, if you saw replies to "which rings or height do I need" from the 09ish days, you'd wet yourself.
    Thank You for that.
    Why are you giving the OP a hassle over his failure to post a pix to your schedule? If you have a problem with this and aren't going to help him without an image, just move on. What is your problem? - Have you no life? FYI - 1) Many people do not like to post online images of their firearms, and 2) Many people are not tech adept and posting an image presents a challenge. And 3) What he said. Sheesh!