I wish I could say you were wrong. But I have a feeling you may be on to something.
Personally, I had to leave school. I simply wasn't learning anything. I was in advanced programs and was set to advance every other grade starting at grade 4 (so I was only going to be going to the even grades, clepping out of odd numbers). Both parents were college graduates in the sciences, my father was a hotshot engineer. Parents got divorced, that went to shit, I ended up in a bad city school with my grandmother, who wasn't book smart but had everything else in spades. She really saved my life, kept me steered on a good track through the storm.
I essentially quit school --at age 13, but had to mark time for 3 more years. I worked those years, didn't go to school. Spent hours and hours at the awesome public library we had. Studied things in and in-depth way I never would have been able to do at school. Missed an entire year before they called the cops. When I quit, I made a deal with the judge to get my HS diploma. He didn't think I could do it. I used his own paperwork to forward to the Education Dept. (I knew how to work the system young) and said it was a court order, they had to comply. It wasn't a court order for them, but they never figured it out. So I took the GED test but got a real HS diploma. At age 16, so I graduated late actually... Never made it to HS, never went one day in grade 9.
But it didn't stop me. I went on to rise at the top of my career, quit that early and joined up 11B before I got too old, rose to SDM instructor (favorite job ever; would do it for free) and finally got out and went back to school and studied mathematics at the highest levels. No longer give a fuck about paper, I went to school long past my graduation date, still don't have the diplomas. Don't care anymore. I only went to learn. I only ever went to learn. It makes me different, but different is lonely.
The moral of this is I was surrounded with the indoctrinated youth of my generation x. Look at my generation now. They are lost. I'm an anomaly. I don't fit in with them, and their fucking kids are even more alien to me. Best way to put it is, "It does what it's told!" So yeah, don't get your expectations up for the rest of the 21st century. My generation has been indoctrinated completely and they know exactly how to pass that along...