I have no words….


Full Member
Jun 28, 2013

As someone who occasionally posts in defense of the boys in blue, I have to bring this fucking idiot to light. I hope his fucking asshole rots out at least one year before he dies. What the actual fuck? Water them, feed them, then kill them. Fucking asshole!
Zero people were stepping up to take care of the dogs and they were getting loose and going after livestock. So, where is all the great wailing and gnashing of teeth when outfitters provide trucks with upper platforms and rental IRs to go after coyotes, which are also canids? In fact, contrary to dog food advertising, dogs are closer to coyotes than they are to wolves.

I am a dog lover. And the system failed. And not just with this deputy. Where is the outrage when these dogs sit in a shelter and then get euthanized?

It's not as if the deputy enjoyed doing this. The recording said, "God, this is going to suck."

So, go ahead and ask God about it.
I am a dog lover, and I value a good dog more than most humans.

I deal with multiple packs of strays on my ranch every year. I've lost calves, caught them attacking calves, caught them going after my barn cats, and they run the deer that I'm trying to hunt on my place. I've even had the leader of a pack of 4 RUN UP ON ME and bristle when I was checking trail cams once.

I have two little girls that play outside. My calves are selling for crazy prices, and I have my own pets to worry about.

My rule is: if it is by itself and has a collar, I will try to catch it a dog and return it to its owner...dogs in packs and aren't collared are given the coyote treatment. It is a hell of a lot more humane than they are to my cattle.

It used to bother me, but I kill so many every year that I'm pretty numb to it now.


Edited to add: didn't read the article, and have no opinions otherwise about it.
The difference between the dogs and the inner city hood rats is the inner city hood rats are still humans. Big assed difference. People get tired of their 'pets' and just drive them out in the desert and turn them loose. Do you want to die a horrible death? Have zero survival skills and get taken out in the desert and turned loose. If you don't get killed by the wild life, then you either starve to death or die of exposure. Have you ever seen someone (or animal) who has died of exposure? Not just pictures of it late at night on the ascpa commercials, I mean actually seen where the finally died. Exposure in the desert is a nasty way to go. I'd rather freeze to death because you go in your sleep. Heat exposure is brutal, convulsions, delirium, swollen tongue, and finally if the one upstairs is merciful, death. The the buzzards get you, or the coyotes, or the cats and then years later some hiker discovers your bones.

The cop was shooting strays? That's far more humane then letting them roam the desert.

I've lived here for 70 years. The desert southwest is the most beautiful place on earth, but it has no quarters for the weak or un-initiated.

Sounds to me like the deputy did about all he could have done. This was always the way in these circumstances in the world I lived in before the world went crazy. Too bad, so sad, owners were losers, it's a shame, blah, blah, blah. I don't hate animals but... they're animals.
My exact thoughts: before it hurts someone, I'll put it down if it's acting like an untrained animal.
Everybody is up in arms about a guy killing 7 abandoned stray dogs.

Not fucking one of you would have taken one home. You aren't being honest with yourselves here. Is it better to take them to the pound, spend tax dollars feeding and caring for them for the next 6 months, and then have them executed?

Men have become so fucking weak. This weak shit right here is why we will lose this country. What you're really bothered by is the same thing that bothers anti-hunters. They will eat a steak with a smile, but the idea of you killing an animal for food is barbaric. See, they aren't really opposed to the violence, they just want to pretend it isn't happening. They don't have the stomach for reality. Fucking weak. There are over 300 dogs in my local shelter, and 80% of them are pit mixes that will never be adopted. Better to shoot them now.
If the county did not have an "animal control" office, I'd have preferred them to seek "mutual aid" from a nearby county that does have animal control. Or, perhaps, call a private rescue to come get them. Shooting them in that manner should be the absolute last resort. I mean, it's not like they were roaming free and attacking humans.
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I'll start worrying about stray dogs when all the kids get to eat dinner before they go to sleep.

Until then, fuck a bunch of stray dogs.

We live in the country, 15+ miles from the nearest town. Dogs and cats that get dumped "for a better life in the country" are a daily issue here, and are met with a bullet every time the opportunity arises. Just like we do with coyotes.

Since we try to be nice to our neighbors, we don't shoot the ones with collars, even when they are more trouble than the strays.
Zero people were stepping up to take care of the dogs and they were getting loose and going after livestock. So, where is all the great wailing and gnashing of teeth when outfitters provide trucks with upper platforms and rental IRs to go after coyotes, which are also canids? In fact, contrary to dog food advertising, dogs are closer to coyotes than they are to wolves.

I am a dog lover. And the system failed. And not just with this deputy. Where is the outrage when these dogs sit in a shelter and then get euthanized?

It's not as if the deputy enjoyed doing this. The recording said, "God, this is going to suck."

So, go ahead and ask God about it.

Very well said!
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Some of you dudes get so emotional about fucking dogs (was that a freudian or did I just suggest you fuck dogs?).
For every one a cop kills there is another 50 billion of them out there, some good, most not.
I could not count the amount of Karen's I've come across with a completely untrained yap mutt that needs killed....and the bitch's always try to talk to the damn rodent dog like it understands english.
Da fuk ?

Don't care, kill another 50 dogs, won't make the world better, or worse.
Won't make a dent in dog population either.

How many of you mofos have gone fishing, caught a fish and then released it.....only for it to turn belly up and die ?
It's the same damn thing.
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Everybody is up in arms about a guy killing 7 abandoned stray dogs.

Not fucking one of you would have taken one home. You aren't being honest with yourselves here. Is it better to take them to the pound, spend tax dollars feeding and caring for them for the next 6 months, and then have them executed?

Men have become so fucking weak. This weak shit right here is why we will lose this country. What you're really bothered by is the same thing that bothers anti-hunters. They will eat a steak with a smile, but the idea of you killing an animal for food is barbaric. See, they aren't really opposed to the violence, they just want to pretend it isn't happening. They don't have the stomach for reality. Fucking weak. There are over 300 dogs in my local shelter, and 80% of them are pit mixes that will never be adopted. Better to shoot them now.
I would drive 40 miles round trip every day to feed a GSD someone had dumped at a ranch gate outside of Austin. I also built him a doghouse to stay in during an ice storm until he finally trusted me to pet and rescue him. He became my mom's loyal companion the rest of his life.

The ranch owner would drive right past him, starving in the sleet and not lift a finger to help him. At least he didnt shoot him. Thats why I hate most people. including redneck trash in Dripping Springs, TX. I don't care if the Californians crowd them out until they go extinct. They're both disgusting.
Some of you dudes get so emotional about fucking dogs (was that a freudian or did I just suggest you fuck dogs?).
For every one a cop kills there is another 50 billion of them out there, some good, most not.
I could not count the amount of Karen's I've come across with a completely untrained yap mutt that needs killed....and the bitch's always try to talk to the damn rodent dog like it understands english.
Da fuk ?

Don't care, kill another 50 dogs, won't make the world better, or worse.
Won't make a dent in dog population either.

How many of you mofos have gone fishing, caught a fish and then released it.....only for it to turn belly up and die ?
It's the same damn thing.
All that is extremely telling,... and one of the reasons I have more compassion for animals that most so called humans. Especially those who think they are above everyone else.
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At least it was dogs. If it were cats, then the dude should fry!
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I would drive 40 miles round trip every day to feed a GSD someone had dumped at a ranch gate outside of Austin. I also built him a doghouse to stay in during an ice storm until he finally trusted me to pet and rescue him. He became my mom's loyal companion the rest of his life.

The ranch owner would drive right past him, starving in the sleet and not lift a finger to help him. At least he didnt shoot him. Thats why I hate most people. including redneck trash in Dripping Springs, TX. I don't care if the Californians crowd them out until they go extinct. They're both disgusting.
Our local pet shelter has a bunch of strays you can help with. They euthanize on the 15th of each month.

Id say where, but then youd be wishing californians on us.

Get a grip dude! Everyone loves dogs, but they are just animals. We kill all kinds of animals each day. You want to come weep for the bugs on my windshield?
All that is extremely telling,... and one of the reasons I have more compassion for animals that most so called humans. Especially those who think they are above everyone else.
Ah, stupidity squared.

Here's a lesson, JUNIOR.

Dogs are tools, they can be an advanced warning system, they can provide some protection, and they can help you provide sustenance (via hunting skills).
It's like a horse can provide transportation and help you move heavy shit.
A goat can mow your lawn.
A chicken can provide eggs and keep down the bug population.

The fact that YOU want to have one that sits in your lap is disturbing.
That you want one to act as a human is another very disturbing thing.
Perhaps it would be a good thing if one could talk back to you and tell you how fucked in the head you really are.

Chomos should die, painfully, slowly, and with extreme prejudice.
No matter what the living thing is that you desire to have sitting in your lap is......your fondling it is a sickness and you should seek treatment.
Ah, stupidity squared.

Here's a lesson, JUNIOR.

Dogs are tools, they can be an advanced warning system, they can provide some protection, and they can help you provide sustenance (via hunting skills).
It's like a horse can provide transportation and help you move heavy shit.
A goat can mow your lawn.
A chicken can provide eggs and keep down the bug population.

The fact that YOU want to have one that sits in your lap is disturbing.
That you want one to act as a human is another very disturbing thing.
Perhaps it would be a good thing if one could talk back to you and tell you how fucked in the head you really are.

Chomos should die, painfully, slowly, and with extreme prejudice.
No matter what the living thing is that you desire to have sitting in your lap is......your fondling it is a sickness and you should seek treatment.
Thank you. You have just reinforced what everyone has said about you, and your fucked up logic.
Ah, stupidity squared.

Here's a lesson, JUNIOR.

Dogs are tools, they can be an advanced warning system, they can provide some protection, and they can help you provide sustenance (via hunting skills).
It's like a horse can provide transportation and help you move heavy shit.
A goat can mow your lawn.
A chicken can provide eggs and keep down the bug population.

The fact that YOU want to have one that sits in your lap is disturbing.
That you want one to act as a human is another very disturbing thing.
Perhaps it would be a good thing if one could talk back to you and tell you how fucked in the head you really are.

Chomos should die, painfully, slowly, and with extreme prejudice.
No matter what the living thing is that you desire to have sitting in your lap is......your fondling it is a sickness and you should seek treatment.

You know, I started to find myself agreeing with your post...then you went all off the deep end and demonstrated why your username is somewhat of a misnomer/oxymoron.

While I agree that dogs make very useful tools, somehow it was overlooked that one of those tools is a comforting item in various forms. Whether it be a seeing eye dog for the blind, a dog that detects the onset of seizures, an emotional support dog for a veteran who got blown the F up 6 times, a motivational factor to get out and exercise instead of be a slug in his/her house...or even a little lap dog that now resides with grandma/grandpa and fills the void of family members who have moved on (and a lack of worthwhile human interaction).

I have at least 20 elderly widows with little lap dogs who come in and do everything they can to keep their little poof ball in good health...Their dog replaces a sick spouse who died and left a hole in the survivor's life. *At no point does it make that person a "chomo" to have a living creature that is still dependent upon them and provides some level of interaction. Or - I guess that person should just sit there and stare at a wall all day?

While I agree with you about the road pedophiles should take to their demise, I fail to understand how that is translated to include people with lap dogs.. Please feel free to educate me, and if I made an error in tying in your two positions, I will be glad to edit my post.
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Feral Cats Make Good Hats!

My old cat, Misty, was a brown and black tiger stripe tabby. She was given me some attitude one day and I said, "you better watch it or I will take to Russia and make a hat out of you."

She calmed down, as if she understood.
Ah, stupidity squared.

Here's a lesson, JUNIOR.

Dogs are tools, they can be an advanced warning system, they can provide some protection, and they can help you provide sustenance (via hunting skills).
It's like a horse can provide transportation and help you move heavy shit.
A goat can mow your lawn.
A chicken can provide eggs and keep down the bug population.

The fact that YOU want to have one that sits in your lap is disturbing.
That you want one to act as a human is another very disturbing thing.
Perhaps it would be a good thing if one could talk back to you and tell you how fucked in the head you really are.

Chomos should die, painfully, slowly, and with extreme prejudice.
No matter what the living thing is that you desire to have sitting in your lap is......your fondling it is a sickness and you should seek treatment.
I rescue a dog when I can. Unfortunately....you can't rescue all of them.
A properly placed bullet is just as humane as a vets needle.
Its a hit piece.
You don't believe a damn thing the MSM says...until your emotions get triggered.

Again....you can't rescue them all. Rural areas don't often have shelters and resources to handle these problems "properly". Whatever the fuck some of yall think that is.
Those dogs would have been euthanized by whatever sort of animal shelter they went to even if someone rescued them. The owners could even be fucked looking after them when they were there and abandoned them last year.

Don't blame the owners, or their useless neighbor that enabled them, or even the news that sell you the story. No, blame the poor cunt that had to shoot 7 out of 9 dogs.
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As someone who occasionally posts in defense of the boys in blue, I have to bring this fucking idiot to light. I hope his fucking asshole rots out at least one year before he dies. What the actual fuck? Water them, feed them, then kill them. Fucking asshole!
I slept with my dog for 17 years. I loved him dearly. And dogs in general. But I have also killed a dog that needed to be killed. It ain't easy. And it causes a lot of hard feelings. But it is a mean world, and you have to do what you have to do and use your best judgement at the time. No matter how it goes, people who were not there will bitch.

Read the article before you comment.

It's shitty but the guy manned up.

Before you start spewing righteous indignation, let us know what you would have done.
