Re: I just picked up a CZ 455 .22LR
The poly magazines function well.
Only problem is the rate of fire when using one.
Found that the single shot 22lr adapter from CZ saved money
and improved my accuracy by forcing me to slow down my shooting.
A worthwhile purchase for your 455 also. Only thing to watch for
is over tightening the rear mag housing screw, the screw that
holds the bolt guide in place. Had the rear housing mount split
even though only 10 inch lbs of torque was applied. A weakness
when using plastic for a mag housing. CZ-USA replaced it, no charge.
Talking to customer support at CZ-USA, one of the gunsmiths
recommended not using the torque wrench on the mag well screws.
Tighten until the well makes contact with the receiver
then 1/8 turn more. If the plastic starts to distort, it's too tight.