I love my 17 super win mag rim fire

VQ has never shown me much and at 17 Whizzum operating pressures,I'd avoid a blowback and fixate a piston.

Have an Alexander Arms Hummer enroute and will be curious to see how it does.

I have no experience with them, have never shot with one but do know someone who has one who likes his so I posted the link. Pricey for sure. I wouldn't have one, or any other WSM for that matter, as it locks me into buying factory ammo and it's out performed by the 20 cal center fires. I like the 204 that pushes 20g projectiles upwards of 4000fps and that I can reload. But different strokes for different folks.
"The 204 never showed me much,as the 223AI slaps it silly. 204's are fairweather play toys."

I didn't mean to hurt your feelings LOL. I did say different strokes for different folks so if you like the WSM good for you. Slaps it silly is a ridiculous statement as it's a different tool. It's only advantageous if you're shooting 40gr and higher. At any rate I have one and a 243 AI as well. And, in case you didn't know, they're all play toys.

Have a nice day.
Just picked one up today. A Savage. It's built better than expected. I don't especially like the magazine though. Kinda chincy but if it works, WTH.