Looking for a quality smith to rebarrel my dads SEI M1A. He had it custom built back in the early 80s for high power competion by Scott Medishia(?). That man has since passed away. My dad put a new op rod and springs in 12-15 years ago but maybe shot it 300 times sinse then mainly for load development and hunting. If I'm thinking right all that needs to be done is a barrel swap all other parts currently on the rifle are in working condition and should not need to be replaced. Ulitimitly this rifle will be passed down to me soon as my dad hasn't shot a rifle in a few years. I'll be ordering a barrel here soon to send to the smith with the rifle. Is there anything else I should buy prior to sending off? I'm planning to buy a Sage EBR chassis also as thats what my dads plan were for it. I've talked to Chad at LRI but he don't mess with M1As he was my first choice.