I need details, not one word Reports


HMFIC of this Shit
Staff member
  • Apr 12, 2001
    Base of the Rockies
    You guys are really testing the limits,

    When you report someone, saying "scammer" tells me absolutely fucking NOTHING

    Sometimes it's obvious, other times it's not, if the IP is US, the Email is mostly normal looking, and they UPGRADED there is no evidence we have scammer so how do you expect us to rule on it. Scammers will report legit accounts to mess with the system so here we are...

    I need details, what made you consider this guys a scammer ? There is no edit on the account saying he was hacked, no crossed accounts like scammers like to do, so again, you all just saying Scammer makes it harder than it has to be.

    I need reasons, cause if you stop giving reason, I stop paying attention. I make a cursory look see nothing and figure you are the problem not them.

    Please provide details in the report, scammer says nothing at all