I presently have the good fortune to own a NOX 18 and a SkeetIR-L. I’m getting a bit long in the tooth and to me the images are really close to my eyes. I have the chance at a second SkeetIR-L. The Skeet is Soooo seductive to me, and the thought of dual HMT’s is really driving this conundrum. I have Not been able to use either the NOX or the Skeet for hunting yet. My hunting is all predator hunting. So….For those that have used these two, would you sell the NOX and go dual Skeets, or forgo the dual HMT’s? Hunting mainly out west, so wide open country. Hay fields and occasional sage. Will I be selling myself short by moving the NOX? Anyway, if you have the time, please let me know your thoughts. I should add that I’m running dual MUM-14’s for my NODs and pairing up just one Skeet with them is Very nice!
I presently have the good fortune to own a NOX 18 and a SkeetIR-L. I’m getting a bit long in the tooth and to me the images are really close to my eyes. I have the chance at a second SkeetIR-L. The Skeet is Soooo seductive to me, and the thought of dual HMT’s is really driving this conundrum. I have Not been able to use either the NOX or the Skeet for hunting yet. My hunting is all predator hunting. So….For those that have used these two, would you sell the NOX and go dual Skeets, or forgo the dual HMT’s? Hunting mainly out west, so wide open country. Hay fields and occasional sage. Will I be selling myself short by moving the NOX? Anyway, if you have the time, please let me know your thoughts. I should add that I’m running dual MUM-14’s for my NODs and pairing up just one Skeet with them is Very nice!