I really like the new look of the website.


Full Member
Sep 1, 2014
Howdy! from Quebec City, Canada.

I joined sniper's hide a while ago but never went as far as completing my new member introduction.

Taking advantage of a snowy day, I guess it's time to remedy to that little glitch since I've been searching for a lot of informations on your website.

I've been in the military (Canadian Army) for 27 years and I just retired on the 20th of February 2020.

I am an avid shooter and I've been in charge, as a 2I/C, Coach and shooter, of my division combat shooting team as well as the Canadian combat shooting team in many occasions from 2010 till 2019 (4 times Bisley, UK / 3 times Australia / 1 time Arkansas, USA).

I am currently an instructor with a shooting school named Long Range Academy which is located here in the province of Quebec, Canada.

One last thing for the members here is keep up with the good work on sniper's hide, you're all helping to grow the shooters community and to Frank Galli thank you very much for producing such great content on your podcast the everyday sniper which I'm really fond of.