DATABASE: ABC15 finds 1,800 officers on AZ ‘Brady’ lists
More than 1,800 law enforcement officials are now on “Brady” lists across Arizona, according to an unprecedented database compiled by ABC15.

In an earlier post I stated , from older data that there were 1594 Brady List officers in the state of AZ.
A state wide audit last year puts the number at 1,800.
So my figure of 4.3% of all sworn officers in the state being criminals and pathological liars was incorrect- the percentage is actually higher than that .
So I was wrong someone called me on it so I’m making a correction and admitting my error .
And to the second point my critic made - “who cares?” A small list of who may care- 1. Tax payers in AZ
2.people traveling to AZ.
3. Anyone roughed up, jammed up or killed by a known piece of shit still employed by the state.
4. People in other states where many of these pieces of shit worked before and when fired AZ actively recruited,
5. Anyone that fondly remembers our former Constitutional Republic and hates the current multi tiered justice industry.
6. Any decent officer forced to work with bags of shit who well could and do get them jammed up.
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