Very cool, if not wildly impractical. It was actually the cocking piece/safety know thing that was an immediate giveaway for me. Get us a range report ASAP!
"Wildly impractical"? Please elaborate??
On my personal rifles, I modify the cocking piece- turning it down, as well as shortening it, to reduce weight and improve lock time.
The customer that owns this particular rifle will be shooting factory ammo- so I don't expect bugholes (and these customers are told the same).
Re-barrels done for handloading customers are typically done with .308 bore- Shilen, Douglas, McGowen, Krieger- as it's just an expander ball changeout in the sizing die to use .308 boolits.
These rifles typically shoot in the 3/4 moa range, and the huge selection of bullets allows for much more flexibility in application and load development.
I'd never compare them to a "precision" rifle built off a Stiller or Defiance...but my customer base is those that want a capable/accurate long-range rifle that's completely different than what everyone else has. I ignore the ignorance/ I know the real-world results, as well as the actual history of the action/rifle when built with a quality barrel/stock, Won the Olympic Biathlon in '76 (6.5 x 54R- my next build

), and the Finns used them for competition shooting (M28/76) for years as well as a still-in-service DM rifle for the Finnish Defence Forces (TKIV-85).
So, while it may be "wildly impractical" in your opinion- those that wants a one-off, no one else owns one- would disagree.