Im going to be rich!!!!!!!

308 Newb

Full Member
Feb 24, 2006
Dallas TX
Just got this email, must be my lucky day...The shopping list for SHOT just got bigger

Dear sir/madam,

I am Mrs. SUHA TAWIL ARAFAT, the wife of YASSER ARAFAT, the Palestinian
leader who died recently in Paris. Since his death and even prior to the
announcement, I have been thrown into a state of antagonism, confusion,
humiliation, frustration and hopelessness by the present leadership of the
Palestinian Liberation Organization and the new Prime Minister.

I have even been subjected to physical and psychological torture. As a
window that is so traumatized, I have lost confidence with everybody in
the country at the moment. You must have heard over the media reports and
the Internet on the discovery of some fund in my husband secret bank
account and companies and the allegations of some huge sums of money
deposited by my husband in my name of which I have refuses to disclose or
give up to the corrupt Palestine Government.

You must have heard over the media reports and the Internet on the
discovery of some fund in my husband secret bank account and companies and
the allegations of some huge sums of money deposited by my husband in my
name of which I have refuses to disclose or give up to the corrupt
Palestine Government. In fact the total sum allegedly discovered by the
Government so far is in the tune of about $6.5 Billion Dollars. And they
are not relenting on their effort to make me poor for life. As you know,
the Moslem community has no regards for woman, hence my desire for a
foreign assistance. You can visit the BBC news broadcast below for better
understanding of what I am talking about:

I have deposited the sum of 22.5 million dollars with a financial firm in
Europe whose name is withheld for now until we open communication. I shall
be grateful if you could receive this fund into your bank account for safe
keeping and any Investment opportunity. This arrangement will be known to
you and I alone and all our correspondence should be strictly on email
alone because our government has tapped all my lines and are monitoring
all my moves.

In view of the above, if you are willing to assist for our mutual
benefits, we will have to negotiate on your Percentage share of the 22.5
million dollars that will be kept in your position for a while and
invested in your name for my trust pending when my Daughter,Zahwa,will
come off age and take full responsibility of her Family

Please note that this is a golden opportunity that comes once in life time
and more so, if you are honest, I am going to entrust more funds in your
care as this is one of the legacy we keep for our children. In case you
don't accept please do not let me out to the security and international
media as I am giving you this information in total trust and confidence. I
will greatly appreciate if you accept my proposal in good faith.

Please expedite action.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs. Suha Tawil Arafat.
Re: Im going to be rich!!!!!!!

I cleared 137.6 million last year ........ on paper anyhow . I just have to send them another $25,000 to bribe the proper officials in Nigeria and I am set for life . The Mrs. has been shopping for homes in the Caymans she is so excited .
Re: Im going to be rich!!!!!!!

My favorite thing to do with these scumbags is to tell them that I'm really interested in helping them out, but because of all the internet fraud, I'll only send the cash if they call me to confirm this is a legit deal.

Then I give them the number to the FBI's internet fraud offices. I've had a few who emailed me asking if I worked for the FBI and told them that they were about to be arrested by Interpol for international internet fraud. That usually stopped the emails.
Re: Im going to be rich!!!!!!!

im still amazed people fall for these and go through with them especially after all the things people have said about these scams....either way they really crack me up haha
Re: Im going to be rich!!!!!!!

Oh yea, try the new approach going around :}

Hi there,

How are you doing today? I am Kenneth P_______, a US Marine currently serving in Iraq. I am actually one of the few Marines remaining in Iraq. We are waiting for executive order for our next deployment to Afghanistan this new year. I got your email from a business directory and I believe that you will maintain the level of confidence and trust that this mission I am about to inform you of require. Several months ago, my unit discovered some abandoned cash in the mansion of a militant ruler during a covert military raid. The total cash we discovered was $11.5 Million USD. We stashed all the funds in one trunk box and moved it secretly out of Iraq to Kuwait for safekeeping. We waited for several months to ensure that nobody is on our trail. Now, we need to move the money out of Kuwait. I am contacting you because we need your assistance in receiving the box for us on our behalf, and securing the cash until we return home from service. Please note that we cannot use any of our known relative or friend for this

1. Your Full name
2. The address where you want the box to be delivered
3. Your private telephone number where you can be reached 24 hours

If for some reasons you don't want to or can't help us, I want you to delete this message immediately and assume we never had this conversation. However, if you are going to fully cooperate with us in this transaction, we will compensate you with 25% of the total cash after the mission is accomplished. Like I said earlier, we are a GO and waiting for your response. This is a very serious deal and I wouldn't be asking for your help if I am not convinced that this is not going to bring any harm to you or your family, or put you in a risky position. We have worked the kinks out and am very convinced this is gonna be successful.

Once we get a positive response from you with the info requested, we will proceed into the next step and I will give you further instructions. I hope I can rely on your sense of discretion. Write back soon buddy. Wishing you a prosperous new year.

In God we trust,


[email protected]

Gives new meaning to Adapt, Improvise, Overcome huh? :}~
Re: Im going to be rich!!!!!!!

Haaa, thats awesome! Buy me a new rifle with your new cash.

You fools can get scammed by Nigerians all day long. I KNOW my guy was legit, he said he was from Greece. My 5.5 mil is in the mail baybee!!
Re: Im going to be rich!!!!!!!

SOme reporter did a special on this - some 15 year old kid with about 100lbs of goldchains, a Mercedes Benz, lives in Nigeria and goes to the cafe every day to use their wireless.

I'm thinking it's a GREAT place to train a first time sniper -

The first time I saw one of these back in 1995 I began a conversation just to see if I could put my new tracking skills to work..

Nowdays it's harder...but not impossible.

I had a russian girlfriend online too, she wanted me to pay her way here...LOL -
Re: Im going to be rich!!!!!!!

Hey I got a very similar e-mail from a Chinese general for $12 milion! I didn't even need to send him any money to get mine. All I had to do was send him my address and social security number. I gonna be rich baby!!
Re: Im going to be rich!!!!!!!

nah thats a scam, its only legit if they promise it is.. when i get my millions, any day now, im gonna buy a .10 moa rifle, this thing will do such tight groups that a 10 shot group will leave a .22 sized hole at 2000 yards, and thats shooting .50 cal, offhand, while drinking a Heineken
Re: Im going to be rich!!!!!!!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: PadronAniversary</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><span style="font-weight: bold">wow i actually read that whole bukakke thing. that is hilarious !</span> I used to get the scammers to send fake checks to work all the time. I am a multi millionaire many times over </div></div>

Me too. lol! funny shit!