I'm so ashamed


Full Member
May 14, 2012
winfield, wv usa
I hate to admit it, but I paid $23.99 today for a Fed. 525 bulk pack. And I'd have bought more but my LGS would only sell me one! Granted, this is less than I've seen it go for elsewhere, but the last pack I bought was $16.99.

How much are you guys having to pay when/if you can find it?
Around here we would be happy to even find any 22lr ammo, glad you found some. I had to buy some 22 match ammo on GB and paid $175 for 1000 rounds. I stocked up on bulk packs after the last Obama scare in 09 and have a lifetime supply of it, but not match ammo.
A nearby Academy has been getting regular ammo shipments. Tuesday morning I picked up a Plano bulk pack of CCI Mini-Mags for $99.99. It was $69.99 at Wal Mart last summer so I didn't think it was too high considering it is 1600 rounds. I can't find match ammo or sub-sonics anywhere.
7 days ago I paid 8cents a round for CCI blazers (5000 rounds), and 2 days ago I paid 4cents a round for another (5000) rounds. I keep a close eye on availability, and it seems that it's becoming more available.

Another thing I'm doing is keeping record of companies who are raising prices, and I'm not shopping with them now, or in the future. Lucky Gunner, and CTD is the biggest culprit for marking up the prices, but the ones I will support in the future are:

The ones listed above have kept prices at pre-panic levels, while others have doubled.
If I understand the latest new I read this morning about the latest gun control proposals, they seem to be running out of steam which should mean an early end to this lack of ammo to be found. How prices will be effected is anyone's guess, but remember - if the manufactures have been working around the clock to try and keep some kind of supply out there for us, then prices will no doubt be higher then we were use to, simply because someone has to pick up the tab for the over-head and over time invested by the manufactures.

I would also bet that when this latest panic buying craze is over, we will see a second wave of panic buying by those who couldn't find ammo the first time around in this lates panic buying episode and that will lead to the lock in of higher prices on the shelf when the 2nd wave of panic buying ends. I seriously doubt we'll ever see the prices we saw 3 to 4 months ago, again.

Just my two cents worth, and I'd agree - at this point that $23.99 for the 525 round Fed bulk pack doesn't seem that bad.
Lucky up here in Canada. The shortage is not expected to hit here till April or so according to my dealer, as it has taken them that long to run down their existing stock. In Canada dealers tend to purchase on a twice yearly basis instead of monthly as they do in the 'States.
Prices are also not expect to go up till then.
Last weekend I picked up 2000 rounds of Blazer, 2000 of American Eagle and 500 of Remington Accutip .22WMR.
Hoping this gets me through the summer shortage.
.22lr ammo is not available at any stores around here. I would pay $23.99 in a heart beat for a 525 bulk pack. I found CCI Mini mags for $9 (100 round box) and bought the last box that was available about a month ago. Consider yourselves lucky and do not be ashamed. haha